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That's How We Do It!
by Scott F. Guinn

#3 Comedy Magic author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★

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That's How We Do It! by Scott F. Guinn

You begin by explaining and demonstrating an old stunt known as "coin snatching." You explain that this is actually a very competitive pursuit, complete with its own competitions and world records. You relate an experience you had at one such competition, demonstrating the action as you proceed:

A cocky New Yorker claimed he had a new, much more challenging technique for coin snatching, going horizontally rather than vertically. After successfully demonstrating his technique with a stack of quarters, you remark that he then exclaimed, "I'm from Brooklyn, and that's how we do it!"

One bystander, a Chinese competitor, declared that this was nothing new; they had been doing this in his country for years. So saying you demonstrate the same technique, but when you open your hand, the quarters have changed to large Chinese coins! You explain that the Chinese man then cried, "I'm from Beijing, and that's how WE do it!"

You remark that you felt you had to interject yourself into the demonstration. You place the stack of Chinese coins on your elbow and catch them with the more difficult horizontal technique, just as the other two men did. You then proclaim, "Well, I'm a magician, and THAT'S how WE do it!"

You open your hand to reveal that the coins have completely vanished!

This is a really fun, different, and satisfying routine. You'll love it, and your audiences will, too!

  • No extra coins, gimmicks, or props--nothing but the coins the audience sees is used.
  • Can be performed in shirt sleeves.
  • Easy to do! No difficult sleights are used.

Meticulously explained in a 15-page ebook, complete with alternate handlings and extra ideas, accompanied by 8 clear photos. You'll have no trouble learning this commercial routine.

"This routine represents sharp thinking and is SO off the beaten path it is a 'have to do it' effect. Were I to be teaching a formal course in magic - and I have - part of the fee from each student would go to purchasing this effect BECAUSE it is of course strong and fun, but even more important educationally is that some acting skills MUST be acquired to pull this one off. Obviously, we know that to be true of all magic, but, this effect is simply a PERFECT opportunity to lay the foundation for proper stagecrafting such as timing, pointing, blocking, etc. I am a strong believer that the art and the artists become stronger when we inform others of something good. In turn, they learn and perform well, others see it, and even more good comes of it. Therefore my PRINCIPLES compel me to plug this! 'That's How We Do It' is so good, it is how magic should be done!!" - Joe Caracciolo

"What I like about this routine is that it is close up and in your face; my style of magic! There are no gimmicks and the effect is totally impromptu , but most of all it is very easy to do. However, even though it's easy, this is powerful magic. Scott, thank you for sharing your magic with me and with the magic community." - Vinny "The Godfather" Marini

1st edition 2010; 16 pages.
word count: 2521 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text