As mentalists, we constantly hunt for new ways to gather the secret thoughts of our audiences. We force the people we meet to think in particular ways, or find deceptive techniques to find out thoughts when we give them free reign on what to create in their minds. This manuscript deals with a solution for the latter concept.
"In the words of Borat; I LIKE!!!" - Ben Williams (Creator of Labelled/Re-Labelled)
- Very Organic, in terms of props and method
- Easy to do, with expansion possibilities (peeking multiple thoughts) when you become more dexterous with the gimmick.
- The easy to make gimmick will take one minute to construct using items you have at home. No mirrors, flaps or cutting up cards. This is beautiful in it's simplicity.
- The gimmick can be invisibly added or taken away from a stack of business/blank cards to allow you to use any other peeking methods throughout your set. It's less than 1mm thick!
The Block Peek combines a streamlined gimmick and a direct technique to discover hidden information, written on a business card, or a blank card. This gimmick will take you approximately one minute to construct using items you have at home and will last you many performances.
The peeks are very easy to do, and this method does offer the option of peeking several pieces of information once you become a little more dexterous with it.
Handing out you business card with a moment of impressive and impactful magic or the demonstration of real and credible mind-reading is the way to guarantee a call back. This gives you the perfect opportunity to do just that.
This PDF features spectator view and over the shoulder view of the moves involved.
1st edition 2015, 32 pages.
word count: 3646 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text