Includes an extra manuscript "The Magic of Tom Gagnon".
An Australian sleight of hand monthly magazine
Barry Govan & Ian Baxter, editors
Published in Victoria, Australia from July, 1974 through April, 1982 (Vol. 7, No. 10); 75 pages in Volume 2
- Volume 2, Number 1, July, 1975, 6 pages - cover has drawing of Laurel & Hardy
- The Blueroom & A Thought - editorial comments
- The Unwritten Prediction - Edward Marlo (USA)
- Gadabout Balls - Barry Govan
- Blueprint In-Print - Ian Baxter reviews:
- Coins Through the Table - Tom Gagnon (USA)
- Volume 2, Number 2, August, 1975, 6 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- Automatic E.S.P. - Graham Etherington
- Promises, Promises - Dan Tong (USA)
- Blueprint In-Print - Barry Govan reviews:
- Ian Baxter's "Ten On Deck"
- The Energizing Coins from Under - Tom Gagnon (USA)
- Volume 2, Number 3, September, 1975, 4 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- Think of a Card - Graham Etherington
- Blueprint In-Print - Ian Baxter reviews:
- Paul Curry's "Paul Curry Presents"
- Mini Slate E.S.P. - Barry Govan
- Fleeting Thought - Fred Robinson (England)
- Volume 2, Number 4, October, 1975, 6 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- Cover Up Dice Opener - Barry Govan
- Blueprint In-Print - Barry Govan reviews:
- "The Magic Magazine", Byron Wells, editor
- Blueprint On ... The Magic Societies
- The Australian Society of Magicians
- The Tom Gagnon Running Slip Cut
- T.G. Slip Cut Quickies - Barry Govan & Tom Gagnon
- Face Up Finders
- Face Down Finders
- Slip Cut Surprise
- Volume 2, Number 5, November, 1975, 6 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- The Back Clip - Scotty York (USA)
- A Production of a Coin from a Dollar Bill - Scotty York (USA)
- Rainbow Royal Flush - Nic Ravel
- Blueprint In-Print - Ian Baxter reviews:
- Jerry Mentzer's "New and Novel Knowledge"
- Turnover Revelation - Barry Govan
- Turnover Revelation for Experts
- Volume 2, Number 6, December, 1975, 4 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- The Visitors - Tom Gagnon (USA)
- Rope and Ring - Dan Tong (USA)
- Blueprint In-Print - Tom Gagnon reviews:
- "Scotty York's Lecture Notes
- Volume 2, Number 7, January, 1976, 4 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- Faro Thought Finders - Tom Gagnon (USA)
- Blueprint In-Print - reviews:
- Derek Dingle's "Innovations No. 1"
- Derek Dingle's "Innovations No. 2"
- Ace-King Transposition - Barry Govan
- Volume 2, Number 8, February, 1976, 5 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- The Radical Red Spot - Barry Govan
- Blueprint In-Print - Ian Baxter reviews:
- Bruce Posgate's "Table Hopping"
- Blueprint On ... The Magic Societies - Series 2
- The Society of American Magicians
- Hippy Nuts - Dan Tong (USA)
- Volume 2, Number 9, March, 1976, 4 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- Baxter's Knee Getaway - Ian Baxter
- Blueprint In-Print - Ian Baxter reviews:
- Escape - Barry Govan & Graham Etherington
- The Bugged Card - Jack McGlone
- Volume 2, Number 10, April, 1976, 6 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- Card Change Quickie - Franz Rosensteiner (Austria)
- Blueprint In-Print - reviews:
- Danny Tong's "Raw Shock" effect
- Danny Tong's "Commando" effect
- Five Card Elmsley - Roger Smith (USA)
- Blueprint On ... The Magic Societies
- Calculator Magic
- The Beauty Contest
- The Calendar
- cartoon
- Volume 2, Number 11, May, 1976, 6 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- The Magic of Jack McGlone - introduction
- A Tribute to Charles Wicks - Jack McGlone
- Go As You Please - Jack McGlone
- Blueprint In-Print - Ian Baxter reviews:
- Nightmare Alley & Roger Pierre's "The Magic of Francis Carlyle"
- Frank Garcia's "All in a Nutshell"
- Technicolour Think Ace - Jack McGlone
- Volume 2, Number 12, June, 1976, 4 pages - no cover
- The Blueroom - editorial comments
- The Factory Reject - Barry Govan
- Blueprint In-Print - Tom Gagnon reviews:
- Horace Bennett's "Bennett's Best"
- bar gag from Francis Horn
- cartoon
- Spectator Cuts to Locate Aces - Edward Marlo
- The Blue Print Extra - Featuring the Magic of Tom Gagnon - 12 unnumbered pages including cover
- The Blueroom Extra - editorial comments
- The T.G. Cutting Reversal
- Honky Tonk Aces
- A Trip of Silver
- The Gagnon Packet Vanish
- Impromptu Simplex Wild Card Routine
- "The Blueprint" Index July 1975 to June 1976
word count: 33180 which is equivalent to 132 standard pages of text