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The Gen Volume 26 (1970)
by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson

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The Gen Volume 26 (1970) by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
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On the covers are

  • M. D. Smith, Dai Vernon, Faucett Ross, Martin Gardner, and Jerry Lukins
  • Christopher Woodward
  • Kovari
148 pages
  1. Volume 26, Number 1, May-June, 1970, 52 numbered pages - cover picture: Marshall D. Smith (seated with, left to right) unknown magician, Jerry Lukins, Faucett Ross, Martin Gardner, and Dai Vernon
  2. Menu - Table of Contents
  3. From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
  4. Card Magic
    1. Potty Printing - Joe Riding
    2. Aberration! - Hugh Miller
    3. Deck Switch - Harry Stanley
    4. Tattoo - Mel Davis
    5. The Mark - Sid Carter
      • Card Stab
      • Coin Divination
  5. Close Up Magic
    1. Screwy Nut - Frank Monaghan
    2. Half Right - Horace E. Bennett
    3. Matchic - Alan Alan
    4. Fireless Smoke - Donald Wilson
  6. Mainly Manipulative
    1. Perverse Billiard Balls - Jack Gittings
    2. Slow Change - John Richie
  7. Dress for Deception - article by Maurice Blackman
  8. Silk Magic
    1. Zenith Production - Bill Parker
  9. Let's Get With It! - article by Ken Brooke
  10. Magic with Apparatus
    1. On the Tote - M. C. Taylor
    2. Flying Carpet Illusion - P. C. Sorcar
  11. Rope Magic
    1. Cut & Restored Again - Rink
    2. Swami Rope - Eric Menzies
  12. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
    1. Improve ... But ... From Now On
    2. Lewis Ganson
    3. "This is for you, Mario!"
    4. Informing
    5. Ken Brooke
    6. 'Enough Rope'
    7. Arnold De Biere
    8. Robert Harbin
    9. 'Conditions Of Sale'
    10. Some Years Ago
    11. Twenty-Five Guineas!
    12. 'Who Seeks Protection From Whom?'
    13. Copyright
    14. Delighted To See
    15. Bayard Grimshaw
    16. Apologies
    17. Unrepentant
    18. Maurice Fogel
    19. F.I.S.M. 1970

  1. Volume 26, Number 2, July-August, 1970, 52 numbered pages - cover picture: Christopher Woodward
  2. Bill of Fare - Table of Contents
  3. From The Gen Desk - comments from Lewis Ganson
  4. Card Magic
    1. E.S.P. - Joe Riding
    2. Footprints - Horace E. Bennett
    3. Sighted - Jerry Mentzer
    4. Double Cross - Rink
  5. The Osman Thumb Tie - Cliff Osman
  6. Silk Magic
    1. Prisoner Silk - Marconick
    2. Quickie - P. C. Sorcar
  7. Mental and Spirit Magic
    1. Zodiac Influence - Gerald Kosky
  8. Connoisseurs' Coins Through
  9. Magic with Apparatus
    1. Memo - Gary Vincent
  10. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
    • Many Thanks
    • International Congress
    • The Dealers
    • The Unique Party
    • A Unique 'First'
    • The Quality
    • Sad To See
    • The Competitions
    • Valerie Swadling
    • Close-Up Competition
    • The Shows
    • Henk Vermeyden
    • We Had A Great Time ...

  1. the previous issue ended on page 104, while the last issue begins on page 101
  2. Volume 26, Number 3, September-October-November, 1970, 44 numbered pages - cover picture: George Kovari
  3. From The Gen Desk - comments
  4. Bill of Fare - Table of Contents
  5. Four to One - Kovari
  6. Super Six - Corvelo
  7. Romance of the Dolls - Billy Ray
  8. Stretched Again! - Gordon Prunty
  9. Escape of the Prisoner - Juan Tamariz Martel - translation by John L. Fells
  10. Silk Magic
    • Telo-Colour Silks - Cyro
  11. A Novel Production - Jerry Mentzer
  12. Trouser-Leg Coin Vanish - Horace E. Bennett
  13. Clever Dick
  14. Miracle Pack - Al Koran
  15. Headline Hunter - Maurice Fogel
  16. Rope Magic
    • Rope Session - "Hen" Fetsch
      • Rope Stretch
      • A Children's Routine
  17. Rope Laughs - Richard Merry
  18. Magic for Youngsters
    • Teddy Bear's Picnic - Hugh Miller
  19. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
    • Thank Goodness
    • Bayard Grimshaw
    • Sid Plomer
    • You
    • Alan Alan
    • A Breather
    • A Fairy Tale
    • All Ended Happily!
    • What Else
    • What's The Answer?
    • Seriously Declined
    • Magicians Generally
    • Back to Business
    • New Titles for Tricks
    • The Decimal Prices

word count: 54922 which is equivalent to 219 standard pages of text