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The Gen Volume 8 (1952)
Harry Stanley
Lewis Ganson
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The Gen
On the covers are
Milbourne Christopher
Harold Taylor
John Scarne
Robert Nelson
William Stickland
Lewis Ganson
Jack Kodell
Al Koran
Jerry Bergmann
Ken Brooke
Geoffrey Buckingham
Richard Du Bois
373 pages
Volume 8, Number 1, May, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Milbourne Christopher
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
1. - Trio
Cards to Bouquet
Palming a Short Lighted Cigarette
Adding a Card to the Pack
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
The Discs of Diablo
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
The Emperor's Wardrobe
Front Page Personality - Milbourne Christopher
Theatrical Make-up - series by Kathleen Regan (of Max Factor, Ltd.)
Straight Make-up
If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
Again - The Multi-Magic-Glass
Two Cats and Five Chickens - "Hen" Fetsch
The "P.W." "Slip" Cut - Peter Warlock
Kenneth Pratt's Roving Camera catches:
Cy Endfield's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
Chapter 1
The Endfield Slip Cut
Gambler Out Gambled
Greenfingers - Vivante
Ken de Courcy Presents - series
Aladdin's Lamp
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 1 of New Series
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
(1) Routining the Clipboard
Cyro's Corner - Tricks and Gags
Happenings - bits of news from Harry Stanley
Volume 8, Number 2, June, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Harold Taylor
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
2. - Preparations of Cards for Manipulation
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
A New Coin Sleight For The Expert
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
The Country Mouse
Lighter to Match - Milbourne Christopher
Theatrical Make-up - series by Kathleen Regan (of Max Factor, Ltd.)
Oriental Types
Got Your Dots? - Ted Elliot
Ken de Courcy Presents - series
A Stitch in Time
Robbing the Royal Mail - Arnold de Seiver
Findler's Foxy Box
Cy Endfield's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
Chapter 2
Card Penetration and Change
There's Five Aces!
Corvelo's Miracle Ribbon Cut
Shopping - An Original Magical Presentation - J. K. Bays
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 2 of a New Series
Clown Hanky
Front Page Personality - Harold Taylor
Ciro's [sic] "Simplex Telephone Test"
Prediction with "Double Bill Tube" - Arnold de Seiver
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
2. - What Sort of Clipboard?
Volume 8, Number 3, July, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: John Scarne
The Dixie Magic Table of New York - report by Edward W. Dart
Knockout - John Scarne
Link-O-Rings - Dick Piser
Silver to Gold - Milbourne Christopher
The Four Blacks - Dr. Stanley Jaks
Sleight of Mind - Bill Simon
An Illusion for the Many! - Sir Felix Korim's Wheel of Fortune
Sir Felix Korim's Wheel of Fortune - cartoon
Paper Clip Monte - Audley V. Walsh
Taking Coals to Newcastle - Carleton King
Fantastic Equation - Cliff Green
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
No Strings
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 3 of a New Series
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
3. The Nikolas "Thought" Card
Front Page Personality - John Scarne
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
3. Character Observation and the Mentalist
Cy Endfield's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
Chapter 3
The "Hofsinzer" Top Change
Volume 8, Number 4, August, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Robert Nelson
Second Look at American Magic - Harry Stanley
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
4. Magic With Sponge Balls
Front Page Personality - Robert Nelson
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
A Colour Divided
Another Version of "Gambler's Luck" - Jack Potter
Ken de Courcy Presents- series
The Auto Hat
Silks in Sympathy
A Tie, A Girl and a Pack of Cards - Dennis Patten
As Ken de Courcy Sees Them - cartoon series
A Couple from Johnny Geddes
1. What a Bloomer!
2. Liquid Laughs
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
Cy Endfield's Card Magic
Chapter 4
The Escape of the Musketeers
Floral Ribbons - Peter Brooke
Silk Penetro - Hans Trixer
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 4 of a New Series
The Message of The Inanimate
Gags and Gadgets - Jerry Findler
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
4. Stealing the Information
Volume 8, Number 5, September, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: William Strickland
Magical America - article by Harry Stanley
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
4. Magic with Sponge Balls
Placing the Balls Down
To Show Three Balls Only
The Spectator Holds a Ball
Vanishes from the Hand
The International Brotherhood of Magicians - article by Wm. G. Strickland
Front Page Personality - William Strickland
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
Another Prediction
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
Ken de Courcy Presents- series
The Ariel Silk
If I Were Presenting - series by George Blake
My Card
Cy Endfield's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
Chapter 5
Aces for Connoisseurs
The Buckle Count
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 5 of a New Series
As Ken de Courcy Sees Them - cartoon series
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
5. Thoughts on the Two-Person Telepathy Act
Volume 8, Number 6, October, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Lewis Ganson
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
4. Magic with Sponge Balls [continued]
Vanishing a Ball from the Hand (Continued)
Building a Routine
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
In Sections - - Non-Mechanical
Alyn Jones's Coronation Repeat
A 'Betcha' from Dick Himber
Hans Trixer's Routine with Miniature Cups and Balls - Lewis Ganson
Brainwave by Telephone - Lewis Ganson
Card on the Line - Jack Chanin
Cy Endfield's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
Chapter 6
The Original Single Flight of the Aces
Some Reflections on Anti Gravity - Lewis Ganson
Ball Box - Harold G. Beaumont (Huddersfield)
Ken de Courcy Presents- series
The Indian Rope Card Discovery
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 6 of a New Series
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
5. Thoughts on the Two-Person Telepathy Act (continued)
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
They're Off
Volume 8, Number 7, November, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Jack Kodell
Magical America (continued) - harry Stanley
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
4. Magic with Sponge Balls [continued]
Rubber Production Fruit
Sponge Balls to Bunny
Geometric Designs
Handkerchief Colour Changing Tube
Handkerchief Pull
Sponge Ball to Silk
Rabbits Habits
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
Pepper and Salt
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
Sausage Opener
A Letter From Louis Histed [with a variation of Dr. Jak's Four Backs]
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
A Long Card Effect - Ravelle & Andree
"Unique" Week End - report
Colour Complaints - Vivante
Cy Endfield's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
Chapter 7
Sundry Sleights
The Slip (or Blind) Cut
The "Milk Build" Shuffle
The Endfield Bottom Palm
Eggs-cellent Egg Bag Routine - Ravelle & Andree
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. Seven of a New Series
Front Page Personality - Jack Kodell
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
6. Practical Observations
Volume 8, Number 8, December, 1952, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Al Koran
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
5. Al Koran's "Simplex Torn & Restored Newspaper"
Match and Flower - Tony Matty
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
Number Two - The Comedy Cheque
Magic Slot Machine - Hans Trixer
Front Page Personality - Al Koran
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
Century Paper Tear
Vanishing Rock Plus
Fannish Opening - Rupert Gilbert
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
Etheric Perfume
Corrugated Conjuring - J. K. Bays
Goddess of the Silks
Cy Endfield's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
Chapter 8
The Double Lift
For Magicians Only - Jack Avis
Two Gag Effects to Work on Your Magical Pals
Come Next June - Gerry Findler
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 8 of a New Series
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
7. Exchange
Volume 8, Number 9, January, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Jerry Bergmann
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
6. Variations of a Theme
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
Produced by Len Belcher
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
The Card and Coloured Envelopes
Clip Board Substitutes - Gerry Findler
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
Number Three - Change-Bag Carnival
Ken de Courcy's Cartoon Corner
Magazine Magic - series by Edmund Rowland
1. The Missing Page
Cy Endfield's Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
The Best Overhand False Shuffle
Jog Control
Front Page Personality - Jerry Bergmann
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 9 of a New Series
Gambler's Dilemma - Arnold de Seiver
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
8. Preserving the Unities
Volume 8, Number 10, February, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Ken Brooke
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
Patrick Page's "Cards to Pocket"
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
No. 10 - A Novel Three-Card Monte
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
No. 4 - It's a Bit Fishy
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
Outside Broadcast
Behind the Beyond
Fun with Figures - Gerry Findler
There Are Only Six Cards - Rupert Gilbert
Holed in One - Edmund Rowland
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 10 of a New Series
Koran Discloses The "Koran" Hanky Panky Routine to Lewis Ganson
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
9. Principles of Location
Front Page Personality - Ken Brooke
Double Divination - Mystico
Volume 8, Number 11, March, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Geoffrey Buckingham
Broken Wand - Arthur Dowler
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
Hans Trixer's "Silken Canary"
John Lewis's "Colour Thimbles"
As Ken de Courcy Sees Them - cartoon series
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
11. The Penetrative Rising Cards
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
Number 5 - Programme Indicator
Front Page Personality - Geoffrey Buckingham
Turnbuttons - A Utility Device - Norman Conquest
Gags and Comedy Bits - Cyro
Discs of Dub-Linn - N. F. Rogers
A Letter from J. W. Lumley [alternatives for Discs of Diablo]
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
Min-Dye Box
Koran Discloses The "Koran" Hanky Panky Routine to Lewis Ganson (Part 2)
Some Further Reflections on Anti-Gravity - Elizabeth Warlock's Routine - by Lewis Ganson
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 11 of a New Series
Magic Pictures - Britten Kerr
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
10. Magic by Numbers
Volume 8, Number 12, April, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Richard du Bois
Review [of the past year & the future] - Harry Stanley
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
Ali Bongo's "Deolali Dice"
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
A Pseudo Memory Feat
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
Number 6 - Smoker's Passe Passe
A Letter from Bill Milligan [addition to Gerry Findler's Fun with Figures]
Do AS I Do 999 - Corvelo
Match Your Wits - Divad
Originally Yours - series by Len Belcher
You're Fired
Poker Voice - E. Akenhead
Front Page Personality - Richard du Bois
Gerry Findler's Royal Box
Koran Discloses: 2. The Koran "Perfection - Do As I Do" to Lewis Ganson
Atomic Silk - Ravelle and Andree
Children's Corner - series by Wilfred Tyler
No. 12 of a New Series
Follow the Flag - Jules Giraud
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
11. Forcing the Issue
word count: 218727 which is equivalent to 874 standard pages of text
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Frequently bought together with:
The Gen Volume 7 (1951)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 10 (1954)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 9 (1953)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 26 (1970)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 12 (1956)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 6 (1950)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 5 (1949)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 4 (1948)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 18 (1962)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 16 (1960)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
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