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The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 5, Issue 1 (Aug - Oct 2015)
by Solyl Kundu


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The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 5, Issue 1 (Aug - Oct 2015) by Solyl Kundu

Hello, the Connoisseur of Conjuring worldwide!

Back again, with the first issue of new volume of The Gimmick MagiZette - India's pioneer and premier e-zine - A bagful of smorgasbords magic and related matters. Surely some of you would comment that I am late by (a long sound slumber of) four months - true, read the index of the current issue of TGM and you would agree that late, but this issue is just GREAT! As if the other issues were not the similar.

BTW, do not be late to ask for your copy of the TGM Volume #5, Issue #1. Now go to the index an see that there is 'something' for everyone ...

  • Editorial: Solyl Says - are normally simply chats however sometimes more ...
  • Articles:
    • My Favorite Linking Ring Columns - I Love Kids by Aldo Colombini
    • Past Glory of India - Four Greats of Indian Magic by an Admirer
    • Magic as Entertainment by Harold Taylor
    • MagicIan Adair Column - a chitchat and magic column by Ian Adair
    • Photo Quiz - Guess the 18th century's popular Prussian magician...
  • MagiXposed:
    • Coin Production with a Flourish - easy but outstanding effect by P.K. Ilango
    • Hofzinser 2000 - another excellent card caper by Aldo Colombini
    • Novel Crystal Box - an excellent illusion for DIY enthusiasts by Someeran
    • The Trio - My 3 Paddle Tricks- last installment of the close up series by Gora Datta
    • Find the Queen- an audience-tested entertaining card caper by Solyl Kundu
    • A Pinch of Salt - a superb version of classic 'coin pour' effect by Fabian
  • Miscellanies:
    • Cartoon by George Johnstone,
    • MagiCartoons: humorous interludes in between the studying ...
    • Thaumaturgy: In a nutshell.
    • Lend An Ear ... Interesting lines.
  • News and Views Around the Magicdom:
    • Magic Circle Awards 2015 evening
    • Barisha Jadu Adda - a Promising Evening on 13th September 2015
    • SAARC Magic Conference, Delhi 1016:
    • Coups D'oeil Of National Magic Festival, Bangladesh, 2015
    • TMN (Tamil Mayajala Nipunarkal) ...
Editor: Salil Kumar "Solyl" Kundu. E-mail: and

42 pages
word count: 17202 which is equivalent to 68 standard pages of text