Tips and Tricks For The Entertainment Buyer and The Entertainer
Having worked as a professional magician and mind reader for the past sixteen years, I have
seen hundreds if not thousands of venues all over the world. From Boston, where I am based,
to Singapore, where I work for a few weeks once per year, and many cities and countries in
between. A similarity that crosses all borders is the consistent lack of knowledge the client has
when booking live entertainment. This is true for that of a variety type. (e.g magicians, jugglers,
clowns, etc.).
Now this can be forgiven (to an extent), as most people have not booked live entertainment
before and know absolutely nothing about how the process works. These individuals can be
forgiven and kindly instructed by the performer on how a smooth process can and should
be. That said, when you as the entertainer are working through a seasoned booker (e.g
someone who works for a company that plans all large and small functions), there is really no
excuse for a poor booking processes.
After speaking with several performer friends from all areas of entertainment, we have come up
with a list of guidelines any future client should be at least familiar with before hiring professional
- When To Book Live Entertainment
- What Are You Looking For
- Determine Your Budget
- Details, Details, Details
- Know Your Venue
- Price Shopping
- Referrals vs Resume
- Actual vs Perceived Value
- Free Work vs Donated Work
- Contracts, Invoices, Agreements, Riders
- Understanding What You're Paying For
- Paying Your Entertainer(s)
1st edition 2014, 6 pages.
word count: 3721 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text