This is a very rare and seldom seen release of U. F. Grant. It was released in 1934 by Nelmar and was only available from him. In this short release Grant explains several methods for creating the effect of an invisible man on stage.
The invisible man is heard walking out on stage and wearing a hat, but no visible body; which the performer removes. He is heard to converse with the performer and even rock in a rocking chair. The invisible man goes out into the audience and looks at cards selected by spectators and returns to the stage and whispers them in the performer's ear so the performer can reveal them. While out in the audience, the invisible man kisses pretty girls and pulls their hair. This is perfect for spook shows.
The information in this release is sold mainly for educational and historical purposes. Interestingly, Al Mann was inspired by this release to write his own book many years later called, The Invisible Men, and it contained similar effects.
Magic historians and Grant fans will find this rare release of interest. This release may inspire you to come up with similar effects that don't require a stage.
NOTE: To do the effects in this release require at least two assistants and a stage. These effects are not designed for parlor shows.
1st edition 1934; 1st digital edition 2017, 5 pages.
word count: 839 which is equivalent to 3 standard pages of text