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The Loh of Attraction
by Andrew Loh

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The Loh of Attraction by Andrew Loh

A collection of Andrew's all time favorite routines. Three card effects which have been in Andrew's repertoire for years. They entertain any audience.

The Sandwich Keepers
Three Kings perform a visual miracle which incorporates the vanishing and sandwiching sequence that will delight your audience.

A card is freely chosen, signed and lost in the pack. Two Kings are removed and held in performer's hands. The pack is shown - their selection is neither on top nor at the bottom. Some gestures, the Kings visually vanished and magically transformed into the selection. The Kings are then found in the centre of the deck.

Moving the Signature
This is Andrew's pet routine which involves moving the spectator's signature to another card which is perfect for walkaround. This routine has been Andrew's all-time favorite and it is a visual piece of routine that he has been using (served as an opener or closer) in his repertoire for years.

"I enjoyed your three-trick ebook. The signature trick is simple and excellent." - Peter Duffie
1st edition 2009; 11 pages.
word count: 1674 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text