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Instant Transposition
by Andrew Loh


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Instant Transposition by Andrew Loh

A visual two-packet transposition card effect.

The performer introduces two packets of cards; the four Aces and Kings. The Ace‐packet is placed on the table and with a magical gesture, the Kings packet magically transforms into the Aces. The Kings are now on the table.

Your version is very visual. I like it! - Mike Powers

It's a lovely handling Andrew! - Harvey Rosenthal

Good Stuff! - Peter Duffie

What amazed me about this trick is that the visual change actually works! When you first read through it with cards in hand, you think, "Wait a minute... This can't be right..." But it's amazing how visual it is. Andrew has taken a Peter Duffie slight and used it a different way to create a visually astonishing effect. - Cameron Francis

I have to say, I used this yesterday for an audition, it got very strong reactions, this will be going into my working repertoire. This is perfect for real world close-up working, short-to-the-point visual hard hitting magic. Well done Andrew on another brilliant effect! - David Gemmell

Yes, the visual change is very effective and with a little bit of work, you have a clean packet trick that is examinable. Good thinking! - Raphael Czaja

The crediting is very good as always, and the illustrations are not only highly effective, but a work of art. The trick is very good, using an array of interesting and effective sleights. Simple, direct and well thought out. I reccomend it! Well done Andrew for another great effect! - Kyle Macneill

1st edition 2010; 6 pages.
word count: 1409 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text