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The Magic Wand Volume 4 (Sep 1913 - Aug 1914)
by George Mackenzie Munro

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The Magic Wand Volume 4 (Sep 1913 - Aug 1914) by George Mackenzie Munro
This product is also part of:

Numbers 37-48

188 pages

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 37, September, 1913 [16 pages]
  2. Mr. D. J. Brewer - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. A Ventriloquial Accessory - report of a novel effect
  5. A Shell Disposal - George Johnson - a billiard ball move
  6. Obituary
    • L. P. Noble
  7. Some Early Recollections - article by C. de Vere
  8. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  9. North of England Notes and Notions - news and comments by Charles F. Waite
  10. Haggis - from S. & S., Dundee - notes on magic in Scotland
  11. Shadow-graphy - column by Louis Nikola
  12. Book Notes - reviews
    • The Sphinx (American) - August 1913 magazine
    • The Magic Circular - September 1913 magazine
    • The Magi - September 1913 magazine
  13. ITZGRATE - glass on tray production trick by Walton Brozen
  14. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs
  15. Card Sleights & Card Appliances - column by Professor Hoffmann
  16. Magic in the House of Commons - Mr. Lloyd George to perform magic
  17. Our Monthly Telephone - R. U. There - For the Exchange of Ideas

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 38, October, 1913 [16 pages]
  2. The Yogi's Star - new creation
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. The Magic Circle Dinner - announcement
  5. The Magic Circle - Children's Evening - show review
  6. Card Clairvoyance - George Johnson - effect
  7. Magical Conceptions - Prof. Edgar - A Comedy Candle Trick
  8. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  9. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs
  10. Card Sleights & Card Appliances - column by Professor Hoffmann - continued from page 593
  11. "Pleaseall" Magic Cook - magical comedy act
  12. Haggis - from S. & S., Dundee - notes on magic in Scotland
  13. Maskelyne & Devant's Mysteries - The Yogi's Star
  14. Book Notes - reviews
    • The Sphinx (American) - September 1913 magazine
    • The Magic Circular - October 1913 magazine
    • The Magi - magazine
  15. Anything New? - poem by G. J.
  16. New Books - reviews
    • A Text Book of Magic - Elbiquet
    • Secrets of Scene Painting and Stage Effects - Van Dyke Browne
  17. Shadow-graphy - column by Louis Nikola
  18. Our Monthly Telephone - R. U. There - For the Exchange of Ideas

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 39, November, 1913 [16 pages]
  2. Mr. C. Ivor Smith - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. Magical Conceptions - Prof. Edgar - Examined Rice Bowls
  5. Patriotic Lights - Sidney Legrande - effect
  6. The Bowing Cornucopia - effect
  7. The Magic Circle - Prof. Hoffmann's Night - report
  8. A Welshman's Adventure - humor
  9. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  10. Doctor Dee - article by George Johnson
  11. Book Notes - reviews
    • The Sphinx (American) - October 1913 magazine
    • The Magical World - weekly periodical
    • The Magic Circular - magazine
    • The Magi - magazine
  12. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs
  13. Shadow-graphy - column by Louis Nikola
  14. Conradi's Latest - Professor Hoffmann - review of three new books in German
    • In Reiche der Wunder (In the Kingdom of Wonder)
    • Das Universum der Magis (The World of Magic)
    • Magische Juwelen (Gems of Magic)
  15. two pages missing

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 40, December, 1913 [16 pages]
  2. Mr. J. Hewson Brown - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. Conjuring and Xmas Numbers - article on magazine exposure by George Johnson
  5. A Wand Exchange - effect by J. Martyn Jessop
  6. Notes on Knots - article by Ed Cooper
  7. New Books - reviews
    • The Wizard's Annual, December 1913 - Laurence W. Spitari, editor
    • Magical Notes and Notions - Percy Naldrett
    • How to become a Conjurer - March-Cady Publishing Co.
    • Tit-Bits, Christmas Number, 1913 - four pages of conjuring
    • A Night with the Moon, and On a Tram - Geo. Mck. Munro, complier
    • Pantomime and Vaudeville Favourites - Will Goldston, editor
  8. Obituary
    • Charles Frazer Munro
  9. Book Notes - reviews
    • The Magic Circular - December 1913 magazine
    • The Sphinx (American) - November 1913 magazine
    • The Magi - December 1913 magazine
    • The Magical World - weekly periodical
  10. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  11. Card Sleights & Card Appliances - column by Professor Hoffmann - continued from page 625
  12. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs
  13. Shadow-graphy - column by Louis Nikola
  14. The "Spiritus" Photo - frame and printed card trick
  15. Magical Conceptions - Prof. Edgar - The Changing Card Bottle
  16. Our Monthly Telephone - R. U. There - For the Exchange of Ideas

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 41, January, 1914 [16 pages]
  2. Prof. Edgar - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  5. From Magic Store to Toyshop - article by George Johnson
  6. A Candle Mystery - B. Wayre - humor
  7. Palmer's Novelty - Charles Medrington - humor
  8. A New Pass - effect by Douglas Dexter
  9. Book Notes - reviews
    • Handcuff Tricks - Hereward Carrington
    • Sideshow and Animal Tricks - Hereward Carrington
    • Hindu Magic - Hereward Carrington
    • The Sphinx - December 1913 magazine
    • The Magical World - weekly periodical
    • The Magic Circular - magazine
    • The Magi - magazine
  10. Magical Conceptions - Prof. Edgar - Another Coin Candle
  11. The "Spiritus" Photo - frame and printed card trick - continued from page 641
  12. Shadow-graphy - column by Louis Nikola
  13. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs
  14. A Changing Hat - prop
  15. Card Sleights & Card Appliances - column by Professor Hoffmann - continued from page 638
  16. Our Monthly Telephone - R. U. There - For the Exchange of Ideas

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 42, February, 1914 [16 pages]
  2. Harry Leat - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. A Cigar Trick - effect
  5. four pages missing
  6. Book Notes - reviews
    • The Magic Circular - February 1914 magazine
    • The Magi - February 1914 magazine
    • The Sphinx - January 1914 magazine
    • The Magical World - weekly periodical
  7. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  8. The Best Books on Magic - listing
  9. We Understand - bits of news
  10. Card Sleights & Card Appliances - column by Professor Hoffmann - continued from page 657
  11. Fun with a Threepennybit - gag effect
  12. two pages missing

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 43, March, 1914 [16 pages] - new editor: George Johnson
  2. Mr. C. H. Shortt - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. Correspondence - answers to letters
  5. The Last Latest, Billiard Ball Trick - effect by Phillip Levard
  6. A Trip to the Zoo - B. Wayre - humor
  7. Programmes - Rameses - show review
  8. Palming a Coin - explanation by C. H. Shortt
  9. Misdirection and Practical Demonstration - review of a Magic Circle lecture by Ernest E. Noakes
  10. Magical Conceptions - Prof. Edgar - A Tube for Billiard Balls - New Effect for Drawing-Room Performers
  11. British Magical Society - club news
  12. The Lower Rung - humor
  13. The Magic Circle - Competition Night - review
  14. A Useful Acquisition for the Rising Card Trick - effect by H. Victor Nicholson
  15. Sales and Exchange
  16. Book Notes - reviews
    • The Sphinx - February 1914 magazine
    • The Magic Circular - March 1914 magazine
    • The Magi - March 1914 magazine
    • Magic - January 1914 magazine
    • The Magician - February 1914 magazine
    • Magical Bulletin - February 1914 pamphlet
  17. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs
  18. Card Sleights & Card Appliances - column by Professor Hoffmann - continued from page 672
  19. Our Monthly Telephone - R. U. There - For the Exchange of Ideas

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 44, April, 1914 [20 pages]
  2. Mr. H. Ronald Pocock - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. Magical Conceptions - Prof. Edgar - A Spiritualistic Act for Drawing Rooms
  5. Obituary
    • H. Hewson-Brown
    • James Goodwin - The Blind Memory Man
  6. Northern Magical Society - club news
  7. A Move with Billiard Balls - effect
  8. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  9. The Magic Circle - The Ninth Annual Grand Seance - review
  10. The Magic Circle - My Favourite Trick - review
  11. The Grand Seance - cartoon
  12. The Houdini Cards - effect by L. Sewell
  13. Improved Bran Boxes - effect by G. J.
  14. A New Ball Wand - effect by Phillip Levard
  15. A Notion and a Trick - by Claude Chandler
  16. Correspondence - answers to letters
  17. Book Notes - reviews
    • The Magic Circular - April 1914 magazine
    • The Sphinx - March 1914 magazine
    • Magic - February 1914 magazine
    • The Magician - March 1914 magazine
    • The Magi - April 1914 magazine
  18. Sales and Exchange
  19. We Understand - bits of news
  20. The Changing Matches - effect by T. Crees
  21. A Trip to the Zoo - B. Wayre - humor
  22. Programmes - Gus Fowler - show review
  23. The Wandering Wand - poem
  24. The Cards from Pocket - effect by Scott Roberts
  25. Olla Podrida - humor
  26. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs
  27. Our Monthly Telephone - R. U. There - For the Exchange of Ideas

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 45, May, 1914 [16 pages]
  2. Mr. Allan Stainer - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. two pages missing
  5. A Trip to the Zoo - B. Wayre - humor
  6. Magic For Beginners - column by G. MacAulay Painter
  7. A Coin Exchange - effect by G. J.
  8. The Eastern Gong - effect by L. Sewell
  9. Maskelyne & Devant's Mysteries - new sketch review
  10. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  11. Book Notes - reviews
    • The Sphinx - April 1914 magazine
    • The Magician - April 1914 magazine
    • The Magic Circular - May 1914 magazine
    • The Magi - May 1914 magazine
  12. The Magic Circle - club news
  13. A Mechanical Trap - apparatus by Cieo
  14. The Order of the Magi - club news
  15. The Magicians' Club - club news
  16. Sales and Exchange
  17. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 46, June, 1914 [20 pages]
  2. Mr. Artbur Margery - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. The Order of the Magi - club news
  5. The Eastern Gong - effect by L. Sewell - continued from page 722
  6. A Useful Black-Art Trap - apparatus by E. N. Dransfield
  7. A Trip to the Zoo - B. Wayre - humor
  8. Cigar and Candle - effect by Stanley Norton
  9. Sales and Exchange
  10. Magical Conceptions - Prof. Edgar - The Crystal Plateau
  11. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  12. Palming a Coin - explanation by C. H. Shortt - continued from page 683
  13. Correspondence - answers to letters
  14. We Understand - bits of news
  15. Magic for Beginners - column by G. MacAulay
  16. New Books - reviews
    • Easy Conjuring Tricks - Francis Griffiths
    • The Book of Puzzles - Archibald Reith, editor
  17. A Few Suggestions - article by C. H. Shortt
  18. Book Notes - reviews
    • The Magician - May 1914 magazine
    • Magic - March 1914 magazine
    • The Sphinx - May 1914 magazine
    • The Magi - June 1914 magazine
    • The Magic Circular - June 1914 magazine
    • L'Illusioniste - May 1914 magazine
  19. A Coin Effect - effect
  20. Conjuring for a Wife - Marie Lorenz & Dick Branton - George Johnson
  21. Nervousness - article by "A Shaky Amateur"
  22. Maskelyne & Devant's Mysteries - Walking Through a Wall
  23. The Magic Circle - club news
  24. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs
  25. Our Monthly Telephone - R. U. There - For the Exchange of Ideas

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 47, July, 1914 [20 pages]
  2. Mr. Stanley Norton - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. The Order of the Magi - club news
  5. Book Notes - reviews
    • Magic - April 1914 magazine
    • The Magician - June 1914 magazine
    • The Sphinx - June 1914 magazine
    • The Magic Circular - July 1914 magazine
    • The Magi - July 1914 magazine
    • Le Journal de la Prestigitation - July 1914 magazine
    • L'Illusioniste - June 1914 magazine
  6. Magic for Beginners - column by G. MacAulay
  7. Magical Conceptions - Prof. Edgar - The "New Empress" Card Houlette
  8. My Lady Nicotine - effect by S. Norton
  9. News and Notes - news about performers
  10. Conjuring for a Wife - George Johnson - continued from page 743
  11. Sales and Exchange
  12. A Trip to the Zoo - B. Wayre - humor
  13. At the Magical Stores - article
  14. The Magic Circle - The June Social
  15. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  16. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs
  17. My System - health
  18. A Subtle Coin Change - effect by Alberto

  1. Cover, Vol. 4, No. 48, August, 1914 [12 pages]
  2. Mr. Cecil Fowler - profile
  3. Our Monthly Chat - little bits of news
  4. The Magic Drinks - effect by G. MacAulay
  5. Wand-erings - or Compressed Magical Wisdom - jokes and proverbs
  6. Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
  7. Be S. Norton's Problem - humor by B. Wayre
  8. A Trip to the Zoo - B. Wayre - humor
  9. The Order of the Magi - club news
  10. Sales and Exchange
  11. Conjuring for a Wife - George Johnson - continued from page 760
  12. The Magic Circle - club news
  13. Book Notes - reviews
    • The Sphinx - July 1914 magazine
    • Magic - May 1914 magazine
    • The Magician - July 1914 magazine
    • The Magic Circular - August 1914 magazine
    • L'Illusioniste - July 1914 magazine
    • The Magi - August 1914 magazine
  14. Impromptu Magic - article by S. Norton

word count: 125653 which is equivalent to 502 standard pages of text