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Magic Wand
The Magic Wand Volume 9 (Mar 1920 - Feb 1921)
George Johnson
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The Magic Wand (1910 - 1957)
Numbers 97-108
248 pages
Vol. 9, No. 1, March, 1920 [20 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
The New Volume
Taking It Easy
The "Instanto" Competition
A Chat On Magic
The Conjuring "Johnny"
Artificial Wood
A Floating Wand Effect - Professor Edgar
Northern Magical Society - club news
Marked Cards - article and effects by Gwilym Williams
The Magic Circular - March 1920 magazine
The Magician - January 1920 magazine
The Sphinx - January 1920 magazine
The Magical Bulletin - January 1920 magazine
The Magazine of Magic - February 1920 magazine
The Eagle Magician - October 1920 magazine
The Magi - February 1920 magazine
The Mahatma Circular - January 1920 magazine
The Magic World - January 1920 magazine
Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
The Elusive Die; Another Improvement - Walter B. Gibson
The "Herbert" Card Frame - apparatus by Frank Herbert
Knitting To Order - effect by A. Payne
News and Notes
Wiring an Illusion for Coloured Electric Lights - Raamah
Novelty in Magic - article by C. H. Charlton
Tags - article by Roy Cowl
Marvellous Thought Reading with Cards - effect by James Maxwell
Magic and Drama - article by H. Burleigh Huckle
New Books
A Whirlwind of Wizardry - Chris Van Bern & De Vega
Tricks for Boys - Ernest Sewell
The Magicians' Club - club news
The Effect of Colour (A Colour Change) - effect by G. O. Cox
The Magic Circle - club news
The Annual Banquet
The Aerial Treasury - thoughts by Walter B. Gibson
Mahatma Circle of Magicians - club news
A Junior Magical Item - effect by Melvano
Answers to Correspondents
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
A Pocket Accessory Case - Jules Danby
The Rubber Cover - Harry Latour
A Good Aquarium Cement - E. Edgar
Coin in Tumbler Improvement - James Morley
The Card in the Egg - James Morley
A Magical Adhesive - Harry Latour
To Paint on Tin - E. Edgar
To Clean Silks - E.O.
Sale and Exchange
Vol. 9, No. 2, April, 1920 [20 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
The Levitation Again
The Bibliography Of Conjuring
A Rice Bowl Mishap
The Aeroplane Flight
Awkward Clients
The Last of the Street Magicians - An Appreciation of W. C. Payne by George W. Panter
Magic - January 1920 magazine
The Magical Bulletin - February 1920 magazine
The Magazine of Magic - March 1920 magazine
The Magic World - February 1920 magazine
The Mahatma Circular - February 1920 magazine
The Sphinx - February 1920 magazine
The Magi - March 1920 magazine
A Single-Handed Card Colour-Change - effect by Lorian Grey
Cigarette Sleights - A Series of Sleights with Lighted Cigarettes - by Victor J. Peacock
The Vanishing Glass of Water - effect by Walter B. Gibson
Lightning Calculation - article by Gwilym Williams
The Pentacle Club - club news
The Letter Box - letters to the editor
News and Notes
A Flower Production - effect by Walter B. Gibson
The Magic Circle - club news
Edgar's Handkerchief Frame - apparatus
Northern Magical Society - club news
The Grand Seance of The Magic Circle - review
A Good "Short" Card - comments by J. Alexander Esler
The Crystal Balls - effect by Charles Waller
New Books
Ten New Impromptu Card Tricks - Charles T. Jordan
Vaudeville Ventriloquism - La Velma & Robert W. Doidge
Mirthful Memories of a Magician - Ernest E. Noakes
Mere Nonsense - humor
The Magical A.B.C. - A Nursery Rhyme - CV. Ivor Smith
The Pink Pill Box - A Pocket Trick - Stanley Norton
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
Another Dyeing Tube - W. J. Peacock
A Card Catch - from a 17th Century M.S.S.
Any Card from the Pocket - W. J. Peacock
Lighting the Candle - Jules Danby
The Servante - Harold Comden
The Glass Servante
Binding Small Books
Sale and Exchange
Vol. 9, No. 3, May, 1920 [16 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
The Act Impressive
Light Rays - And Magic
Seeing Things
Going A-Begging
A Suggested Improvement on the Inexhaustible Box - S. H. Sharpe
A Drawing-Room Spirit Act - article by Gwilym Williams
The Eagle Magician - January 1920 magazine
The Magician - magazine
The Magical Bulletin - March 1920 magazine
The Sphinx - March 1920 magazine
The Magic World - March 1920 magazine
The Mahatma Circular - March 1920 magazines
The Magi - April 1920 magazine
The Magazine of Magic - April 1920 magazine
Passez Muscade - March 1920 French magazine
The Magic Circular - April 1920 magazine
Magie - April 1920 German magazine
Northern Magical Society - club news
New Books
Vaudeville Magic - David J. Lustwig (La Vellma)
The Column of Route - effect by J. A. Esler
Correcting a Mistake - effect by Louis F. Christianer
Swings and Roundabouts (T. McDonald Rendle) - book review
News and Notes
The Joker Card Mystery - effect by Bert Douglas
The Pyramid of Boxes - effect by Charles Waller
The Threaded Apple and Ring Trick - Len. J. Sewell
The Magic Circle - club news
Some Magical Memories - reminisces by J. Alexander Esler
Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
A New Coin in Fruit Effect - Charles F. Waite
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
A Thimble Holder - Patrick Playfair
A Vest Servante - R. Woodhouse Pitman
"Swallowing a Watch" - Jules Danby
Another Torn Card - M. D.
Sale and Exchange
Vol. 9, No. 4, June, 1920 [16 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
The Call Of The Road
A Spiritualistic Stunt
A Byrd-Page Story
The Electric Chair
A Simple Billiard Ball Stand - apparatus by J. A. Esler
Take A Card - spoof by Frank Staff
Which? - effect
A Card Colour Change - effect by R. H. Bennett
The Magical Bulletin - April 1920 magazine
The Sphinx - April 1920 magazine
The Magi - magazine
The Mahatma Circular - magazine
The Magician - March 1920 magazine
The Eagle Magician - February 1920 magazine
Felsman's Magical Review - April 1920 magazine
The Magic World - April 1920 magazine
Magic - February 1920 magazine
The Magic Circular - June 1920 magazine
A Problem in Rice and Wax - effect by Len. J. Sewell
Programmes - show reviews
Maskelynes's Threatre of Mystery
Okito, at "The Empress," Brixton
The Alien - A Card Transposition - Charles Waller
Inserting a Silk in an Electric Light Bulb - Sydney Leonard
A Simple Spirit Bell - effect by Roy Cowl
The Celtic Society of Magicians - club news
The Latest Paper-Tearing - effect by Walter B. Gibson
The Trick that Jack Built - rhyme
The British Magical Society - club news
The Annual Seance
Northern Magical Society - club news
New Books
Is Spiritualism Based on Fraud? - Joseph McCabe
Deceptive Conceptions in Magic - Stanley Collins & Albert Fellows
Ten New Sleight-of-Hand Card Tricks - C. T. Jordan
The Magic Circle - club news
Music and Magic
The Letter Box - letters to the editor
Sale and Exchange
Vol. 9, No. 5, July, 1920 [16 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
"Pendy" Comes Back
A Conjurer Medium
Cash Materialization
Juvenile Mystics
Don't Bother
Heads or Tails
The "Vernon" Sleeve Servante - Harry Vernon
More Heat Waves - puns by Spitari
The "Thirty Card Trick" with variations - Roy Cowl
The Wizard's Washing Day - A New Use for Old Apparatus - Norman Hunter
Magic - March 1920 magazine
The Magazine of Magic - May 1920 magazine
The Sphinx - May 1920 magazine
Felsman's Magical Review - May 1920 magazine
The Magical Bulletin - May 1920 magazine
The Magic World - May 1920 magazine
The Magician - April 1920 magazine
The Magi - magazine
The Mahatma Circular - magazine
The Eagle Magician - March 1920 magazine
The Rising Cigarettes - effect by A. Payne
Experiences of "The World's Greatest Living Magician" - A Word with Mr. Howard Thurston
West of England Magical Society - club news
Programmes - show reviews
Salaam, Bho and Dhin at the Coffee Merchants
Carl Rossini at the Tottenham Palace
More Cigarette Sleights - Victor J. Peacock
The Pentacle Club - club news
The Log Cabin - A Suggested Illusion for the Stage - Bruce Hurling
Chemical Notes - article by Gwilym Williams
Will Power - effect by Charles Waller
Oo-er - article by Frank Staff
Northern Magical Society - club news
The Letter Box - letters to the editor
The Magic Circle - club news
Country Members' Night
The "En Tout Cas" Card and Handkerchief Effect - Harry Vernon
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
The Handkerchief Wand
Getting the First Ball
An Envelope Switch - J. O.[A.?] Esler
The Torn Treasury Note- Dr. A. Lindsay Smith
The Rising Card Again - Sidney Leonard
Sale and Exchange
Vol. 9, No. 6, August, 1920 [16 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
A Magical Convention
"Music-Hall Magic"
"A Conning Man"
A Latter-Day Story
An Experiment with Fish - effect by Chas. F. Waite
The Fake - A History of a Strange Case
West of England Magical Society - club news
The Sphinx - June 1920 magazine
The Magician - April 1920 magazine
Magician Monthly - May 1920 magazine
The Eagle Magician - April 1920 magazine
The Magical Bulletin - June 1920 magazine
Felsman's Magical Review - June-July 1920 magazine
Le Prestidigitateur - June 1920 magazine
The Magi - July 1920 magazine
The Mahatma Circular - June 1920 magazine
A.M.C.C. Review - new magazine
The Magic Circular - July 1920 magazine
Majie - July 1920 magazine
The Bibliography of Conjuring - update to the book by Clarke and Blind
Chemical Notes - article by Gwilym Williams concluded from page 81
Programmes - show reviews
Cellsus at The Palace, Weston-Super-Mare
Mo(o)re Notes on Magic - Geoffrey Moore
The Letter Box - letters to the editor
The Magicalograph - apparatus by George A. Jenness
Listen to our Tale of Woe - poem by J. A. Esler
The Dance of the Automatons - illusion by Len. J. Sewell
The Magic Circle - club news
Annual General Meeting
The Le Walke Bottle & Flowers - apparatus
New Books
Thirty Card Mysteries - Charles T. Jordan
Ten New Miscellaneous Tricks - Charles T. Jordan
Vaudeville Mind Reading - David J. Lustwig
Celtic Society of Magicians - club news
Jottings of an Old Hand - J. E.[A.?] Esler
Method and Effect
Northern Magical Society - club news
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
A New Restored Card - Ernest Peterkin
A Watch Get-a-way - Sidney Leonard
A Card Surprise - S. W. Sharpe
A Trick Cigarette - N.D.
Cigarette Paper from Nowhere - G.J.
Sale and Exchange
Vol. 9, No. 7, September, 1920 [20 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
The Coming Season
The Sideric Pendulum
"Those Wicked Wizards"
Here's Another
Congenial Surroundings
The Magic Filter - effect by Prof. Evol
Northern Magical Society - club news
The Magical Bulletin - July 1920 magazine
The Sphinx - July 1920 magazine
Magic World - July 1920 magazine
The Mahatma Circular - magazine
Conjurer's Chronicle - August 1920 magazine
Magic - May 1920 magazine
The Eagle Magician - May 1920 magazine
The Magi - August 1920 magazine
Magician's Monthly - June 1920 magazine
Passez Muscade - June 1920 magazine
New Books
Modern Card Effects and How to Perform Them - Geo. DeLawrence & James "Kater" Thompson
Secrets of the Successful Hypnotist - Carol Le Val
Edgar's Rising and Falling Ball - apparatus
Programmes - show reviews
Mdelle. Louise Giordana at the Preston Hippodrome
Norman White's Musical Mystery at The Palace, Plymouth
The Celebrated Ether Suspension - An Early Explanation of Houdin's Levitation
Mephisto and Faust - illusion by Walter B. Gibson
The Golliwog Ball - Devant's effect by Charles Waller
Cigar Boxes - apparatus by Gwilym Williams
Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
A "Topit" Card Effect - G. W. Hunter
Germaine's Dove and Confetti - effect
West of England Magical Society - club news
Three Suggestions - effects by Norman Hunter
wand and envelopes
Magic Crochet
Solidified Sawdust
Music for Magic - Norman Hunter
The Fascination of Collecting
On The Road - column by Spitari
Regarding "A Word with Mr. Howard Thurston" - Walter B. Gibson
Sale and Exchange
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
Subtle Card Change - Patrick Playfair
An Audible Coin Vanish - Bruce Hurling
Coin Vanish and Change - Stanley Norton
A Match Effect - Roy Cowl
Vol. 9, No. 8, October, 1920 [20 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
The Act Spectacular
Collaboration in Magic
For How Long?
Imaginary Magic
Answers to Correspondents
A Pretty Prelude - effect by Stanley Norton
Modern Method Card Magic - George Johnson
No. 1 - A Neat Discovery - G. W. Hunter
The Magician - magazine
The Magical Bulletin - August 1920 magazine
The Sphinx - magazine
The Magical Circular - August 1920 magazine
The Magic World - magazine
Magie - August 1920 magazine
The Eagle Magician - July 1920 magazine
Felsman's Magical Review - August 1920 magazine
The Mahatma Circular - magazine
The Magi - magazine
The Conjurer's Chronicle - September 1920 magazine
The Letter Box - letters to the editor
The "Vernon" Vanishing Handkerchief - effect by Harry Vernon
The "Waite" New Appearing Card Frame - effect
Houdin's Inexhaustible Bottle - effect
The Oder of the Magi - club news
News and Notes
Programmes - show reviews
Maskelyne's Theatre of Mystery at St. George's Hall
C. H. Charlton at The Hippodrome, Preston
Mental Magic for Nervousness - A. Roy Barter
A Coin Deception - J. A. Esler
Two Productions Boxes - S. H. Sharpe
A Parable - C. Ivor Smith
On The Road - column by Spitari
Catching the Crooks - A Problem with Silks - effect
The Bibliography of Conjuring - update to the book by Clarke and Blind
Anniversaries in Magic - calendar
New Books
Ten New Prepared Card Tricks - Charles T. Jordan
The Mystery Book - H. C. Schreck
Paper Magic - W. J. Blyth
Chemical Magic - W. E. Johnson
A Thimble Move
Next Month - preview
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
A Collapsible Bag - A.L.
Entrance ' Handkerchief Production - Frank Staff
Rising Cards - Will Selby
Dry Hands - A.L.
Colouring Counters - Bruce Hurling
Sale and Exchange
Vol. 9, No. 9, November, 1920 [16 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
The Question Of The Fee
Our Pet Effect
Small Stuff
The Cup That Cheers
The New Drum Head Tube - ideas by A. Roy Barter
Inferno - A Card Problem - Sidney Leonard
Back and Front Palm with a Lighted Cigarette - Victor J. Peacock
Modern Method Card Magic - George Johnson
No. 2 - A Revolutionary Surprise - Harold Holden
The Magic Circular - October 1920 magazine
The Magi - October 1920 magazine
The Mahatma Circular - September 1920 magazine
The Sphinx - September 1920 magazine
Glasgow S.M. Monthly - September 1920 magazine
The Magic World - September 1920 magazine
Magic - June 1920 magazine
The Magazine of Magic - October 1920 magazine
The Magician - August 1920 magazine
The Magical Bulletin - September 1920 magazine
Leeds Magical Society - club news
The Vice Versa Candles - effects by Bernard Carton
The Magic Circle - club news
Anniversaries in Magic - calendar
British Magical Society - club news
Fire-Eaters - article by Sidney W. Clarke
New Books
Pithy Patter - George De Lawrence
Up-to-Date Magical Ideas - Ravetta and Walton
Better Magic - The Eagle Magician
News and Notes
On the Road - column by Spitari
Bouquet Production - method by Bernard Carton
Programmes - show reviews
Linga Singh at The Euston Palace
Mahatma Circle of Magicians - club news
Ladies' Night
Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
West of England Magical Society - club news
Northern Magical Society - club news
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
Patience Card and Match Box - Stanley Norton
A Memory Aid - Bruce Hurling
The Drum Head Tube - Herbert Gardner
Safety Razor Blades - Frank Herbert
Billiard Ball Colour Change - Bernard P. Carton
Dryness of the Hands - Leon Berkeley
Scoops - C. Barnard
Sale and Exchange
Vol. 9, No. 10, December, 1920 [28 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
Entre Nous
"Crooks of Ghostland"
The Soo Sale
Collectors - and Accumulators
My Dyeing Handkerchief Tube - gimmick by Oswald Williams
The Order of the Magi - club news
Mahatma Circle of Magicians - club news
The Magician - September 1920 magazine
The Magical Bulletin - October 1920 magazine
The Sphinx - magazine
The Magic World - October 1920 magazine
The Magazine of Magic - November 1920 magazine
Felsmann's Magical Review - October 1920 magazine
The Eagle Magician - September 1920 magazine
Conjurer's Chronicle - November 1920 magazine
The Magic Circular - magazine
The Magi - magazine
The Mahatma Circular - magazine
Christmas at the Magical Stores - article
Northern Magical Society - club news
A Night of Magic
Biscuits and Milk - A Drum Tube Combination - effect by Ashby Lorton
The Golliwog Block - idea by Len. J. Sewell
Mephisto and Faust - An Improvement - Walter B. Gibson
A Lightning Card and Silk Transposition - effect by Roy Cowl
An Original Coin Move - W. J. Atkinson
Magical Reminiscences - Geo. McK. Munro
The Pentacle Club - club news
The Wishbone - A Confetti Transposition - effect by Bruce Hurling
Confederacy in Magic - article by R. Woodhouse Pitman
British Magical Society - club news
The Magic Circle - club news
The Annual Banquet - A Night of Novelties
"Another" Four Ace Mystery - effect by Harry Vernon
The Dyeing Liquid - apparatus by Ashby Lorton
West of England Magical Society - club news
The Bretma Water Tray - apparatus
The Magic of Millinery - effect by Bernard Carton
Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
The Card Change in Flight - effect translated from J. N. Hofzinser's "Kartenkunste"
New Books
Up His Sleeve - Charles Waller
The Memphis Magical Course - The Memphis Magical Academy, London
If only there were Fairies? - poem by G.J.
Dressing Up - article by Charles Waller
The Multiplying Billiard Balls - A Few Suggestions - A. Holdsworth
An Idea for the Diminishing Card Trick - Edward Victor
The Limit - article by Sydney Carton
The Egg or the Hen? - effect by Len. J. Sewell
The Feke - article by Frank Staff
Patter for "The Egg and the Hen" (page 181) [sic]
The Feke - Frank Staff
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
A Wand Coin Production - Harry Drew
The Sand Frame - Bert Seabrooke
Rising Cards - Charles R. Brush
Original Card Combination - C. Peterkin
A Handkerchief Vanish - Jack J. Shepherd
Patter Paragraphs - Bernard Carton
Sale and Exchange
Vol. 9, No. 11, January, 1921 [16 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
Hold Together
The Price of a Show
The Book Ramp
And Ourselves?
A Magical Tip
Here and There
Modern Method Card Magic - George Johnson
No. 3 - Another Discovery - G. W. Hunter
No. 4 - A Trick for the Card Player - Stanley Witcher
Magnetically Operated Spirit Hand - apparatus by Roland Winder
Programmes - show reviews
Dave Godfrey at the Euston
Hinsle at the Palladium, Southport
The Magician - October, November & December 1920 magazines
The Sphinx - November 1920 magazine
The Magical Bulletin - November 1920 magazine
The Magic Circular - December 1920 magazine
The Magic World - November 1920 magazine
The Eagle Magician - October 1920 magazine
The Conjurer's Chronicle - December 1920 magazine
Passez Muscade - magazine
The Magi - December 1920 magazine
The Mahatma Circular - November & December 1920 magazines
The Magazine of Magic - December 1920 magazine
Felsmann's Magical Review - November 1920 magazine
The Christmas "Magician" - December 1920 magazine
The Order of the Magi - club news
New Books
Up-to-date Conjuring - A.H. & H.L. Walker
Collected Magic - Percy Naldrett
Tarbell's Chalk Talk Book - Harlan E. Tarbell
Magical H2O - effect by Charles R. Brush
News and Notes
A Games of Whist - effect by Charles F. Bishop
Ten Little S'niggers - poem by C.I.S.
Our Letter Box - letters to the editor
Mahatma Circle of Magicians - club news
Useful Tables - apparatus
On The Road - column by Spitari
The Magic Circle - club news
The Children's Entertainment
Northern Magical Society - club news
Sheffield Circle of Magicians - club news
Inaugural Dinner
The Bibliography of Conjuring - update to the book by Clarke and Blind
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
A Hat Servante - E. B. Woodward
A Pre-arranged Deck - E. T. Ward
Two Pistol Gags - Will Blyth
Card Reflecting Tray - E. Edgar
Cigarette Vanish - Ernest Peterkin
Envelope Clip - Norman Hunter
A Cigarette Tip - Vernon Foster
The Coffee Vase - Norman Hunter
Vol. 9, No. 12, February, 1921 [20 pages]
Monthly Chat - little bits of news and talk
An Important Announcement [change to quarterly format]
Magic and Stage Illusion
Adaption and Plagiarism
Perfected Vanishing Silk - effect by Woodhouse Pitman
A "Sorter" Card Trick - effect by Len. J. Sewell
An Okito Tumbler Effect - Carlton King
On The Road - column by Spitari
The Magic World - December 1920 magazine
The Sphinx - December 1920 magazine
The Magical Bulletin - December 1920 magazine
Felsmann's Magical Review - November/December 1920 magazine
The Magic Circular - February 1921 magazine
The Magazine of Magic - January 1921 magazine
The Magi - January 1921 magazine
The Conjurer's Chronicle - January 1921 magazine
A Bewildering Block Trick - Eric Desmond
Gollywog Goes for a Ride - An Item for Children's Entertainments - Norman Hunter
News and Notes
British Magical Society - club news
Programmes - show reviews
Thurston at the Bronx Opera House, New York
P. T. Selbit "Sawing Thro' a Woman" at the Finsbury Park Empire
Mind Over Matter - effect by G. O. Cox
New Books
The Magic Art - Donald Holmes
Parlour Problems, or Mental Mathematical Magic - Preston Langley Hickey
Mahatma Circle of Magicians - club news
West of England Magical Society - club news
A Soapless Case - effect by Bernard Carton
Glasgow Society of Magicians - club news
Exposures - article by Charles Waller
The Baffling Bleacher - effect by Jack J. Shepherd
La Poupee - A Subtle and Effective Problem - effect by Jack Shepherd
The Card and Box - effect by H. W. Ray
The Ladies' Looking-Glass - effect by Charles Waller
A Useful Accessory for the Okito Tumbler - Bernard Carton
Obvious Magic - article by Roy Cowl
A Finish for the Billiard Balls - Alf Brown
The 20th Century Coins - effect by Harry Drew
Karnack's Card Effect - effect by Roy Cowl
Entre Nous - A Magical Melange by Magicians for Magicians
Forcing a Card - H. M.
The Dyeing Tube - C. Barnard
Pre-arranged Packs - W. Ivor Grantham
To Wood-workers - Frank Herbert
Card and Envelopes - R. C.
Card Stabbing - R. C.
Thirty Card Trick - R. C.
A Card Discovery - R. C.
Sale and Exchange
word count: 190147 which is equivalent to 760 standard pages of text
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Frequently bought together with:
The Magic Wand Volume 6 (Sep 1915 - Aug 1916)
George Johnson
The Magic Wand Volume 8 (Mar 1919 - Feb 1920)
George Johnson
The Magic Wand Volume 7 (Sep 1916 - Aug 1917)
George Johnson
The Magic Wand Volume 5 (Sep 1914 - Aug 1915)
George Johnson
The Magic Wand Volume 4 (Sep 1913 - Aug 1914)
George Mackenzie Munro
The Magic Wand Volume 10 (1921)
George Johnson
The Magic Wand Volume 3 (Sep 1912 - Aug 1913)
George Mackenzie Munro
The Magic Wand Volume 2 (Sep 1911 - Aug 1912)
George Mackenzie Munro
The Magic Wand Volume 1 (Sep 1910 - Aug 1911)
George Mackenzie Munro
The Magic Wand Volume 11 (1922)
George Johnson
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