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The Master Key: book test
by Terri Rogers

The Master Key: book test by Terri Rogers

This is probably the finest book test using special books that has ever been released.

This is a remarkable set of three books which allow you to do four different book tests:

And if that is not enough The Master Key is so cleverly constructed that you can immediately repeat it for the same audience. It took Terri Rogers several years to create this book test.

The Master Key book test runs like this: A spectator has a completely free choice of any of the three different books. Then they can also freely select a page and remember any word they wish as long as it is at least five letters long (three-letter words would be too easy, and four letter-words could be embarrassing, therefore five or more). Thereafter the magician close up or from a distance (even by phone and on the radio if required) can spell out the letters of the word, letter by letter. Kreskin and Paul Daniels and countless other world-class magicians use The Master Key. More than one mind-reading routine can be performed using these special books which can be freely examined.

"I Just wanted to thank you for introducing me to Terri Rogers' Master Key. It is really terrific! I had a great show on Saturday night with a full crowd and 90 minutes of magic and mentalism. The Master Key was a hit!" - Dr. Todd Landman


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Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Book Tests

Magic & Mentalism / Books (printed)

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