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Terri Rogers

Terri Rogers

(Ipswitch, Britain: 4th May 1937 - 30th May 1999)

Popular pro vent with her dolly Shorty Harris. TV appearances in the UK and US. She was the only variety act ever to appear at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club.

Prominent amateur magician particular with the invention of topological magic tricks such as Star Gate and The Boromian Link.

Her life partner was Val Andrews.

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Bestselling Products for Terri Rogers


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Terri Rogers
Top of the Bill by Terri Rogers

A wonderful routine and variation for the Jastrow Illusion, also known as Magic Boomerangs.

Just who is the Top of the Bill? Stan Laurel or Oliver Hardy?

That's the dilemma confronting the performer in this strange and bizarre close-up routine. Seeing is believing!

Two nameplates, one for Stan and one for Ollie, shrink and elongate as each is given pride of place at the Top of the Bill. How? Simple, they are short on one side and long on the other. Or so claims the performer. Is it an optical illusion? It seems so until the finale in which the spectator is left with two nameplates...

Terri Rogers
The Little Book of Ventriloquism by Terri Rogers

Excerpt from the foreword by Val Andrews:

Brought up as I was on Arthur Prince and Saveen, I soon realised that Miss Rogers had discovered secrets of technique quite unknown to even those hallowed 'greats'. To begin with she had brilliant material of the kind which can only be lovingly honed by years of performance. Aside from this she was, and is, the most technically skilled ventriloquist that I have ever encountered. Her lip control, pronunciation and vocal agility are wonderful to experience. The audience that night soon forgot that in fact but one artiste was involved and gave her less credit than...

★★★★★ $4
Terri Rogers
How To Be A Ventriloquist by Terri Rogers

Rogers teaches twelve lessons and shares two scripts:

The lessons cover not only the mechanics and techniques of producing sounds from an apparently closed mouth, but also topics such as breathing, care of teeth, mouth and throat, dress and personal appearance as well as how to find original material and develop an act. Included are also more advanced techniques such as drinking while speaking or having the dummy cry.

PDF 25 pages.



Secrets: the original magic of Terri Rogers (for resale)

Terri Rogers
Secrets: the original magic of Terri Rogers (for resale) by Terri Rogers

This recording was made many years ago by Patrick Page and released as a Trik-a-Tape Video. Martin Breese was able to purchase the full rights to the tape. It is now available as a video download.

The material on this DVD consists of demonstrations and explanations of the following effects:

  • The Razor Blade Trick
  • Last Second Ring on Rope
  • The Flying Ring
  • The Aggravating Arrows
  • Smaller Than That
Some of these effects plus many others have been released in the three Terri Rogers ebooks that can be found here on Secrets (1986), More Secrets (1988) and finally Top Secrets (1998). Terri Rogers had an ingenious mind and released...
Terri Rogers
The Master Key: book test by Terri Rogers

This is probably the finest book test using special books that has ever been released.

This is a remarkable set of three books which allow you to do four different book tests:

And if that is not enough The Master Key is so cleverly constructed that you can immediately repeat it for the same audience. It took Terri Rogers several years to create this book test.

The Master Key book test runs like this: A spectator has a completely free choice of any of the three different books. Then they can also...

★★★★ $10
Terri Rogers
Word of Mind by Terri Rogers

A spectator is handed a theatrical review sheet and is asked to choose one of the hundreds of words that make up the various articles. There is no restriction of choice and the word is not written down. It is merely thought of by the spectator.

When the spectator is ready the mentalist begins to concentrate and slowly, letter by letter, reveals the mentally chosen word. It is that direct. A spectator things of a word and you reveal it. The spectator can choose a different word and you can repeat the effect right away.

Simple to learn, simple to perform, devastating in effect. What more...

Terri Rogers
Wipe Out: seven remarkable tricks using wipe off pens by Terri Rogers

These are all effects which use wipe-off or white-board pens. Terri Rogers uses the Velleda brand, but there are others you can use. She also uses two types of Velleda films, one white and the other transparent.

[30 years after this booklet has been published we have a lot more pens available. While not wipe-off pens some of these effects can be adopted to the popular Frixion pens which can be erased by heat.]


  • Tips, Warnings
  • Coverings
  • Preparation
  • Wiping Off


  • My Choice
  • Bunny Munny
  • A Word in the Hand
  • The Lady's not for Turning
  • X-actly
  • Charge Card
  • Demon

1st edition 1986, 1st digital edition 2013, 23 pages....

★★★ $7
Terri Rogers
Star Gate by Terri Rogers

An incredible effect based on a topological principle. Two cards are shown glued back to back. The spectator may examine them as there is nothing to find.

The performer takes the cards, gives them a few deft folds and then hands them back to the spectator ... but now the cards are face to face. It looks impossible because the cards are still glued together. What's more, they are the same cards that the spectator handled earlier. There is no switch of any kind.

You won't believe it yourself the first time you perform it.

[Note: Originally this booklet was supplied with a Jumbo cards already prepared and glued together. This ebook comes without a set of glued cards. However, the ebook has clear explanation of the construction. You can prepare a set from regular cards with a knife and tape in a few minutes.

1st edition 1985, 1st digital edition 2013, 11 pages.

[Below is a demonstration where the two cards are oriented in the same direction and not 90 degree rotated like Terri has originally designed it. The advantage of a 90 degree offset is that the card that is folded can at one time be seen partly from the front and partly from the back which is a very magical moment. This moment is missing from this version.]


★★★★★ $7
Terri Rogers
Boromian Link by Terri Rogers

This booklet details Terri Rogers' Boromian Link an incredible linking card effect based on Paul Harris' Immaculate Connection. The Harris original is a great impromptu effect but if you are not working impromptu and can use your own cards then you'll find Terri Rogers' method even better. The linking effect looks excellent and in fact fools those familiar with the Harris original. The effect can be performed with any size cards and looks quite spectacular if done with Jumbo cards.

1st edition 1986, 1st digital edition 2013, 12 pages.

Terri Rogers
Secrets: the original magic of Terri Rogers by Terri Rogers

This recording was made many years ago by Patrick Page and released as a Trik-a-Tape Video. Martin Breese was able to purchase the full rights to the tape. It is now available as a video download.

The material on this download DVD consists of demonstrations and explanations of the following effects:

  • The Razor Blade Trick
  • Last Second Ring on Rope
  • The Flying Ring
  • The Aggravating Arrows
  • Smaller Than That
Some of these effects plus many others have been released in the three Terri Rogers ebooks that can be found here on Secrets (1986), More Secrets (1988) and finally Top Secrets (1998). Terri Rogers had an ingenious mind and...
Terri Rogers
More Secrets (Italian) by Terri Rogers

Il materiale descritto in questo volume è tutto di alta classe e di qualità superiore. TerriRogers era conosciuto come un esperto di topologia applicata alla prestigiazione. Diversi dei suoi giochi sono basati su inganni topologici ma non solo. Tutti gli affetti sono sorprendenti e molte volte con finali inaspettati. Gli effetti, tutti spiegati da accurati disegni, nei minimi particolari rendono questo libro un libro di cui difficilmente vi separerete trovando di sicuro qualcosa da inserire nel vostro repertorio sia che eseguiate Mentalismo, Micromagia, Cartoamgia, o magia da scena: c'è...

★★★★ $5
Terri Rogers
Dollar Con by Terri Rogers

This is a great self-working effect that can even be done over the phone or over the radio.

A dollar note, a five dollar note, a ten dollar note and a 25 cent piece are lined up on the table. A spectator is allowed to mix and rearrange the setup without the performer knowing how the bills are arranged. Then without seeing the table the performer gives directions to exchange some notes and in the end the performer knows where the 25 cents are.

Then in a second phase of the effect the spectator clips the 25 cents on to any of the other three bills. Again there is a sequence of shuffling...

★★★★★ $25
Terri Rogers
Top Secrets by Terri Rogers

This volume collects many of the famous tricks which were released individually, effects like StarGate and The Boromian Link. You will find true miracles in this ebook.

Herein are some of the most wonderful effects of magic and it is purely by chance that they are published in this book and not simply reserved to be released individually as highly expensive top-selling dealer effects. - Martin Breese

I am a fan of Terri Rogers. The quality of Terri's creative work is so terrific, it is virtually impossible to keep quite about it. - Max Maven

Flexi-Card is a stunning new idea in which...
★★★★★ $13
Terri Rogers
More Secrets by Terri Rogers

Over twenty ideas and tricks covering cards, rope and mentalism often using a topological method. Terri is a great lateral thinker. Enjoy her creations.

1st edition 1988, original 80 pages, 57 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Sum Sum
  4. Rope Disaster Of 1984
  5. Always In The Middle
  6. Ring In Egg Timer
  7. The Echo Count
  8. Mouse-Fish-Teers
  9. Hummerous Phoney Telepathy
  10. The Spirit Moves
  11. Off Key Magic
  12. Jiggery Pokery
  13. False Witness
  14. Kidnapped
  15. Grab Gamble
  16. Squaring: The performer shows a plastic disc with a hole through its centre. It's about the size of a 45 record disc. Without...
★★★★ $13
Terri Rogers
Secrets: The Original Magic of Terri Rogers by Terri Rogers

Terri Rogers is known for her topological magic trick creations. Two very famous creations are StarGate and The Boromian Link, both described in her 3rd book Top Secrets. She is a member of a very exclusive group of people who have an uncanny gift to think 'out of the box' and turn such thoughts into incredible magic tricks. Other inventors in this group would be Lubor Fiedler, Robert Neale, Stewart James and Bob Hummer.

1st edition 1986; original 81 pages, PDF 61 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Meet Terri Rogers
  3. Razor Blades From Mouth
  4. The Pirish Compass
  5. It's A Stick Up!
  6. Blank Amazement
  7. The Computer Deck
  8. Bottoms Up!
  9. The Chinese Twist ...
Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 products)