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The Napoleon Myth
by Henry Ridgely Evans

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The Napoleon Myth by Henry Ridgely Evans

(We are carrying this ebook primarily because of the author, Henry Ridgeley Evans, who published several interesting books on conjuring.)

On its face the book is about the myth that Napoleon never existed. It was at one time a popular myth, hoax, or fake news as it would be called today. It also provides interesting lessons and insights on how myths can develop. Since there are a number of myths in the world of conjuring, this work can help one understand why and how some of the myths in magic may have developed.

  • Introduction
  • Grand Erratum. The Non-Existence of Napoleon Proved
  • The Mythical Napoleon
  • Napoleon's Cocked Hat

1st edition 1905, 65 pages; PDF 46 pages.
word count: 14423 which is equivalent to 57 standard pages of text