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The Queen's Soiree: Pet Effects 1
by Dai Vernon


(1 customer rating) ★★★★

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The Queen's Soiree: Pet Effects 1 by Dai Vernon

A remarkable transition effect using unprepared objects and little sleight of hand.

Four Queens from any pack are placed on the four corners of a square cloth. Two of the Queens are covered with squares of paper. One at a time, the Queens are put beneath the cloth thru which they penetrate and come up under the square of paper. It is amazing to see the identical card make the passage and appear under the paper along with the others, until all four are assembled under one paper.

Vernon's original methods and several puzzling variations - different from anything ever offered, no extra or trick cards, etc. Illustrated directions. Use any cards (none supplied).

1st edition 1945, PDF 13 pages.
word count: 2880 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text
