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The Score: playing card marking system
by Daniel Madison


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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The Score: playing card marking system by Daniel Madison

The Score is an ebook that teaches a special playing card marking system inspired by a concept probably as old as playing cards. The system has been re-thought and re-mastered by Daniel Madison with help from sleight of hand junkie Randall Freeman and a retired card cheat who wishes to remain anonymous.

The Score markings system teaches you how to mark any deck of cards that has a white border, such as standard Bicycle Rider backs, Mandolines and Bee Stingers - we'd list all of those decks here but there are far too many to mention!

The Score is a minimalistic system; two simple tiny marks on the back of a playing card - invisible to the unknown victim - will reveal the identity of the card to the cheat at a mere glimpse. The system is very simple to read, learn and apply. It uses no inks or suspect applications and can even be secretly applied to a deck during play!

1st edition 2009; 15 pages.
word count: 5235 which is equivalent to 20 standard pages of text

This product is listed under the following topics:

Gambling / Cheating, Cons, Scams & Protection

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Marked