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The Shadow Placement
by Nick Conticello


(1 review, 4 customer ratings) ★★★★

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The Shadow Placement by Nick Conticello

Here you will learn several stunning sleight-less card routines which are based on a principle that while not new, already Alex Elmsley and others before him have explored it, is brought to new prominence by Nick Conticello. Using this idea he has created stunning card routines that require no sleight of hand. Nevertheless, the occasional false cut or false shuffle can greatly enhance these pieces. Nick teaches an effective false cut, the Widdershins Cut.

  • The 23rd Card
  • The 28th Card
  • The Shadow Divination
  • The Widdershins Cut
  • The Three Predictions

1st edition 2014, 16 pages.
word count: 5351 which is equivalent to 21 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Tony Bianco
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 23 September, 2014

Excellent thinking here. Nick credits Alex Elmsley and if you are into card magic and read his first two volumes you'll know what a great card man he was. This is very easy to do but a real fooler. I have only read the first two effects and already got my money's worth. Get this, you won't be sorry.
