NO. 1: MARCH 1943 | |
Robert Heller. | 4 |
In The Manner of Heller. By John Mulholland. | 5 |
Easy Book Test. By Gerald Kosky. | 6 |
Invisible Card Reverse. By T. J. Crawford. | 7 |
Telepathic Television. By Hans Van Baaren, M.D. | 8 |
Soldier Magic. By Tommy Dowd. | 8 |
Rabbit Eggs. By John Brown Cook. | 10 |
1943 Show Parent Assembly S.A.M. | 15 |
22nd Annual Show Knights of Magic. | 15 |
29th Annual Dinner. | 15 |
My Father - Robert Heller. By Mary Adelaide Palmer Blanchet. | 16 |
Editor's Page. | 18 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 19 |
25 Years Ago. | 19 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 20 |
Magic Flashes From South America. By E. Leslie Briant. | 20 |
Obituaries: Mrs. Houdini. Henry Dixey. Mrs Thurston. Frank Dodd. Considine Sr. Dr. Giannini. Jackie Whelan. | 21 |
Where They Are. | 22 |
NO. 2: APRIL 1943 | |
Cover Picture. | 28 |
Miracles For Sale: Balls of Saturn. Abbott's Color-Sphere. Loonie Spoonie. Abbott's Chinese Wonder Fan. The Hindu Puzzle Purse. Finding The Fifth Column. Improved "No-stooge" Necktie Restoration. | 28 |
Magic in Print: Five Star Card Effects. Figures Are Funny Things. Convenient Card Magic. Catalog. | 28 |
Giant Rising Cards. By Hathaway. | 29 |
"The Egg Bag". By Lu Brent. | 30 |
A Few Funny (I hope) Ideas. By John Giordmaine. | 32 |
Table Knife. By Tom Osborne. | 32 |
Transposing Matches. By J. Brown. | 37 |
The Adventure of the Cops and Robbers. By Roy Shrimplin. | 37 |
"Milko-Transposo". By H.C. Kleemann. | 38 |
Seeming Impossibilities. (Magic in Early Baltimore Part 2) By Milbourne Christopher. | 39 |
Editor's Page. | 40 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 41 |
25 Years Ago. | 41 |
Where They Are. | 41 |
Magic Flashes From South America. By E. Leslie Briant. | 42 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 42 |
NO. 3: MAY 1943 | |
Maskelyne and Devant. | 48 |
The Mystery of the Writing Pad. By John Brearly. | 49 |
A Triangle of Thought. By Peter Warlock. | 50 |
The Lady Vanishes. By Graham Adams. | 51 |
Telephone Directory and Crystal. By Victor Peacock. | 52 |
Lighted Cigarette. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 54 |
The Three Guesses. By E. G. Brown. | 59 |
The Magic Spell. By Douglas Craggs. | 60 |
"So You Want to Talk, eh?". By Fred Culpitt. | 61 |
Conjurer to His Majesty's Forces. | 62 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 63 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 63 |
Editor's Page. | 64 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 65 |
25 Years Ago. | 65 |
Where They Are. | 65 |
South American Flashes. By E. Leslie Briant. | 66 |
NO. 4: JUNE 1943 | |
Cover. | 72 |
Miracles For Sale: Abbott's Best-Yet Penetration. Vishnu Rope Trick. Switch-er-roo. Repeat 20th Century Silks. Devil's Tears. Abbott's New Color Change. | 72 |
Magic In Print: Keith Clark's Celebrated Cigarettes. On With The Show. | 72 |
The Triangular Room. By John Mulholland. | 73 |
The Sun and Moon. By Tom Osborne. | 74 |
Colored Disc Divination. By J. Brown. | 74 |
Comedy Contest. By Hen Fetsch. | 75 |
Don't Pull Too Tight. By Robert Degenhardt. | 75 |
It's Just Coincidence. By George Armstrong. | 76 |
Chinese Stickler. By Milbourne Christopher. | 77 |
V For Victory. By Bill Nord. | 78 |
"Dr. Chang" Milko Routine. By Sherman Ripley - "Dr. Chang" | 78 |
Parent Assembly, S.A.M., Annual Show. | 83 |
Chicago's Annual Show. | 83 |
Magic in Trinidad. By Milbourne Christopher. | 84 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 86 |
South American Flashes. By E. Leslie Briant. | 86 |
Magic As A Psychologic Approach To Children. By Joseph H. Fries, M.D. | 87 |
Editor's Page. | 88 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 89 |
25 Years Ago. | 89 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 89 |
You Should Know Russ Walsh. | 90 |
Where They Are. | 90 |
Ralph Hull Dies. | 90 |
NO. 5: JULY 1943 | |
Cover. | 96 |
You Should Know Bert Kalmar. | 96 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 96 |
Miracles For Sale: Mac's Diminishing Pack. Leon Maguire's Magazine Test. Rope-Epic. | 96 |
Questions Answered. By Hathaway. | 97 |
Bull Session. By "Hen Fetsch". | 98 |
The Welsh Rarebit Pan. By Tom Osborne. | 98 |
Invisible Card Reverse. By Jack Paul. | 100 |
Paper Tear. By Elliot S. Hoffman. | 100 |
The Victory Cups and Balls. By Charles L. Anderson. | 105 |
Early Magic in New York. By John Mulholland. | 106 |
Notices of 18th Century Magic. | 107 |
Editor's Page. | 108 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 109 |
25 Years Ago. | 109 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 109 |
NO. 6: AUGUST 1943 | |
Cover. | 116 |
Magic In Print: Tricks and Sleights. Secrets. | 116 |
The Levante Barrel Escape. By The Great Levante. | 117 |
Ali Baba. By Charles Waller. | 118 |
The "Prince" Visible Diminishing Card. By Arthur Prince (Leon). | 118 |
A Peep Into the Future. By Len J. Sewell. | 119 |
An Interlude For The Miser's Dream. By Jean Hugard. | 121 |
Double Prediction. By Tom Selwyn. | 122 |
USO In Australia. | 122 |
Chang. | 127 |
Editor's Page. | 128 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 129 |
25 Years Ago. | 129 |
Magic in Spain. By Javier de Areny-Plandolit. | 129 |
Touring Around In Australia. By Max Holden. | 130 |
Where They Are. | 130 |
Australian Recollections. By Percy Abbott. | 131 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 131 |
NO. 7: SEPTEMBER 1943 | |
Cover. | 140 |
You Should Know T. J. Crawford. | 140 |
Next Month. | 140 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 140 |
The Omniprescent Dollar Bill. By Leon Maguire. | 141 |
Commandos. By Marvini. | 142 |
Soft Soap. By Theo Dore. | 143 |
Liquid Appears. By "Hen" Fetsch. | 143 |
Disecto Routine. By William Hess. | 144 |
Abbott's Milk Pitcher. By "Hen" Fetsch. | 145 |
Soft Soap. By Francis B. Martineau. | 145 |
Telepathic Total. By Willard S. Smith. | 146 |
Ideas: By Milbourne Christopher: The Egg Silk. Lit Cigarette. | 146 |
Madam Jon's Fan. By John Goodsell. | 151 |
Something Different. By John Hochland. | 152 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 153 |
Something About Saubert. By Milbourne Christopher. | 153 |
Where They Are. | 153 |
A Fair Statement. By "Think-A-Drink" Hoffman. | 154 |
Think-A-Drink Hoffman. | 155 |
Editor's Page. | 156 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 157 |
25 Years Ago. | 157 |
Magic In Print: On With The Show. Capers with Colors. Everybody's Magic. Secrets of the Street Conjurer. | 157 |
NO. 8: OCTOBER 1943 | |
Cover. | 164 |
Correction. | 164 |
You Should Know Joe Lightner. | 164 |
Miracles For Sale: Abbott's Phantom Clock. Maguire Swami Holdout. Devil of a Card. Block and Bolt. | 164 |
The Yogi Chest. By Phil Thomas. | 165 |
Behind The Back. By Tung Pin Soo. | 166 |
A Sure Laugh. By Victor Farelli. | 166 |
Combination Lock Trick and Remote Control. By R. D. Spraker, Jr. | 167 |
For Jumbo Cards. By Charles L. Anderson. | 167 |
Dr. Brochu's Dead And Living Card Trick. By Dr. R. Brochu. | 168 |
A Master Crimp Location. By G. Cardinal Le Gros. | 168 |
Newspaper Publicity for Magicians. By Albert F. Munroe. | 169 |
Jud Cole Dies. | 170 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 170 |
Where They Are. | 170 |
Looking Back from Martial to Magical. By Verrall Wass. | 175 |
Abbott's Get-together. | 176 |
Editor's Page. | 178 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 179 |
25 Years Ago. | 179 |
Magic In Print: Latest Thimble Magic. Shoot The Works. Secrets. Catalogue. | 179 |
NO. 9: NOVEMBER 1943 | |
Cover. | 192 |
You Should Know Jack Trepel. | 192 |
Christopher's Snappy Silk Production. By Milbourne Christopher. | 193 |
The Sugar Trick. By Tom Osborne. | 195 |
Dr. Brochu's Telepathy Card Trick. By Dr. R. Brochu. | 195 |
Check Please. By John Hochland. | 196 |
Victory Chip. By Chaplain Willard Smith. | 196 |
"Impossible?" By Richard Milbauer. | 196 |
The Surrounded Coin. By Jack Paul. | 197 |
My Routine with the Dye Tube. By Max Holden. | 197 |
Looking Forward from Martial to Magical. By Verrall Wass. | 198 |
The Great Virgil. By Arthur Leroy. | 203 |
American Throw-Out Books. | 204 |
Editor's Page. | 206 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 207 |
25 Years Ago. | 207 |
Magic In Print: Burley's Baffling Black Boards. Tarbell Course In Magic. Read Aim Magic! | 207 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 208 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 208 |
Where They Are. | 208 |
NO. 10: DECEMBER 1943 | |
Those Were The Happy Days. The Boy - The Bottle and Guinea Pig. By Al Baker. | 221 |
Novel Silk Transposition. By Harold Rice. | 222 |
As You Desire. By Hathaway. | 223 |
Wondering Blocks and Die Box. By Bill Russell. | 224 |
Hold That Pose. By Peter Pan, The Magic Man. | 224 |
Vanish of Doves. By Eugene Gugliemo. | 225 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 226 |
Falconi. By Milbourne Christopher. | 226 |
Where They Are. | 226 |
The Magic Calendar. | 227 |
How They Began Magic. By John Mulholland. | 231 |
Editor's Page. | 232 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 233 |
25 Years Ago. | 233 |
Magic In Print: Thru the Dye Tube. Hypno Tricks. Ted Annemann's Full Deck Of Impromptu Card Tricks. Illusion Magic. | 233 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 234 |
You Should Know Baffles. | 234 |
NO. 11: JANUARY 1944 | |
Cover. | 260 |
Miracles For Sale: Nest of Metal Boxes. Razz-a-ma-tazz. Visible Tip-over Box. Perfect Card Stabber. Gremlins. Framed. Talking Skull. Speedaway Bill. Additions. | 260 |
The Magic Sewing Cabinet. By Hathaway. | 261 |
Russell's Flag Tube. By Bill Russell. | 262 |
Goodsell's Original Kardtrik. By John Goodsell. | 262 |
Cigarette To Silk. By Francis B. Martineau. | 263 |
Peters Twenty Rising Cards. By Pvt. Ernest Peters. | 264 |
Dr. Brochu's Card Force. By Dr. R. Brochu. | 264 |
Matchic. By Francis B. Martineau. | 265 |
Thought Transposition. By Jack Paul. | 265 |
Elusive Glass of Milk. By Harmon Halcombe. | 265 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 266 |
South American Flashes. By E. L. Briant. | 266 |
Memories of Magicians. By Verall Wass. | 271 |
Editor's Page. | 272 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 273 |
25 Years Ago. | 273 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 273 |
Where They Are. | 275 |
NO. 12: FEBRUARY 1944 | |
The Cover. | 284 |
This Issue. | 284 |
You Should Know Joseffy. | 284 |
Magic In Print: Showmanship for Magicians. Catalogue. | 284 |
The Enchanted Finger Ring. By Leon Herrmann. | 285 |
Billiard Ball Manipulation. By Herr Jansen (Dante) | 286 |
The Nest of Boxes and the Ball of Wool. By Wilson Bailey and Harold A. Osborne. | 286 |
Paper Tearing Trick. By William J. Hilliar. | 287 |
A New Production Box. By The Mysterious Dunninger. | 287 |
The Hypnotized Handkerchief. By Prof. McIntosh. | 287 |
The Obedient Tube. By H. Syril Dusenbery. | 288 |
The Changing Die. By L. N. Miller. | 288 |
Variations On "The Dyeing Tube". By Tom C. Bonney. | 288 |
Changing Confetti. By Simms. | 289 |
Card and Envelope Trick. By Chas O. Williams. | 289 |
The Scott-Burgoyne Box. By Lionel Scott. | 290 |
A Letter to A Father - Newly Dead. By Arthur Leroy. | 295 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 296 |
Choosing Tricks. By Verrall Wass. | 297 |
Editor's Page. | 298 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 299 |
25 Years Ago. | 299 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 299 |