NO. 1: MARCH 1942 | |
Cover. | 3 |
Meet The Dealers. | 3 |
Where They Are. | 3 |
Camera Record of the Parent Assembly, S.A.M. Annual Show. Photographs by Irving Desfor | 4 |
28th Annual Dinner. By C. Talvades. | 4 |
Annual Show. By Vin Carey. | 4 |
The Queen's Court of Baron Seamon. By Ed Reno. | 5 |
A New Effect with a Die. By Hans Van Baaren, M.D. | 6 |
New Salt Shaker. By Harold Pearson. | 6 |
Gloves. By Robert Harbin. | 7 |
Calling the Numbers. By Milbourne Christopher. | 8 |
The Rising Card. By Alex Valden. | 8 |
The Orange Force. By Dave Price. | 8 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 13 |
"On the Spot". By Dorny. | 13 |
Highlights. By Eugene Laurant. | 14 |
Editor's Page. | 16 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 17 |
25 Years Ago. | 17 |
The Late John Moris. By Milbourne Christopher. | 17 |
NO. 2: APRIL 1942 | |
Cover Picture. | 24 |
Scheduled Events. | 24 |
Miracles For Sale: Pack of Cigarettes to Flowers. The Penetrable Silk. Repeating Rabbit. Magician's Calling Card. Sergeant Butcher's Tie Trick. | 24 |
Loading A Hat. By Harry Blackstone. | 25 |
Egg On Toast. By Robert Harbin. | 26 |
The Traveling Joker. By Hans Van Baaren, M.D. | 26 |
"Vest Pocket Victory Bill Trick". By John Booth. | 27 |
Get the Point? By Arthur Leroy. | 27 |
Phantom Fire. By Milbourne Christopher. | 27 |
The Card You Chose. By John William Sargent. | 28 |
Salt Package. By Bill Weldon. | 28 |
Harry Blackstone. By John P. Lee. | 29 |
Cure And Prevention Of "Little Devils". By Orenda, The Magician. | 30 |
Chautauqua and Lyceum. By Eugene Laurant. | 36 |
Editor's Page. | 38 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 39 |
25 Years Ago. | 39 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 39 |
NO. 3: MAY 1942 | |
Meet The Dealers. | 48 |
Miracles For Sale: Victory. Abbott's Defense Posters. Abbott's Liquid Appear. New Small Plug Box. Commandos. The Phantom Fish. | 48 |
Thanks To A. G. Bell. By Charles W. Nyquist and J. G. Thompson, Jr. | 49 |
Needle Swallowing. By Dan Morris. | 53 |
Rope Gags. By Alex Valdon. | 53 |
Magic, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. By Eugene Laurant. | 54 |
Willard The Wizard. By Dr. Charles F. Harad. | 60 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 61 |
Editor's Page. | 62 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 63 |
25 Years Ago. | 63 |
Magic In Print: Silks Supreme. The Last Word on Cups and Balls. Coin and Money Magic. Magic of the Hands. The Super Bullet Catching Act. Santini's Tips, Tricks and Gags. Patriotic Chalk Stunts. | 63 |
NO. 4: JUNE 1942 | |
Cover. | 72 |
'Super,' 'Colossal'. | 72 |
Miracles For Sale: Harad's Super Two Card Location. Haden's Rising Card Box. The Million Mystery. | 72 |
Magic In Print: Magi Card System. More Magic Of The Hands. The Figure Fiend. | 72 |
Magician's Nightmare. By Al Baker and the Editor. | 73 |
Jensen's Bait Box. By Dr. Chas. F. Harad. | 74 |
Whiskers On. By Emil M. Loew. | 74 |
Card on Golf Club. By Theo Dore. | 75 |
Indicators. By Robert Harbin. | 75 |
A "Prop" Tray for Magicians. By Joseph H. Fries, M.D. | 76 |
Fifteen Card Follow Me. By Dan Morris. | 76 |
Pip of a Pipe. By George Andrew. | 76 |
Photos: S.A.M. 14th Annual Convention. Photos by Irving Desfor. | 77 |
Photos: Golden Gate Assembly's Silver Anniversary Show. | 78 |
Photos: Chicago Assembly's Annual Show. | 78 |
One Hundred Years Ago. By Charles A. Leedy. | 83 |
Editor's Page. | 84 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 85 |
25 Years Ago. | 85 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 85 |
"On The Spot". By Dorny. | 86 |
14th Annual S.A.M. Conference. By Charles RossKam. | 87 |
Golden Gate's Silver Anniversary. By Don Still. | 87 |
Chicago's Annual Show. By James C. Sherman. | 88 |
NO. 5: JULY 1942 | |
Photos: I.B.M. Convention. | 95 |
Cover. | 96 |
Please Note. By Charles A. RossKam. | 96 |
Miracles For Sale: "Out of This World". Christopher's Etho "Card Case". The Caliph's Garden. Abbott's Sugar Short. Maldo's Electric Light Bulb. Off Color. Abbott's Magic Back Set. Al Baker's Slate Easel. Utility V Glass. | 96 |
Coins in the Air. By T. Nelson Downs. | 97 |
From 3 to 8. By Spalding. | 98 |
Duck!-Eggs. By Magini. | 99 |
One Hand Card Discovery. By Hans Van Baaren, M.D. | 99 |
Information Please! By Lorin D. Hall. | 100 |
The Disappearing Glass. By John Hochland. | 100 |
Coin in Glove. By Dan Morris. | 100 |
Fort Worth I.B.M. Convention. | 105 |
Magic in One "Simple" Lesson. By Stuart Cramer. | 106 |
Gathered Fragments. By S. Leo Horowitz (Leo Hartz). | 106 |
T. Nelson Downs "King of Koins". By Edward J. McLaughlin. | 107 |
Editor's Page. | 108 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 109 |
25 Years Ago. | 109 |
Magic In Print: Tricks With Watches. Let's See the Deck. No Coffin for the Corpse. Miracle Methods No. 2. Tricks of the Masters. | 109 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 110 |
Where They Are. | 110 |
NO. 6: AUGUST 1942 | |
Cover. | 114 |
Miracles For Sale: Abbott's Daylight Screen. Find The Lady Cards. Abbott's Chameleon Sphere. Abbott's Rabbit Wringer. Nu Egg. Finger Guillotine. Loyd's Screen of Bagdad. | 114 |
Magic Movie: Laurel, Hardy and Dante The Magician. | 114 |
Ring, Egg and Bun. By Tom Osborne. | 115 |
A Timely Trick. By Loring Campbell. | 116 |
The Shangra-La Card. By Spalding. | 116 |
A Novel Card Discovery. By Arthur Punnar. | 117 |
A Surprise Opening. By Milbourne Christopher. | 117 |
Army Guts Test. My Martin Gardner. | 118 |
A String of Pearls. By Dan Morris. | 118 |
The Four Aces Fly. By R. M. Jamison. | 118 |
Robert Nickle Centennial. By John Mulholland. | 123 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 124 |
Oakland P.C.A.M. Convention. | 125 |
Editor's Page. | 126 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 127 |
25 Years Ago. | 127 |
Magic In Print: Tricks with Paper Cups. Cut the Cards. | 127 |
Gathered Fragments. By S. Leo Horowitz (Leo Hartz). | 127 |
NO. 7: SEPTEMBER 1942 | |
Miracles For Sale: Abbott's Magic Novelty Co. Silk King Studios. Holden's Magic Shop. Magicland. Leo Rullman. American Magic Company. Al Baker's. | 132 |
Be Modern. By Percy Abbott. | 133 |
Silk Magic. By Harold R. Rice. | 134 |
A Camp Show Routine. By Max Holden. | 135 |
Adaptability Foremost. By Delbert Douglas. | 135 |
Entertaining Magic. By Vin Carey. | 136 |
Always a Magician. By Al Baker. | 136 |
New Books For Old. By Leo Rullman. | 141 |
Finishing Magical Apparatus. By Dr. Maximilian Toch. | 141 |
"Shops for Divers Juggling Instruments" | 142 |
Magic - For, With, By The Army. | 143 |
Editor's Page. | 144 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 145 |
25 Years Ago. | 145 |
Notes on Performing. By Samuel Berland. | 146 |
NO. 8: OCTOBER 1942 | |
Cover. | 152 |
Meet The Dealers. | 152 |
A Closing Trick. By Loring Campbell. | 153 |
Balsamo's Glove. By Herman Yerger. | 154 |
The Five Card Trick. By Tom Osborne. | 155 |
The Flip Change Improved. By Dave Price. | 155 |
A Coin Penetration. By Paul Morris. | 156 |
The Serpent Silk. By R. D. Spraker, Jr. | 161 |
The Infallible Force. By Arthur Punnar. | 161 |
Abbott's Ninth Annual Magic Get Together. | 162 |
Paul Valadon. | 163 |
Editor's Page. | 164 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 165 |
25 Years Ago. | 165 |
Magic In Print: Keith Clark's Rope Royale. Funny Talk for Magicians. | 165 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 166 |
National Magic Day. | 166 |
Hero Harry. | 166 |
NO. 9: NOVEMBER 1942 | |
Cover | 172 |
Meet The Dealers: Joe Berg. Jim Sherman. | 172 |
Patriotic Effect: By Russ Walsh. | 173 |
Card In The Match Box. By Matt Schulien. | 174 |
Mixed Drinks. By Vic Torsberg. | 175 |
Producing a Bowl of Water. By Harlan Tarbell. | 175 |
Close-Up Spot. By Bert Allerton. | 176 |
Card Location Quickie. By Joe Berg. | 176 |
Four Aces. By Jas. Kater Thompson. | 176 |
My 3-1 Rope. By Edward Ritchell. | 177 |
Impromptu Kit. By John Brown Cook. | 177 |
Rabbit Eggs. by John Brown Cook. | 177 |
Give-Away Cards For Table Workers. By Martin Gardner. | 178 |
Wine From Water. By Earl C. Leamon. | 183 |
The Persistent Aces. By Arthur Buckley. | 184 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 185 |
"On The Spot". By Dorny. | 186 |
Dead: Max Malini. Edward Saint. Walter Jeans. Marshall Montgomery. | 187 |
Editor's Page. | 188 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 189 |
25 Years Ago. | 189 |
Where They Are. | 190 |
NO. 10: DECEMBER 1942 | |
The Christmas Conjurer. | 195 |
Cover. | 196 |
Magic In Print: Blue Ribbon Card Tricks. Greater Magic. Tarbell Course in Magic. Magic. The Best Tricks With Slates. Ireland's Year Book 1942. Fooling the Public. The "X" Card Mysteries. | 196 |
Martin's Twelve Card Trick. By Tommy Martin. | 197 |
Buck to Bullets. By Milbourne Christopher. | 198 |
With a Salt Shaker. By Tom Osborne. | 199 |
Billiard Ball Routine. By Count Artell. | 199 |
Hands Empty. By Tommy Dowd. | 200 |
Impromptu Card Trick. By Robert C. Anderson. | 200 |
Drawer Box Pistol Tube. By Loring Campbell. | 201 |
V For Victory Silk Dyeing. by J. Brown. | 201 |
Soap Suds! By Bill Weldon. | 201 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 202 |
Convention I.B.M. Ring 26. | 202 |
Rabbit Eggs. By John Brown Cook. | 202 |
Where They Are. | 202 |
Gwynne's Thrity Years. | 203 |
Ventriloquists I Have Known. By M. S. Mahendra. | 204 |
Editor's Page. | 206 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 211 |
25 Years Ago. | 211 |
NO. 11: JANUARY 1943 | |
Cover. | 228 |
Meet The Dealers. | 228 |
Utility Revolving Cabinet. By Herman Hanson. | 229 |
The Trick Butterfly. By "Silent" Mora. | 230 |
Grant Three Card Monte. By George LaFollette. | 231 |
"Bewildering Cigarette Packs". By Bill Goodale. | 231 |
Elmer and Dan. By Stephen G. Simpson. | 232 |
A Compact Mystery. By Ed Hammond. | 233 |
Color Quick. By Jess Kelly. | 233 |
All On One Pile. By Al Keller. | 233 |
What The Eyes Perceive, The Heart Must Believe. By Art Lyle. | 234 |
Deaf, Dumb and Blind. By "Jake" Stafford. | 234 |
The Ambitious Cards Again. By Harrison. | 234 |
Dexterous Duval. | 239 |
Boston's Early Magicians. By John Mulholland. | 240 |
Editor's Page. | 242 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 243 |
25 Years Ago. | 243 |
Magic In Print: The Chameleon Cups and Balls. Miracle Methods. Tips on Tricks. Trick Tracks. | 243 |
Where They Are. | 244 |
Miracles For Sale: Magic Rabbit Seals. Disecto. Think Ink. Visible Walking Through A Ribbon. | 244 |
Next Month. | 244 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 245 |
Magic Flashes From South America. By E. Leslie Briant. | 245 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 245 |
NO. 12: FEBRUARY 1943 | |
Gali Gali. | 252 |
Miracles For Sale: Tarbell Zip-Over Rope Mystery. Abbott's Double Bang Card in Balloon. Goodsell's Pulse Trick. | 252 |
Outstanding Tricks: Abbott's Defense Posters. Abbott's Daylight Screen. Commandos. The Million Mystery. "Out of This World". Pack of Cigarettes to Flowers. Nu Egg. Abbott's Rabbit Wringer. | 252 |
Picture Card Fans. By Arthur Nulens. | 253 |
Night Club Illusions. By John Hochland. | 254 |
Tricky Knots. By John Giordmaine. | 255 |
Improved. By Si Simons and Dan Morris. | 255 |
The Selected Card Under a Napkin. By Tom Osborne. | 256 |
Fetsch Phantasies. By Milbourne Christopher. | 256 |
Cigarette to Silk. By Doc Hallock. | 256 |
V Discovery. By Warner Perry. | 257 |
A Suggestion for the Rice Bowls. By John Hochland. | 257 |
Phantom Cigar. By Rouclere, Jr. | 258 |
Up She Pops. By Emmett Barbee. | 258 |
Alexander Herrmann's Centennial. | 263 |
American Servicemen Like Magic. A report from the USO-Camp Shows. | 264 |
Editor's Page. | 266 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 267 |
25 Years Ago. | 267 |
Magic In Print: Screamlined Patter-Rhymes And Wrinkles. The Magic 36. | 267 |
Louis Water died. | 267 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 268 |
Magic Flashes From South America. By E. Leslie Briant. | 268 |
Rabbit Eggs. | 268 |
On The Spot. By "Dorny". | 269 |
Where They Are. | 270 |