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Thot Card Xchange
by Unknown Mentalist


(3 customer ratings) ★★★

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Thot Card Xchange by Unknown Mentalist

The effect as seen by the audience: The performer displays a red-backed deck and a blue-backed deck. Two participants each choose a deck freely. Then both participants mentally think of a different playing card each. They need not announce which card they are thinking of. Surprisingly, when each participant deals down their respective deck, they find their thought of card missing from that deck. As a kicker twist, each participant's thought of card is found in the other participant's deck.

Another effect as seen by the audience: The performer displays a red-backed deck and a blue-backed deck. Two participants each choose a deck freely. Then both participants mentally think of a different playing card each. Each participant announces their respective thought of card. Again surprisingly, when each participant deals down their respective deck, they find their thought-of card to be the only card with a different colored back (say green or yellow or some other back).

There are totally 5 routines and 2 variations explained. Some routines can be performed totally hands-off by the performer. Some can be done totally deckless - without even a deck of cards. Some can be done as magic routines while some others can be performed as mentalism.

The basic principle involved here is fully self-working and is quite delightful to know. You will surely be able to come up with your own applications of this principle. There are no sleights, no stooges, and no preshow. There are no gimmicked cards involved and no arts and crafts involved. Two regular red- and blue-backed decks are used. The setup takes about 30 seconds for some of the routines. There is a one-time setup for a couple of routines which can last you for years of performances.

No stack and no marked decks are involved. The method is so easy that you will be able to learn and perform almost immediately. Do not be fooled by the low intro price - this is due to the extraordinary times we are all passing through.

1st edition 2021; PDF 17 pages.
word count: 3354 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Self-Working or Sleightless