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Thought Waves
by Stephen Tucker

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Thought Waves by Stephen Tucker

20 mentalism effects with a foreword by Max Maven. Out of print since 1985. Now again available as ebook.

From the foreword by Max Maven:

There is no question that Stephen Tucker has made his mark on the magic world...and it's about time someone made him clean it up!

The first time we met, I noticed that he had a streak of white hair in the center of his otherwise black coiffure. This gave him a very modern New Wave look, and I complimented him on his clever grooming.

He explained to me that the streak was not artificial, but rather an inherited family trait.

I'd had no idea that the Tucker eccentricities were genetic.

Of course, if you're familiar with Stephen's work, you probably guessed that already. From his early contributions to the Talon, to his own Spell-Binder, to his editorship of Pabular, his two videos, and his mammoth outpouring of books and manuscripts, Stephen has given the magic world a wide range of ideas ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, and everything in between.

Now, in this book, he's turning his attention to the field of mentalism. The field may never recover.

Actually, there is some terrific material in the pages you're about to read. There are routines which will fit perfectly into a formal show, and others which fall into the valuable category of impromptu mentalism, such as "Coalminer". (Well, this latter routine does require a paperback book, which is destroyed in the course of the performance, but the effect is good enough to salvage your relationship with the friend from whom you borrow the book.)

When Stephen asked me to write this introduction, he asked me to also read over the manuscript, and correct the errors in typing and grammar. I refuse to do this. For me, one of the pleasures of reading a Tucker book is discovering what new ways he's found to twist the English language into the verbal equivalent of balloon animals. You'll find more than enough examples in this volume.

So, what are you waiting for? Stephen has gathered twenty "Thought Waves" for your enjoyment. You'll find some stimulating material here, I'm sure. Use it in good health.

  • Foreword by Max Maven
  • Introduction
  • Espy - (E.S.P. Cards)
  • D U N E - (Book Test)
  • Combating the Elements - (Cards and Flash Paper)
  • Advance - (Coin/Bank Note and Wallet)
  • Coalminer - (Book Test)
  • I Am - (Cards)
  • Does Your Memory Fail You? - (Calculators)
  • Search for Space - (Envelope)
  • Digest Every Word - (Nail Writer)
  • Leave Nothing To Chance - (E.S.P. Cards and Key Fobs)
  • Behind The Camouflage - (Coins)
  • King And I - (Rope and Ruler)
  • Brave Souls - (Cards)
  • Obsession - (Envelopes and Bank Note)
  • Killing Machine - (Cards)
  • Hands Up - (Book Test)
  • Practical Panache - (Pocket Torch)
  • Call Of The Wild - (Book Test)
  • Greatly Exaggerated - (Cards)
  • Any Questions? - (Cards)
  • The Last Word

1st edition 1985; 1st ebook 2009; 40 pages.
word count: 13400 which is equivalent to 53 standard pages of text