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Three Graces
by Gerard Zitta


(2 reviews, 3 customer ratings) ★★★

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Three Graces by Gerard Zitta

This is a funny little trick and a very simple plot. You can carry it in your wallet and always be ready, anytime, anywhere, or you prepare it in larger format, and perform it for larger audiences.


You show an image of three ladies. The spectator selects one of them, and it was predicted on the back. It is also a funny visual gag. Very entertaining, simple, direct, easy to do, instant reset, and practical.

1st edition 2015.
word count: 1818 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Gerard Zitta
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 17 July, 2015

The drawing can be easily modified to make it more modest and prude, by sticking 3 colored dots.

Reviewed by Alan Meyers (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 15 July, 2015

Perhaps I am overly sensitive, but this trick seems to me to border on the mildly indecent. The "gag" is not one I would share with children, nor with most adult audiences for whom I might perform. I might have guessed that from the description of the trick, but I did not, and I want to warn off anyone who might feel as I do about this trick. At the same time, what I am saying in this review might have the opposite effect and actually attract some people to buy the trick. So I don't feel too bad about doing a negative review. :-)