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Time Out
by David Devlin


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★

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Time Out by David Devlin

EFFECT: The performer jots down a prediction on a small piece of paper, folds it into quarters, and drops it into a coffee cup. A spectator is now asked to name a time. She says, "7:35". She now reaches into the coffee cup, and removes the slip of paper, opens it up, and reads the time. Of course, it is 7:35.

  • No one-ahead
  • The spectator does not write anything down
  • No nail-writers
  • No math or spelling type force
  • 99% impromptu
This effect, in part, involves a new psychological force that is original with David Devlin. The great part of this effect is that this becomes a demonstration of the spectator's mental abilities, and shows that everyone has some psychic ability to one degree or another. This is pretty much a do it anytime, anywhere piece of mentalism that really delivers a hard-hitting punch!

1st edition 2013, 4 pages.
word count: 1418 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Alfonso Bartolacci (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 11 December, 2013

No please, there are tons of time forcing, sure and safety, and here we find the worse !!!!! Oh my God, but where this persons lives ????