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by Abhinav Bothra

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Timeline by Abhinav Bothra

Timeline is a 3 minute short, scripted and theatrical close-up act using a borrowed deck of playing cards.

With only 2 basic sleights and your script you're able to make people feel that they're watching an expert at work. You tell a short essay on time and magic happens almost by itself while the essay is being narrated.

Each action and revelation is perfectly supported by the script. Here are the opening lines - "If there is one thing no-one can escape from – it is time. In fact even if you go out into the space or deep under water, you’re still dominated by time because your oxygen tank will run out at some point. From Time originated the concept of Timeline. And that has 3 parts – Past, Present and Future."

Presentation and script are the key elements that differentiates an amateur from a professional, hobbyist from an expert, trickster from a magician. In here you'll find my script in a PDF file and the presentation in a video file.

  • It needs a working surface to ribbon spread the deck.
  • The script is easy-to-remember and it is not rigid, there is room for customization and make it feel like your own.

1st edition 2018, PDF 5 pages, video length 6 min 29 s.
word count: 905 which is equivalent to 3 standard pages of text