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Timothy Wade

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Timothy Wade
ACAAN Accomplished by Timothy Wade

After fanning the cards to show they are mixed the performer places the deck on a small table or hands it to someone to hold, at which point he never touches or even approaches the deck again. Next, the performer, in order to prove no stooges are being used picks up a box that is filled with paper balls and slings it in an arc over the entire audience asking everyone to catch or pick up a ball near them. When a number of the audience are holding paper balls, the performer reveals that three of the balls have a second red paper ball concealed inside the white. When the three people find...

Timothy Wade
My Mind in Your Pocket by Timothy Wade

A mind reading card effect which takes place in the hands of the spectator.

The performer, with back turned, asks a spectator to make a choice between four identical face down decks in a row. When the selection is made he/she is told to pick up the chosen deck under which is one of the performer's business cards. Before examining the business card the spectator is asked to shuffle the deck and place it back on the table. This done, the spectator is asked to look at what is on the back of the business card and then place it in a pocket or somewhere else out of site. Lastly the spectator is...

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