Tom Craven
(1934 - 4th November, 2023)
Tom (Thomas Eugene) Craven has been doing magic since 1962. His main interest has been close-up magic, but he performs from platform and stage as well. Married, 3 children, 13 grandchildren, none of which are likely to become magicians!
Tom Craven is one of only four persons that have attended all of the FFFF conventions. He did trade shows full-time for seven years.
He wrote The 16th Card Book (1982), The Card Magic of John Quine (1988), B.S.-Timations (1991), T.I.P.S. (Tom In Print Somewhere) (1992), The Second 16th Card Book, Vol. 1 (with Paul Gordon) (2005), The Keeper Card Book (with Paul Gordon) (2008), My (Almost) Fifty Years in Magic (2011) Second printing 2017 via Palmer Magic.
(The photo is copyright Robin W. Dawes, and is used with permission.)
Coauthors: Paul Gordon