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THE MINOTAUR Volumes 1-8
by Marvin Leventhal & Dan Harlan


(4 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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THE MINOTAUR Volumes 1-8 by Marvin Leventhal & Dan Harlan

"Half Bull, Half Magic"

THE MINOTAUR offers great effects from an eclectic list of contributors including household names such as Michael Ammar, David Williamson, Troy Hooser, Phil Goldstein, Gene Anderson, Steve Cohen, Tom Craven, Aldo Colombini, Daryl, Didier Dupre, Eddie Fechter, Doc Eason, Dan Garrett, Chris Kenner, Gary Kurtz, Ken Krenzel, Eric Mead, David Neighbors, Johnny Ace Palmer, Gary Plants, Joe Rindfleisch, Rocco, Hiro Sakai, and many more. Of course, there are a lot of Dan Harlan effects, too. And each effect has been carefully illustrated by Dan Harlan himself.

Every volume of THE MINOTAUR is by itself on par with any high quality magic book. A magic magazine unlike any other.

Included in this bundle is the final issue of volume 8 which was released as a two disc set DVD (here available as download DVDs).