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Toni Koynini
(~1931 - ?)
British magician. Served in the Royal Air Force.
If you have a photo of Toni Koynini please email us. We would like to add it here. |
(~1931 - ?)
British magician. Served in the Royal Air Force.
Toni Koynini brings to you some fine card magic with a new approach. This is an ebook of card magic in which no digital skill is required, for the effects literally work themselves, yet there is none of the usual tedious dealing and counting associated with such tricks. First, there is a complete card act of six splendidly routined miracles:
CAN'T SEE (A complete Card Act): A pack of cards is shuffled and cut by a spectator, and the performer is genuinely blindfolded with bandages, dough or what you will. Then, using only the sensitivity of his fingertips, he quickly deals the cards, laying...
Siete invitati alla gara più emozionante del secolo: Il Derby degli Assi! Quattro impavidi assi, che per l'occasione svolgono il ruolo di cavalli da corsa, gareggiano verso il traguardo su un percorso segnato su una qualsiasi superficie - sia essa un bancone da bar, un pavimento o un semplice foglio di carta. Tre spettatori scelgono LIBERAMENTE tre Assi che rappresentano 3 cavalli. L’esecutore prende quello che è rimasto. Il mazzo viene mescolato GENUINAMENTE dagli stessi spettatori e, man mano che le carte vengono scoperte, gli assi avanzano muovendosi verso la linea di arrivo in base...
A "Horse Race" in which you always win under impossible conditions.
The aces represent horses and the performer and three spectators run an exciting race, moving their horses on the “course” as indicated by a fourth spectator dealing the cards. The performer always wins and the effect can be repeated as many times as desired, with the same result every time.