January 1951 - December 1951
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor
385 pages
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 1 - January 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Mel
- Contents
- Lota-Gorda - George F. Wright
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Good Wishes
- Matching the Card - Carl C. Newbold
- Spotting the Spot - Eddie Joseph
- Envelope and Handkerchief - Augustus Rapp
- Coin and Matchbox Effect - Joseph Ovette
- [Stewart] James Case Dismissed
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- Fun with Talking Teeth
- The Party - A Skit with Talking Teeth
- A Card in Balloon Idea - Joseph Brandi
- [George] Tollerton Reports
- Conjurer's Shop Talk - Ken Allen
- gag - Les Spiewack
- routine - Les Spiewack
- Zancigs Recalled in Story
- Key of the Zancig Code
- SAM Parent Assembly Celebrates
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Clettis V. Musson
- Chicago Magigals - Evelyn Musson
- re: Dean Rowe
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- Here's Your Card
- First Method
- Second Method
- Third Method
- Fourth Method
- Fifth Method
- Multiplico - Lawrence Weber
- Ballet-Girl Vampire - Jadukar Naren Bose
- Three Minds and a Card - Demon Rembrandt
- [Jack] Kodell on Palladium Bill
- For Vents Only - George McAthy
- The Future Greats - Bill Pitts
- The Off and On Again Ring - G. A. Ammann
- A Patter Bit
- Cheepad - An Advertising Idea - George F. Wright
- Seek Marker for Si's {Stebbins] Grave
- re: John Green
- The Voice of the Mentalist - Ray Amy
- Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
- Ministerial Magic - Gene Nielsen
- Seven, Fourteen, Twenty-One - Sandu
- re: 20th Annual Magi-Fest
- Half Lady Illusion - Augustus Rapp
- re: Ravelli
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 2 - February 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Percy Abbott
- Contents
- Transposition of Cards - - Percy Abbott
- re: The Johnstones
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- Abbott's Miracle Pitcher
- Effect No. 1
- Effect No. 2
- Effect No. 3
- Effect No. 4
- Effect No. 5
- Effect No. 6
- Effect No. 7
- Effect No. 8
- Effect No. 9
- Effect No. 10
- Torn and Restored Bill - Marvin Miller
- Wedding Rings - Recil Bordner
- Cigarette from Nowhere - Dr. Charles H. Clark
- Flag Waver - Charles Worpel
- A Different Sun and Moon - J. F. James
- re: McDonald & Mabel Birch
- A Trio of Albright Effects - Howard P. Albright
- Famous Autograph Trick
- The Ice Breaker
- Cards-O-Destiny
- Cards from the Pocket at any Number
- Adaption of the "Stop" Trick
- Mysterious Flying Cards
- A Strange Reversal
- Rising Cards to Tell Fortune
- Chicago Fortune
- A "Spotting the Spot" Idea - Douglas Harrison
- Chicago Magigals - Blanche Inglis
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Clettis V. Musson
- Disappearing Act - re: Maskelyne Mysteries
- re: Harry Blackstone
- The Magical Mickies [Helen & Ernest] - George L. Boston
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter
- reviews
- Routined Manipulations - Lewis Ganson
- Scarne on Card Tricks
- More Patter - Sid Lorraine
- Hobby Magic - Morris M. Young, M.D.
- Expert Card Technique - Jean Hugard & Fred Braue
- Stars of Magic Series 7
- Cards Up The Sleeve - Dr. Jacob Daley
- The Itinerant Pasteboard - Dr. Jacob Daley
- The Cavorting Aces - Dr. Jacob Daley
- Multi Magic Glass - "Hen" Fetsch
- Stoddard's Mental Miracle
- Magic Circle Dedicates New Home
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- Psychology of Comedy [New York]
- Open House Christmas Party
- Louisville Magic Club - Ray Tillman
- Conjurer's Shop Talk - Ken Allen
- Color Vision Box
- Neff Rope Gimmick
- Abbott's New Bouquet
- Duo Fish Bowls
- For Vents Only - George McAthy
- You Get My Goat! - Philip Morris
- Good Night, Folks - Philip Morris
- Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
- re: The Bob Moreheads have baby girl
- Ministerial Magic - Gene Nielsen
- The Future Greats - Bill Pitts
- Hi Harris Dies
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 3 - March 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Mel
- Contents
- Stage Thermometer - Percy Abbott
- The Absconding Pips = Lu Brent
- Moo Cow - J. F. James
- Finding It - Ken Allen
- Abbott's Sawing Through a Woman - Comedy Presentation - Eddie Joseph
- Card Force - Recil Bordner
- Flashy Bouquet Production - Mickey Ostaski
- Gadabout Milk Trick - George Boston
- Continuous Card Fans - Percy Abbott
- Silk Stocking Routine - David Roper
- Cards-O-Destiny - Howard Albright - continued
- Out of the Hat
- A Double Prediction
- Spell Your Fortune
- The Haunted Deck
- Card in the Pocketbook
- For Vents Only - George McAthy
- dialog - Don Frankel
- dialog - Don Frankel
- All Work Stops - re: Augustus Rapp's 80th
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Art Johnson
- New Jersey Magicians Society - Douglas F. Ebocker
- Chicago Magigals - Rose Mary Brigham
- re: Jay MArshall
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter
- reviews
- Genii, November, December & January
- The Gen, November, December & January
- Phoenix, Nos. 216 to 221
- The Modern Magi - November, December & February
- The Sphinx, November, December & January
- The Wizard
- Djinn
- The Bat, November, December & January
- Abracadabra, Nos. 249 to 259
- Magical Digest, October, November & December
- Hugard's Magic Monthly, November, December & January
- Fleming Book Reviews, Nos. 153-6
- Count's Chronicle
- Ledger - new periodical
- Magic Limited - lists and ads
- The Aires Press - Catalog
- Grapette Magic Club - book
- Magi-Tales
- Magic Makers
- Top Hat Topics from the House of Tannen
- Ralph Read - booklet on trip to English Convention
- Sorcar - clippings
- Hindu
- The Barnstormer
- Eddie's Dumbfounders With Cards - Eddie Joseph
- Ministerial Magic - Gene Nielsen
- Visitors at Abbott's - re: Coke Cecil, Doug Roe & George Edstrom
- He's Coast TV's "Mr. Magic" - re: Frank Herman
- re: Kalanag
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- The Voice of the Mentalist - Ray Amy
- Good News for Canadian Magi re: postal restrictions lifted
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- Answers to the Fowl Gag
- Stupid Answers
- Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
- The Future Greats - Bill Pitts
- re: Louisville (Ky.) Magic Club
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 4 - April 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Mel
- Contents
- Elusive Six-Card Trick - Roxy
- Magic Springtime - Recil Bordner
- Answer the Question - Percy Abbott
- The Comet Trick Revamped - George F. Wright
- The Little Red House - J. F. James
- Yank-Ho Razor Trick - Demon Rembrandt
- Tops! - re: circulation - The Editor
- Ventriloquist Cliff Gest Makes Hit in U.S. - Robert E. Hair
- re: Vernon Carr
- The Penetrating Ring - Joe Harris
- Thimble Vanish Gimmick
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- Soot Sorcery
- The Profile - Effect 1
- Addition - Effect 2
- Designs - Effect 3
- Card in Soot - Effect 4
- Revelation - Effect 5
- Present Company Included - Effect 6
- The Spirit Writes - Effect 7
- Effect 8
- The Kalanag Show
- Colon Chooses Monk Watson
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter
- reviews
- Practical Hypnotism (4th Edition) - Ed Wolff
- Perfected Sealed Message Reading - Ed Stoddard
- Brainstorm - Ed Stoddard
- Intuition - Ed Stoddard
- Flash Paper Tips - Stuart Robson & Ralph Read
- Questions and Answers
- re: Ormond McGill
- re: Mariano Palhinha
- For Vents Only - George McAthy
- Getting to the Bottom of It - Eddie Hall, Jr.
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- Dippy Daffinations
- Safety First
- Dear Wife
- Chicago Magigals - Evelyn Musson
- re: [Jack] Gwynne
- The Voice of the Mentalist - Ray Amy
- Ministerial Magic - Gene Nielsen
- The Future Greats - Bill Pitts
- New Jersey Magicians Society - Douglas F. Ebocker
- re: Stephen Lang
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Art Johnson
- Visitors at Abbott's - re: Cedric and Kim Kee, Hal Marshall & Frank Dayton
- re: Kodell
- The Great Leon Dies
- re: William J. Allen
- re: Lt. Lee Allen Estes
- re: Stanley B. Noxon
- re: 2-10 Daniel
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 5 - May 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Percy Abbott
- Contents
- The Banyan Tree Root - Eddie Joseph
- The Picture Appears - Joel E. Ross
- Duck's Delight - Jack Lamonte
- re: John Calvert
- Card on the Wall - James Reneaux
- The Parcel Post Box of Magic - J. F. James
- Flying Eagles - Robson
- A Quickie with the Finger Die Tube - J. F. James
- Cherchez le Fou! - Jack Lamonte
- Roxy's Rope Restoration - Jose A. Guerra (Roxy)
- A Spelling Trick - George F. Wright
- re: Nevin and Helen Hoefert
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- Demonstration Night in N.Y. - re: Ken Allen
- New Jersey Magicians Society - Douglas F. Ebocker
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Art Johnson
- Tops! - re: circulation - The Editor
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter
- reviews
- Ventriloquism - Paul Stademan
- Flash Paper Tips - Stuart Robson & Ralph Read
- Stars of Magic - Syldini
- The Cigarette Mystery
- Flight of the Paper Balls
- Flyaway Coin Routine
- The Sphinx Golden Jubilee Book of Magic - Milbourne Christopher, compiler
- Hugard's Magic Monthly, Volume 7 - bound edition
- manuscript of five effects - Percy Abbott - for new subscribers
- Chandu's Psychoanalysis - George Armstrong
- Magical West Wind - George L. Boston
- re: new catalog from Abbott's
- re: Clyde Cairy
- He's Sinclair's Magic Man - Demon Rembrandt - re: Vernon Carr
- For Vents Only - George McAthy
- re: Al Saal & George and Betty Johnstone
- re: Magic Makers on Monk Watson
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- Television Twists
- The Theme Song Gag
- Psychiatry Gags
- [Jay] Palmer and Doreen in London
- The Banana Man
- Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
- Ministerial Magic - Gene Nielsen
- Chi Abbott's in New Quarters
- Two More Card Tricks - Dr. Van Klavern
- An Expanding Gag - Mariano Palhinha
- Chicago Magigals' Annual Show - Rose Mary Brigham
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 6 - June 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Mel
- Contents
- Duplex Rope Miracle - Roxy & Prince Drakon
- An Easy Speller - Clyde F. Cairy
- Flight of the Billiard Ball - Kenneth Allen
- re: New Abbott's Chicago
- Another Spotting the Spot - Roxy
- Impromptu Half-Dollar Vanish - James Reneaux
- Vibratory Thot-Wave Card Trick - George F. Wright
- re: Senator Crandall
- re: Monk Watson
- The Knitting Canister - Joel E. Ross
- New Twist on the Bottom Change - Roxy
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- The Three Cards
- The Visual Force
- The Lady Finds the Card
- Anticipating the Cards
- Getting Into Special Services - TSgt. Mariano Palhinha
- re: Phil Huckabee
- Conjurer's Shop Talk - Ken Allen
- Two Card-Cloth Tricks
- A Rhinestone Thimble Gag
- Magic Circle Stage Annual Fete
- re: Price Drakon
- Magic in Chicago
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Art Johnson
- Magi Help Cancer Drive
- re: Fred Beckman
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter
- trick reviews
- Rare Boutonniere - Abbott's
- Cup 'O Gold - Abbott's
- magazine reviews
- Abracadabra, Nos. 260-274
- The Bat - ends
- Bat, Jr.
- Hugard's Magic Monthly, February, March & April
- Genii, February, March & April
- The Gen, February, March & April
- The Modern Magi, March, April & May
- The Phoenix, Nos. 222-228
- Magical Digest, January, February & March
- The Sphinx, February, March & April
- The Wizard, December, January & February
- other
- Sorcar - advertising
- Giant Cards to Pocket - Monte Harris
- Within the Shuffle
- Top Hat Topics
- Fleming Book Reviews Nos. 157-159
- Magi-Tales
- The Ledger
- Barnstormer
- Magic Makers
- Important to Subscribers - re: change in billing
- The Sphinx to Issue Quarterly
- re: Martin Sunshine (Kismet)
- re: Doc and Ann Mahendra
- re: Jack Kodell
- "Cedric of London" and His Spot of Tea! - Demon Rembrandt
- News of English Magi - Wilford Hutchinson
- Magical West End - George L. Boston
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- The Voice of the Mentalist - Ray Amy
- Joe Walter Passes On
- Audley C. Tobin Dies
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 7 - July 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Percy Abbott
- Contents
- Flying Flags (or Cards) - Roxy of Rio
- Burned Hank in Dye Box - Dr. Maurice
- Paper Pop Balls Idea - J. F. James
- Burned and Restored Tissue - J. F. James
- Abbott's Card Cloth Routine - George C. Hanneman
- Thought Control
- Prediction No. 1
- Prediction No. 2
- An E-Z Thimble Routine - Roxy
- Two Comedy Blackboard Stunts - Demon Rembrandt
- Card in the Envelope - James Reneaux
- A Good Top or Bottom Change - Roxy
- Some Useful and Practical Hints - Roxy
- Coins and Cigarettes
- Silk Vanish
- Plan Innovations in New Catalog - re: Abbott's
- re: The Mystifying Millikens (Clint &and Ruth)
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- The Rising Wand
- Handkerchief and Coins
- re: Don Bodley
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Clettis V. Musson
- New Jersey Magicians Society - Douglas F. Ebocker
- Hawaiian Magi Honor Officers
- MAES to Meet at Allentown
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter
- Magic Circle on Television
- Back to Kenton Aug. 3-4
- re: John Pratt
- re: George Johnstone
- James Reneaux - Suave Sorcerer! - by Demon Rembrandt
- Magical West Wind - George L. Boston
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- Television Topics
- Patter for Milk Go
- Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
- Ministerial Magic - Gene Nielsen
- For Vents Only - George McAthy
- Somewhat Western - Don Frankel
- Family Affair - Don Frankel
- Magician Bows and Gets $4,480 - re: Ali Bey (David Chamerless Lemmy)
- re: Bobby Rew
- The Future Greats - Bill Pitts
- Magic in Brazil - Jose A. Guerra (Roxy)
- re: Jack Jardine
- More About "The Banana Man" [A. Robins] - by Chas. A. RossKam
- re: F. O. Dayton
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 8 - August 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Mel
- Contents
- Coincidence - Roxy and Rita
- Milk-En-Glass
- Double Reverse Improvement - George F. Wright
- Magic Production
- A Neat Card Change - Roxy
- Color-Change Knife Patter - Byrne Perkins
- A Simple Production
- A Tip on Vanishing a Quarter - John Reynolds
- 5re: Jimmy Lake
- Double Lift Trickery - Harry Royden
- re: J. H. Tucker
- Eddie Joseph Honored in Bombay
- re: George Jason
- re: Herb Millar, John Reynolds, Byrne Perkins & Al Munroe
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- Conjurer's Shop Talk - Ken Allen
- Travelling Flame
- A Flash Coin Trick
- Silk-Billiard Ball Variation
- It's a Joseph Issue Next Month
- re: The Three Lawrences
- New Jersey Magicians Society - Douglas F. Ebocker
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Art Johnson
- Chicago Magigals - Rose Mary Brigham
- Magi Organize in Korea
- Louisville Magic Club - Major S. Thomson
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter
- reviews
- Stars of Magic Series - Ross Bertram on Coins
- Rubdown
- Double-Cross
- The Porus Paw
- Coin Assembly
- The Invisible Influence - Eddie Joseph
- Comedy Technique - Robert Orben
- Juggler's Annual Bulletin - Roger Montandon
- Juggling Made Easy
- Looking Over the Magazines
- The Sphinx, May & June [last of the monthly issues]
- The Gen, May & June
- The Wizard, March
- The Magical Digest, April & May
- Abracadabra, Nos. 275-282
- The Phoenix, Nos. 229-232
- The Modern Magi, June & July
- Genii, May & June
- Hugard's Magic Monthly, May & June
- The Bat, Jr., May & June
- The Barnstormer
- Magic Makers
- Magi Greetings in Tops - re: December Issue
- re: Jim Whitehurst
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- Humor Terminology Explained
- Magi to Picnic in Moline
- Marionette Circus for Sale
- re: Jack Rogers
- re: Prince Drakon
- The Future Greats - Bill Pitts
- The Voice of the Mentalist - Ray Amy
- Ministerial Magic - Gene Nielsen
- So They Say - Harry Opel
- Death Takes William Asimus
- Lester C. Clark Dies
- re: Hoyle Blalock
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 9 - September 1951 - 32 pages - Special Eddie Joseph Silver Jubilee Issue
- Twenty-Five Years of Writing - Eddie Joseph
- Contents
- Speaking of Dealers - Eddie Joseph
- Don't Try To Be a Pretended Lion - Eddie Joseph
- Are You a Beginner? - Eddie Joseph
- Melsonia - Eddie Joseph
- Two Effects With One Idea - Eddie Joseph
- Repeating a Murder - Eddie Joseph
- Divorce in Zululand - Eddie Joseph
- The Rising Coin - Eddie Joseph
- The Elusive Candle - Eddie Joseph
- Floating a Strange Lady - Eddie Joseph
- In Tune With the Spirits - Eddie Joseph
- Ferrule and Peas - Eddie Joseph
- Blood and Sand - Eddie Joseph
- The Self-Reversing Card - Eddie Joseph
- Coins and Cards - Eddie Joseph
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 10 - October 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Mel
- Contents
- Double-Barrelled Barrel Head - Clyde F. Cairy
- Fakin' A Bakin' - Comedy Cake in Hat Routine - David Roper
- Ball and Hat Trick - Roxy
- Silk 'n' Strips - Todd T. Hunt
- Some Ideas for the Rubber Hand - Edward Cherney, Jr.
- Perfect Rice Bowl Combination - Roxy
- Fun With Baby Skunk - James J. Murphy
- Rabbit Hop - J. F. James
- A Variety of Magic Ideas - Edward Cherney, Jr.
- A Stocking Surprise
- Coin Vanish
- Tip on Cups and Balls
- Another Idea
- Flash Milk Vanish
- A Weird Zombie
- Bird Cage Production
- For a Closing Trick
- Egg-Silk Routine
- With the Pixie Glass - Richard W. Carpenter
- Clyde Cairy - A Popular Magic Entertainer! - Demon Rembrandt
- Cedric Now at Abbott's Detroit
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- LePaul's Invisible Turn-Over Pass
- The Four Cards
- The Poker Display
- A Gambler's Trick
- Your Card Your Position
- A Publicity Idea - Thomas Hendricks
- Magic in Brazil - Jose A. Guerra (Roxy)
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Art Johnson
- New Jersey Magicians Society - Douglas F. Ebocker
- re: Corp. Bernie Walsh & Golden Dragon Ring (Korea)
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter
- reviews
- If You Like It - Ken Allen
- That's Right, You're Wrong - Abbott's
- In Miniature
- Coins Transit - Abbott's
- Lessons in Scripture - Rev. D. E. Bodley
- Psychic Magic Series - Ormond McGill
- Forecast - Ed Stoddard
- The Private Eye - Bill Nord
- One Liners - Robert Orben
- Super Static - "Hen" Fetsch
- Hydro-Jell - "Hen" Fetsch
- Hoppy the Magic Frog - "Hen" Fetsch
- Diversions with Dice - Treborix
- Hortense and the Wolves - Buff
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- How to Tell a Joke
- Homespun Herb
- re: Wilford Hutchinson & Redcar (North Yorkshire) Magic Circle
- REA Fairs Use Magician - re: Joe Tucker
- The Voice of the Mentalist - Ray Amy
- Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
- re: Monk Watson
- Ministerial Magic - Gene Nielsen
- Louisville Magic Club - Major S. Thomson
- re: Grand Festival of Magic (London) & shows at resorts
- The Future Greats - Bill Pitts
- re: Siler the Magician
- Fir Tree and Ladder Patter - Lane Breidenstein
- K.C. Magi Entertained in Hawaii - re: Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Fronk & Phil and Jim Starr
- Flash Lighter
- John C. Green Passes On
- Death Takes Two Wisconsin Magi - re: Harry Shingler & Dr. Rudolph Teschan
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 11 - November 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Mel
- Contents
- The Travelling Spots - Percy Abbott
- Getting a Rise Out of It - Harry Louine
- The Enchanted Cup - Edward Cherney, Jr.
- Drakon Triplex Rope Miracle - Roxy
- Kard-Koin Divination - Roxy
- Working Details
- Method No. 1 - No Force
- Method No. 2 - Forcing Deck
- Method No. 3 - Unprepared Deck
- Some Magical Ideas - Edward Cherney, Jr.
- An Opening Routine
- Timely Color-Change Balloon
- Matches to Bouquet
- Wine to Water
- A "Pull" Idea
- Pipe to Bouquet
- The Buck Decreases - Recil Bordner
- E-Z Cigarette Production - Roxy
- A Prognosto Slate Idea - George Boston
- Thought Vision
- Joe Stalin's Dream - poem - Bob Brethen
- Numerical Phantasy
- Phil Thomas Heads MAES
- England's Festival of Magic
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- New Jersey Magicians Society - Douglas F. Ebocker
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Art Johnson
- Chicago Magigals - Jerrie-Ann Musson
- New England Magi Meet Nov. 9-11
- Louisville Magic Club - Major S. Thomson
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter
- reviews
- Robert Orben - advertising
- The Barnstormer, September & October
- Top Hat Topics
- Count's Chronicle, September
- PCAM 16th Annual Convention - program & give-away items
- Borts - advertising
- Sorcar - advertising
- Corsair No. 67
- Magic-O
- Houdini-Gram
- Magic Makers
- Doc Weiss - photos
- Modern Magi, August, September, October & November
- The Bat, Jr.
- The Phoenix, Nos. 233-239
- Hugard's Magic Monthly, July, August & September
- Combined Genii & Conjuror's Magazine
- Sphinx (quarterly)
- The Wizard, April & May
- The Gen, July & August
- Magical Digest, June, July & August
- Abracadabra, Nos. 283-294
- Box Escape Gets Publicity - re: Birch Show
- Have a Spot of Tea with Cedric of London
- Magic Stunt Costly - re: Fritz Strobel
- Correction Please! - re: October Issue - With a Pixie Glass by Richard Carpenter
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- New Year's Day
- Valentine Volleys
- Income Tax Day
- St. Patrick's Day
- April Fools' Day - April 1st
- Mothers' Day
- Memorial Day
- Columbus Day
- Hallowe'en
- Election Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas
- Clean-Up Week
- National Navy Week
- National Dog Week
- National Child Education Week
- Fire Prevention Week
- Apple Week
- Be Kind to Animals Week
- Hypnotist Shows for Dentists - re: Steve [Dr. Elliott] Brodie
- Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
- Ministerial Magic - Gene Nielsen
- The Future Greats - Bill Pitts
- [Prof. Joe} Tershay Honored in Hawaii
- Kalanag in London
- Al Baker Dies
- Ellis Stanyon Dies
- George Staples Dies Performing
- The "Tops" - Volume 16, Number 12 - December 1951 - 32 pages
- With the Editor - Mel & Percy Abbott
- Contents
- Bill's Moving Day - Percy Abbott
- The Elusive Die - Roxy
- A Paper Tear Plus - H. Ralph Prager
- 6 Minus 3 Equals 6 - A Card Effect in New Dress - Prince Drakon
- Just Another - Harry Lourine
- Multiplying Golf Balls
- Performing
- The How and Some Suggestions
- Mouth Ball Move
- Another Mouth Move
- Novel Four-Ball Production
- Two-to-Four Ball Move
- Closed Fist Ball Move
- Astrologia - Howard P. Albright
- Billet-Reading Routine No. 1
- Just One Move
- Reading is Personalized
- A Specimen Reading
- The Automatic Prompter
- How to Use the "Prompter Cards"
- Sensational Features
- Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Eddie Joseph
- Three Tricks with One Principle
- Effect No. One
- Effect No. Two
- Effect No. Three
- Wizard Club of Chicago - Art Johnson
- L. M. C. Stages Benefit Auction - re: Louisville Magic Club
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter
- Houdini Premiere at Colon?
- So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
- Master of Merriment
- Snappy Comebacks
- Books Not Recommended
- More About Al Baker
- Magic Entertains Korean Units
- re: Jay Palmer & Doreen
- Have a Spot of Tea with Cedric of London
- The Voice of the Mentalist - Ray Amy
- Ministerial Magic - Gene Nielsen
- The Future Greats - Bill Pitts
- re: The Great Morton
- re: C. C. Cougon (Professor Van)
- Hocus Pocusers Hold Banquet - re: Hocus Pocus Magic Club (Minneapolis)
word count: 253442 which is equivalent to 1013 standard pages of text