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Tops Volume 2 (1937)
by Percy Abbott


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Tops Volume 2 (1937) by Percy Abbott
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January 1937 - December 1937
Abbott's Magic Novelty Company
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor

649 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 1 - January 1937 - 52 pages
  2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
  3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
  4. New Magic Club - The Keystone Ring of Harrisburg
  5. Harlan Tarbell's Health
  6. The "Tops" Policy
  7. Is This A Pipe Dream? - letter from Julius Hopkins
  8. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Thoughts About a Year of Tops
    • Questions and Answers
  9. Variation of Rope Trick - Erwin Forsythe
  10. The Drop Cigarette Move - Percy Abbott
  11. Continuous Front and Back Palm With Lighted Cigarette - Percy Abbott
  12. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
    • Happy New Year; Happy Birthday!
  13. In Explanation - Don Sweet
  14. Magic Waves from the Lake - Lester Lake
  15. Our Nobel Prize For Today
    • Jules Abbott
  16. Vents - G. McAthy
    1. Personality of the Doll - William S. Hume
    2. Observations - I Saw - Revello Petee
  17. Three Sets of Twins - William Meyers
  18. Tops and Bottoms in Magic - Harry E. Cecil
  19. Liquids Contest
    1. Mysterious Tube of Water - Joseph Rukus
    2. Passe Passe Variety - Senor V. Morales
  20. Silks Contest Winners
  21. Phantom Balls and Cord Box - P. Verto
  22. Reno in the Spotlight
  23. My Pet Color Change - Ward the Magician
  24. reports of Birch in Ohio
  25. letter from George Newmann
  26. Give Us Flowers Now - poem - C.A. George Newmann
  27. The Psychic Circle - Ormond McGill
    • 3000 Years of Mental Magic - Powers of the Orientals
  28. Card Table Fun - Virdis Richards
  29. W. I. Joy in Sharon, Pennsylvania
  30. Al Gates of Jacksonville, Florida
  31. Martin Marionettes at Dayton
  32. Al Saal at the Fox Theatre, Detroit
  33. Jack Gwynne in Detroit
  34. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
    • Robert-Houdin
  35. Moxo the Clown (Mark Barker)
  36. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
    1. The New Magician's Manual - Walter B. Gibson
    2. Sermons in Magic - Rev. Charles T. Grant
    3. Sponge Ball Manipulation - Audley V. Walsh
    4. Interesting Tricks - William G. Strickland
    5. Good Conjuring, in Practice and Theory - S. H. Sharpe
    6. Hyler's Stunt Bulletin, Number One - Oscar Hyler
    7. Live Magic - W. O. Turner
    8. The Jinx, No. 27, December, 1936 - Theo. Annemann
    9. The Magic Wand, No. 172, December, 1936 - George Johnson
    10. The Spirit of St. Louis, Vol. 3, No. 5 - I.B.M. No. 1
    11. The Gimmic - Hanky Panky Club
    12. The Linking Ring, November, 1936 - I.B.M.
    13. The Magie, November & December Issues, 1936 - Helmut Schreiber
    14. The Sphinx, December, 1936
    15. The Genii, December, 1936 - William Larsen
    16. The Dragon, November, 1936 - Vernon Lux
    17. The Imp, October, 1936
    18. Wilford Hutchinson's Conjurer's Chronicle, May-June, 1936
    19. Davenport's Demon Telegraph, November, 1936
    20. E.M.C.A. Magic News - Collins Pentz [Equality Magicians Club of America]
    21. Giant Card Magic (Ripley's Routine, No. 1) - Sherman Ripley (Mazdah)
    22. Jogesta, Living and Dead Test - Stewart James
    23. Lack Lite - Stewart James
    24. Scoop 'Em - Stewart James
    25. Jasonn's Bill-in-Cig - Eddie Joseph
    26. The Big Three, A Chinaman's Chance, Cardomatic, Spell of Mystery - Stewart James
    27. The Evolution of a Dream - Stewart James
  37. The "Tops" Trading Center
  38. Next Month

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 2 - February 1937 - 48 pages
  2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
  3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
  4. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Interesting Tricks - Strickland
    • Questions and Answers
  5. Medium Routine - R. M. Jamison
  6. Marked Cards Meanderings - R. H. Parrish
  7. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
    • On Entertaining Children
    • Dont's
  8. Magic Waves from the Lake - Lester Lake
  9. Our Nobel Prize For Today
    • "Bill" Dornfield
  10. Lighted Match Production - Monte Harris
  11. The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
    • 3000 Years of Mental Magic - Animal Magnetism
  12. Next Month
  13. New Club Organized in Michigan
  14. Passing of Will Blyth
  15. Dusting Off Some Old Ones - Frank Flint
    • chosen card(s) being inverted in the middle of a deck
  16. A Sizzler - letter from Patricola
  17. Want Ad Column
  18. G. A. Holly Honored by Magician's Association of Cleveland
  19. Vents - G. McAthy
    • How To Make A Head For A Vent Figure Out Of Plastic Wood - Revello Petee
  20. Next Month
  21. Liquids Contest
    1. Aquaette - J, Francis Pratt III
    2. The Comedy Water In Hat - Arthur Roberts
    3. Cute Glass of Wine Production - Edward Reese
  22. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
    • Very Old - And American
  23. A Wrinkle re: Eggs
  24. Torture Board Torture
  25. Tip for Phantom Balls and Cord Box - Dr. J. Wheeler
  26. Keith Clark
  27. Good News I.B.M. Members
  28. The Wonder Box - Joseph Rukus
  29. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
    1. Forty Years of Psychic Research - Hamlin Garland
    2. Inside the Medium's Cabinet - Joseph Dunninger
    3. How to Make a Ghost Walk - Joseph Dunninger
    4. Confessions of a Ghost Hunter - Harry Price
    5. En Rapport - Theo. Annemann
    6. Six Bits and Another Six Bits - Frank Chapman
    7. The Jinx, Winter Extra, 1936-37 - Theo. Annemann
    8. The Jinx, No. 28, January, 1937 - Theo. Annemann
    9. Wilford Hutchinson's Conjurer's Chronicle, July-Aug., 1936
    10. The Spirit of St. Louis, Vol. 4 No. 1
    11. Magie, January, 1937 - Helmut Schreiber
    12. The Dragon, December, 1936, Vol. 5, No. 12 - Vernon Lux
    13. The Genii, Pacific Coast Magic News, Vol. 1, No. 5 - William Larsen
    14. Stage Magic, Junior Folios, 4a, b, and c - Burling Hull
  30. The "Tops" Trading Center

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 3 - March 1937 - 60 pages
  2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
  3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
  4. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers
  5. Frank Ogden now in hotel business in Kalamazoo, Michigan
  6. A Boost For Magic
  7. An Effective Combination - Howard, the Magician
  8. A Reply to Patricola - The Editor
  9. Magic Waves from the Lake - Lester Lake
  10. Our Nobel Prize For Today
    • Dr. Lee DeForrest
  11. Paul Rosini at the Palmer House in Chicago
  12. The Twin Cities Mystics - newly organized
  13. Fretres Sincipitis Mystici [Brothers of the Mystic Skull] - newly organized in Harrisonburg
  14. Stewart James & Charles Colville - trip around the world
  15. For "Burning Cigarette in Hank" - Dr. J. Wheeler
  16. Capitol Magic Club in Michigan
  17. W.P.A. [Windsor Plus Anders - aka Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Lowry]
  18. Want Ads
  19. Tops and Bottoms in Magic - Harry E. Cecil
    • Crossing The Bar - Tennyson
    • Services for William W. Durbin
  20. An Open Letter - from Marvello
  21. Justo Hijo Magic Club in Des Moines, Iowa
  22. Vents - G. McAthy
    • Vent Dialogue - Richard Haldane
    • Hanky Panky Club (Minneapolis) - Don Ward
  23. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
    • On "Entertaining Children" - Part II
  24. Indian Rope Secret Revealed
  25. Mystic Vase - George LeLaney
    • Routine for Mystic Vase of the Orient
    • Patter for Routine
  26. Death of Mrs. M. F. Zens
  27. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
    • More about American Rarities
  28. The Phantom Cigarette - Erwin Forsythe
  29. Picking Locks - Gysel
  30. Finis - Egyptian Hall in Kenton, Ohio is closed - Robert C. Anderson
  31. photo of W. W. Durbin
  32. Liquids Contest
    1. Milko - Alvin M. Arndt
    2. Improved Liquor Tube - Monte Harris
    3. The Magic Punchbowl - Sam Stern
    4. Oh, Pop! What Flavor Do You Like? - Dan C. Bay
      • Optional Patter
    5. Confetti Water Glass - William Meyers
    6. Possible Extension of Time for Liquids Contest
  33. "Tops" Stops - Gene Gordon
  34. Keystone Ring No. 20 of Pennsylvania
  35. Imps Club of Ottawa, Canada
  36. The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
    • 3000 Years of Mental Magic - Braidism - Artificial Nervous Sleep
    • Next Month - Suggestion
  37. The Youngstown Magic Club
  38. Lester Lake has contract with the Hollywood Daredevils
  39. Keith Clark photo
  40. The Four Aces - Melville Ross
  41. Sydney Clubs to Unite
  42. Magician's Programs Series
    • De Vere's Modern Marvels (1876)
    • Windsor the Wizard
    • Colta & Colta, The Merry Magicians
  43. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
    1. Card Manipulations, Series No. 5 - Jean Hugard
    2. Programmes of Famous Magicians - Max Holden
    3. Jarrett - Guy Jarrett
    4. Six Bits More - Frank Chapman
    5. Practical Hypnotism - Ed Wolff
    6. The Skull Speaks - Marvelo
    7. Fascinating Tricks with Ghostlite Luminous Paint - S. W. Reilly
    8. Card System DeLuxe - H. Adrian Smith
    9. The Magic of the Hands - Edward Victor
    10. The Story of Prophecy - Henry James Forman
    11. Katie Fox and the Making of the Fox-Taylor Record - W. G. Longworthy Taylor
    12. Fox-Taylor Automatic Writing 1869-1892 - Sarah E. L. Taylor, editor
    13. The Jinx, February, 1937, No. 29 - Theo. Annemann
    14. The Imp Magazine, December, 1936 - The Imps Magical Society
    15. Davenport's Demon Telegraph, Dec.-Jan. Bol. 4
    16. Wilford Hutchinson's Conjurers Chronicle, Vol. 18, No. 3, Sept.-Dec., 1936
    17. Goldston's Magical Quarterly, September, 1936, Vol. 3, No. 2
    18. Magic Unmasked - with The Wizard
    19. The Linking Ring, Vol. XV!, No. 11, January, 1937 - I.B.M.
    20. The Dragon, January, 1937, Vol. 6, No. 1 - Vernon Lux
  44. Special Notice - The "Tops" Trading Center Discontinued
  45. The "Tops" Trading Center

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 4 - April 1937 - 56 pages
  2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
  3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
    • Ramblin' Aroun' - Eddie Clever
  4. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers
  5. New Talent at Magic Capitol - Sydney James Abbott is born
  6. Two More Contests
  7. Tony Erandino visits Colon
  8. Gwynne - Jack Gwynne and Company going to Nassau
  9. Gambol of the Ghosts - Harold Sterling
  10. All Work for George Marquis
  11. Magic Waves from the Lake - Lester Lake
  12. Our Nobel Prize For Today
    • Long Tack Sam
  13. Harry Hunsinger helps with flood
  14. Lesta in Nassau
  15. Better Late than Never - letter from Cuba, the Magician
  16. We Stand Corrected - letter from C. A. George Newmann
  17. Tops and Bottoms in Magic - Harry E. Cecil
  18. Paging Mr. Edward Reese - letter from John Snyder, Jr.
  19. Ed Little is Versatile Magician
  20. Ted Banks, from the Blackstone Show, on vacation
  21. Thoughts That Bloom In The Spring. Tra! La! - Convention News
  22. Producers and Magical Shows - Harry R. Hauptmann
  23. Cincinnati News
  24. The Surprising Thimble - Adolph Ferber
  25. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
    • On Entertaining Children - Part III
  26. A Card Mystery - Edward Novack
  27. Vents - G. McAthy
    1. Short Dialogue - Howard Kingley
    2. Ventriloquial Dont's - C. A. Brethen
    3. Article on Edgar Bergen in Collier's
    4. Vent Contest
  28. To Cure the Curious
  29. Liquids Contest
    1. A Water Combination - Erwin F. Forsythe
    2. New Version of Comedy Bottles - Jack Leick
    3. Whisky Glass Production - J. Dobrovolski
    4. Elusive Bowl of Water - I. W. Roberts
    5. Contest Closes April 30th
  30. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
    • Mr. Dick and Mr. Fitzgerald
  31. A Holder Holder - Alvin M. Arndt
  32. A Follow-up Cut and Restored Rope Trick - R. H. Parrish
  33. A Quieting Card Effect - William Meyers
  34. Just My Opinion of The Expose - letter from C. E. Willis
  35. Magician's Programs Series
    • Howard Thurston (1920-1921)
  36. Capitol Magic Club
  37. Cleveland Club
  38. The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
    • 3000 Years of Mental Magic - Suggestion
    • Next Month - Hypnotism
  39. Flash Foulard Production - Edward Reese
  40. Classified - ads
  41. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
    1. Maskelyne's Book of Magic - Jasper Maskelyne
    2. Cards, Astound Your Audience Volume 1 - Verrall Wass
    3. Simplicity Swindles, Astound Your Audience - Vol. 2 - Verrall Wass
    4. More Tips and Gags - U. F. Grant
    5. The Simple Simon Speller - Stewart James
    6. The Double-Header - Stewart James
    7. Television Mind Reading - Stewart James
    8. Fantastic Facsimile - Stewart James
    9. 120 Magic Trick and Puzzles - Whitman Publishing
    10. The Jinx, March, 1937, No. 30 - Theo. Annemann
    11. The Magic Wand, March- May, 1937 - George Johnson
    12. The Genii, February, 1937, Vol. 1, No. 6 - William Larsen
    13. The Imp, Vol. 2, No. 9, January, 1937 - Imps Magical Society
    14. The Dragon, February, 1937, Vol. 6, No. 2 - Vernon Lux
    15. The Linking Ring, Vol. 16, No. 12, February, 1937 - I.B.M.
    16. Magie, March, 1937 - Helmut Schreiber

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 5 - May 1937 - 60 pages
  2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
  3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
    • Madame Rumor Is Again At Large
  4. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • reviews
      • Echo - Joe Ovette
      • Jarrett
    • Car "Tube" Pet - Joseph Rukus
    • The Southern California Japanese Amateur Magicians Society Presents Its First Annual Show - Carly S. Fleming
    • Ultra-Violet and Strobelite Idea Is Dall's
    • Magic Waves from the Lake - Lester Lake
    • Our Nobel Prize For Today
      • A. H. Crum, M.D.
    • Lester Lake Wants
    • Guy Stanley
    • Percy Abbott conveys appreciation to the Indiana Society of Magicians
    • Tops and Bottoms in Magic - Harry E. Cecil
      • Tricks Of Trade
    • Capitol Magic News
    • Greg Rouleau
    • Pocket Servantes - Bert Douglas
      • Metal Band Type of Pocket Servante
    • [Rajah] Raboid and Jean Foley
    • An Amateur's Reply To Patricola - Charles M. Thorn
    • Sympathetic Concentration - Edward Reese
    • Greystroke & Spook Shows
    • A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
      • Oh - Doctor
    • Indian Rope In Limelight Again
    • Magical Libraries - Earl F. Rybolt
    • Tony Brandino Show
    • The Mystic 7-11
    • Silks [sic - Liquids] Contest
      1. Water To Wine - To Beer - To Milk - Samuel (Mystical Sam) Shapiro
      2. Water Through Glass - Dale Brondyke
      3. Two-In-One Milk Glass Vanish - Adolph Ferber
      4. Cupfull - Arthur C. Nelson
      5. The patriotic Liquids - Joe Berg
      6. Funnel Fun - Tom Bowyer
      7. "Squash" And The "Inexhaustible Box" - William Meyers
  • Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
    • Evaluating a Collection
  • Willis is "Out of Line" - letter from Oscar Kamleiter
  • Vents - G. McAthy
    1. How to Construct a Mouth Movement for the Plastic Wood Vent Head Described in the February Issue of "Tops" - Revello Petee
  • Cigarette Through Coat - Joe Scott
  • The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
    • 3000 Years of Mental Magic - Hypnotism
  • Coin Trick - J. S. Wheeler
  • Fu Manchu
  • Classified - ads
  • Otis Manning
  • N. J. Magicians Society
  • Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
    1. Aftermath - Sir James George Frazer
    2. With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet - Alexandra David-Neal
    3. Lighted Cigarettes Act6 - Don Greenwood
    4. The Magic Show Book - Alexander the Magician
    5. Ireland's Manipulative Series, in three parts - L. L. Ireland
    6. Magic for Moderns - Eric C. Lewis
    7. The Strange Inventions of Doctor Ervin - Dariel Fitzkee
    8. Silken Sorcery - Jean Hugard
    9. The Jinx, No. 31, April, 1937 - Theo. Annemann
    10. The Dragon, March, 1937, Vol. 6, No. 3 - Vernon Lux
    11. Wilford Hutchinson's Conjurer's Chronicle, January-February, 1937, Vol. 19, No. 4
    12. E.M.C.A. Magic News, Vol. 1, No. 10, March, 1937 - Collins Pentz
    13. Davenport's Demon Telegraph, February and March, 1937, Bol. 4, No. 38
    14. The Linking Ring, Vol. VII, No. 1, Match, 1937 - I.B.M.
    15. The Imp, February, 1937, Vol. 2, No. 10
    16. Magie, April, 1937 - Helmut Schreiber
    17. Genii and Pacific Coast Magic News, April and March, 1937, Vol. 1, Nos. 7 and 8 - William Larsen
  • Additional News Notes
    • Idelle Esther born to Barbara and "Mystical Sam" Shapiro
    • Chief Medrano Blackstar and Lucille Bailey will be on tour
    • Mr. James' world tour postponed
    • Bob Gysel suffers broken arm
  • Peoria Invites Midwest Magicians
  • Nicola
    1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 6 - June 1937 - 68 pages
    2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
    3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
      • On The Subject of Magic Clubs
    4. All Aboard For High Point, N.C. - Frank Bunker
    5. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    6. Deck Switch Contest
      1. The Covered Deck Switch - Oscar Weigle, Jr.
      2. The "John Hancock" Deck Change - Edward Reese
    7. Continuous Cigarette Vanish - Bert Douglas
    8. Tops and Bottoms in Magic - Harry E. Cecil
    9. A Thimble Series - John Goodrum - Part I
      • A Lesson in Color Changes
      • The Easy One Hand Change
      • The Holiday Change
      • The Duo Change
      • The Superior One-Hand Color Change
      • Two Hand Changes - The Toss Change
      • Perpetual Motion
      • Number 1
    10. Ray Stadleman is Witch-Doctor
    11. Beware Magical Judas - AN Open Letter - from "C.T." editor "Ribbins" - The Genii
    12. Phantomia - Fred Spindler
    13. News - Capitol Magic Club
    14. Fratres Sincipitis Mystici - new organization in Harrisburg, Pa.
    15. Sam Mayer purchased W. W. Durbin's library
    16. Karl, the Magician, injured
    17. A Silk Trick - A Repeat 20th Century with a Visible Finish - Ormond McGill
    18. P.C.A.M. Reno Convention
    19. Levante - Australian Wonder-Worker
    20. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
      • Oh - Doctor - Part II
    21. Fever Medicine - V. H. Webb
    22. New Presentation for Ribbon Illusion - George Paxton
    23. Patricola Replies
    24. Recent visitor to Abbott's
    25. Patter - Maurice Lenser
      • Patter - Section I
      • Girls I Have Known
      • Patter - Section II
      • The Bottle Story
      • Patter - Section III
      • Great Snakes!
    26. Poem - Jean Hugard
    27. Liquids Contest
      1. Flight From Reality - Hyman Appel
      2. Penetration - Virdis Richards
      3. Tip-See Milk Bottle Routine - E. C> French
      4. Mirage - Edward Reese
      5. The Coffee Sugar Tube - William Meyers
      6. Spirits Tube - G. McAthy
      7. The Thirsty Silk Mill - Frank J. Herman
      8. What'll Ya Have? - Frank J. Herman
    28. Rheumatism Too - re: Grady Nicholson
    29. Federal Playing Card Tax receipts
    30. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
      • The Rosenbach of the Magic World
    31. [T.J.] Crawford
    32. The Sterlings in Wisconsin
    33. Vents - G. McAthy
      1. Dialogue - Revello Petee
      2. Ventriloquial Dialogue - Jay Marshall
    34. The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
      • Thee Thousand Years of Mental Magic - Telepathy
    35. Coin Moves - Alvin M. Arndt
      • Production from Front Thumb Palm
      • Continuous Back and Front Palm of a Coin
    36. News Notes - "error" in last month's "Tops"
    37. The Hanky Panky Clud - Don Ward
    38. Fort Wayne Club
    39. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
      1. We Live Outside Our Bodies - Wilson Gill Bailey
      2. Odds and Ends in Cardology - Joseph Ovette
      3. Catalog No. 4 - Abbott's Novelty Company
      4. Ventriloquism, How It Is Done - Howard Kingsley
      5. Tricks and Fakes - Ventor
      6. The Jinx, May, 1937, No. 22 - Theo. Annemann
      7. The Linking Ring, Vol. XVII, No. 2, April, 1937 - I.B.M.
      8. The Dragon, Vol. 6, No. 4, April, 1937 - Vernon Lux
      9. Davenport's Demon Telegraph, Coronation Number, Vol. 4, No. 39, April-May, 1937
      10. The Imp Magazine, Vol. @, No. 12, April, 1937
      11. The Genii, Pacific Coast News, Vol. 1, No. 9, May, 1937 - William Larsen
      12. Wilford Hutchinson's Conjurers Chronicle, Vol. 18, No. 5, March-April, 1937
    40. Classified - ads
    41. Two New Contests

    1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 7 - July 1937 - 48 pages
    2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
    3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
    4. News Notes - Capitol Magic News
    5. Wedding Bells - Recil Bordner marries Donna Lesnet
    6. Knights of Magic (Brooklyn)
    7. Liquids Contest Winners
    8. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
      • I Thought You'd Like to Know Dept.
      • Questions and Answers
    9. Thimble Series - John Goodrum - Part II
      • Change-Over Moves
      • The Second Finger Change
      • Where, Oh Where!
      • Invisibility Minus
    10. Tops and Bottoms in Magic - Harry E. Cecil
    11. L. J. Hoffman - death
    12. Tony Brandino in Missouri
    13. P.C.A.M. Reno Convention
    14. Silk Vanish Contest
      1. Silk Vanish - J. B. Bobo
      2. A Silk Vanish - William Meyers
    15. La Follette in Massachusetts
    16. John Booth in Detroit
    17. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
      • Oh - Doctor - Part III
    18. Novel Die and Frame - Monte Harris
    19. Stop The Waste - letter from R. B. Thomas
    20. Choice of Items to Revive Magic
    21. Newmann Replies to Rybolt & Smith
    22. Justo Hijo - Magic Club of Des Moines
    23. Deck Switch Contest
      1. Johnny's Easy Deck Switch - John Goodrum
      2. The Upright Panel Deck Switch - William Meyers
      3. B.A.W. Switch - Herb Rungie
      4. Ever-Ready Switch - K. L. Grunwald "Leon"
      5. "Well" I'll Be "Switched" - Herb Rungie
    24. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
      • Magical Histories
    25. The Aladdin Magic Club
    26. Shock for Dieticians
    27. Vents - G. McAthy
      1. Who's A Dummy? - Richard Haldane
      2. Vent Dialogue - Herb Rungie
    28. R. R. Miller of Clarksburg, W. Va.
    29. The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
      • Thee Thousand Years of Mental Magic - Another Viewpoint on Telepathy
    30. Leo Leipzig performs
    31. Patting Pat [Patricola] on the Back
    32. [Leonard] Hall's Opinion
    33. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
      1. Edward Proudlock's Version of the Sympathetic Silks - Edward Bagshawe
      2. Len Me Your Pack - Victor Farelli
      3. The Art of Make-Up - Serge Strenkovsky
      4. Ireland's Year Book, 1937 - L. L. Ireland
      5. Money Magic - Jean Hugard
      6. Practical Hypnotism - Ed Wolff
      7. A Pocket Book of Patter - James T. Stoppard
      8. Magic That Perks - Harry E. Cecil
      9. Cups and Balls Magic - Tom Osborne
      10. Fifteen Minutes with a Piece of Rope - R. W. Hull
      11. Cutting the Corners on Current Contributions
        • Homing Ball - R. W. Hull
        • Smart Magic - R. W. Hull
        • The Goofy Dice - R. W. Hull
        • Coo Coo Cards - R. W. Hull
        • Nudist Cards - R. W. Hull
        • Jinx, Number 33 - Ted Annemann
        • Jinx, Summer Extra - Ted Annemann
        • The Ghost - Dr. Edward McGlynn
        • Wilford Hutchinson's Conjurers Chronicle
        • "Limit" Wizard's Pack - Stripper Pack - Ellis Stanyon
        • Dragon, May
        • Genii, June
        • Imp, May
        • The Linking Ring, May
        • Magie, May and June
    34. Classified - ads
    35. The Great Virgil

    1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 8 - August 1937 - 48 pages
    2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
    3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
    4. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
      • Questions and Answers
    5. Record Magic Libraries - Dr. Edward Saint
    6. Pillory Escape - Guy L. Gerber
    7. Re: George Staples
    8. The Great Leon Show
    9. The Demons - club in Illinois
    10. Capitol Magic News (Michigan)
    11. Knights of Magic (Brooklyn)
    12. Thimble Series - John Goodrum - Part III
      • Penetration Novelties
      • There and Back
      • Double Value
    13. cartoon - Ozz Karr - by Doug Anderson
    14. Easteners Will Picnic (Pennsylavania)
    15. Silk Vanish Contest
      1. The Easy Vanish - Robert O. Ellis, Jr.
      2. A Visible Vanish - Sam Stern
      3. Visible Vanish - G. R. Rinehart
      4. A Summer Silk Vanish - R. Montandon
    16. Peoria Conclave
    17. John Kaestner (Rensteak, the Magician) killed
    18. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
      • Roamin' Aroun'
    19. re: Alberto
    20. Colta and Colta Anniversary
    21. Magischer Zirkel - Jubilee Convention
    22. Hanky Pany Club
    23. re: De Lenz
    24. Deck Switch Contest
      1. The "Magician's Coat" Switch - Herb Rungie
      2. Dit-In; Dit-Out - Don C. Bay
      3. The Sniff Switch - Ormond McGill
      4. Shell Case Switch - Jack Vosburgh
      5. The Change-Over Deck Switch - Charlie Roe
      6. The Hero Switch - Harvey E. Bair
      7. The Bag Switch - Herb Rungie
      8. Card Deck Switch Idea - Charles W. Fricke
    25. Twelfth Annual Central States Magicians' Picnic
    26. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
      • Thomas Frost and His "Lives"
    27. re: Ed Little
    28. Vents - G. McAthy
      1. A Vent Dialogue - Herb Rungie
      2. A Dialogue - Revello Petee
      3. Short Dialogue - W. M. Harrison
    29. What's in a Name?
    30. The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
      • Thee Thousand Years of Mental Magic - Clairvoyance
    31. "Amateur" Racket - George Johnston
    32. Rat-Tonia - Tot O'Regan
    33. Germany bans use of foodstuffs in magic performances
    34. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
      1. Encyclopedia of Card Tricks - Jean Hugard, editor
      2. Here's New Magic - Joe Berg
      3. Tricklets - Ventor F. Molz
      4. The Jinx, July, 1937, No. 34 - Annemann
      5. The Genii, July, 1937
      6. The E.M.C.A. News
      7. The Linking Ring, June, 1937
      8. The Dragon. June
      9. Magie, July
    35. Piff Paff Poof - Conclave
    36. Classified - ads

    1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 9 - September 1937 - 48 pages
    2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
    3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
    4. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
      • Three Cheers Department
        • The Word's Fair - Brunel White periodical
        • Ink-Ubator - trick - Eddie Joseph
        • Lu Brent
      • I Thought You'd Like to Know Department
      • Questions and Answers
    5. The San Diego Magicains Club
    6. [San Diego] Magician's Club Elects
    7. Ted Banks joins Abbott's
    8. Thimble Series - John Goodrum - Part IV
      • The Passing Thimbles
      • From Hand to Hand
      • The "tops" Method
    9. re: Richiardi Show
    10. Crash! - Lester Lake
    11. re: Greg Rouleau
    12. re: Doc Zander
    13. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
      • Dr. Evans - An Appreciation
    14. Abbott Branch in Chicago
    15. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
      • Gimmicks and Gadgets
    16. An Open Letter to the Amateur Magicians - G. R. Rinehart
    17. Silk Vanish Contest
      1. Silktubwa - G. McAthy
      2. The Fan from the Far East - Harvey M. Powers, Jr.
      3. Smooth as Silk - Ormond McGill
      4. Handkerchief Vanish - Donald M. Medley
      5. The Handkerchief Scimitar - Edward A. Reese
      6. Twentieth Century Vanish - John C. McNamara
      7. Pocket Hide-Out - A. Midey, Jr.
      8. Vanish of Single Silk - Ronald M. Boffenmyer
      9. The Non-Apparatus Vanish - Ed Wolff
    18. Watch Catching - Guy L. Gerber
    19. cartoon - The Old Timer Sez - by Doug Anderson
    20. Bell Witch (Adams, Tennessee)
    21. Deck Switch Contest Award
    22. Blackstone in Battle Creek
    23. Gentlemen, Name Your Hand - Mariano Palhinha
    24. Haskell was first purchaser at Chicago Branch
    25. A Chinese Cocktail - Richard Haldane
    26. Vents - G. McAthy
      1. Adventures of Professor Chicko the Explorer - W. S. Berger
      2. Vent Dialogue - Ormond McGill
    27. Impromptu Life Savers - Charles A. Leedy
    28. The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
      • Thee Thousand Years of Mental Magic - Spiritualism
    29. A Color Change - William Meyers
    30. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
      1. 17 Simple But Mystifying Tricks, Series No. 2 - The Great Zam (Carl E. Zamloch)
      2. The Voice from the Attic, August, 1937, Vol. 9, No. 8 - Harry Opel
      3. The Magic Wand, June-September, 1937, No. 174 - George Johnson
      4. The Linking Ring, July, 1937, Vol. XVII, No. 5 - I.B.M.
      5. Genii, Pacific Coast Magic News, August, 1937, Vol. 1, No. 12 - William Larsen
      6. The Imp Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 3, July, 1937 - H. R. Hauptmann
      7. The Dragon, July, 1937, Vol. 6, No. 7 - Vernon Lux
      8. Davenport's Demon Telegraph, Vol. 4, No. 40, June-July, 1937
      9. Wilford Hutchinson's Conjurers Chronicle, Vol. 18, No. 6, May, 1937
      10. The Jinx, August, 1937, No. 35 - Annemann
    31. Classified - ads

    1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 10 - October 1937 - 52 pages
    2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
    3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
      • Appreciation
    4. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
      • Things I'll Remember About the 1937 Abbott Get-Together
    5. Turn The Bird Loose - R. S> Glover
    6. Thimble Series - John Goodrum - Part V
      • Some Novelties
    7. re: Frank Allen and Alberto
    8. Clubs
    9. Capitol Magic Club
    10. A Warning - re: Kaufman (stage name Woods) - letter from R. L. Sheets
    11. An Explanation is in Order
    12. [Loring] Campbell's Show Stolen
    13. Fourtold - Stewart James
    14. Across the Atlantic - The Invisible Flight of a Magic Dirigible - Gerber, the Magician
    15. Multiplying Coin Tray Dirigible - Gerber, the Magician
    16. Smoke Dreams Dirigible - Gerber, the Magician
    17. re: Ricardo & Cleo, Magicians
    18. The Two Extremes [Relue and Daniels]
    19. Abbott's Fourth Annual Magic Get-Together
    20. Added Wrinkles - Wayne Van Zandt
    21. cartoon - High Kantell - by Doug Anderson
    22. Sucker Egg Bag - Arthur H. Roberts
    23. Some Thoughts on Magic - Hugo, the Magician
    24. Production Box - G. R. Rinehart
    25. The "Queries" - club
    26. News
      • Tony Brandino
      • Cecil Lyle
      • Horace Goldin
      • Allen Shaw
      • Greg Rouleau
      • Doc Rowe
      • Fanchon and Marco
      • Alberto of Australia
      • Gerber, the Magician
    27. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
      • Later Magical Histories
    28. Sandu [Peter Stadelman] Visits the Bell Witch
    29. Good Old Black Art
    30. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
      • Ride - Broomstick - Ride
    31. A Red Hot - George Paxton
    32. Harry Houdini - memorial page
    33. Timing - Ormond McGill
    34. C.O.D. - letter from Herbert D. Schneyer
      • Response from Abbott's
      • Response from Herbert D. Schneyer
      • Response from Abbott's
    35. Production of Wand - Edgar Peters
    36. Silk Vanish Contest
      1. Vanish of a Single Silk - Robert E. Haynes
      2. An Easy Silk Vanish - Werner W. Pritz
      3. Vanish Via Servante - Harvey E. Bair
    37. Winner of Silk Vanish Contest
    38. The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
      • Thee Thousand Years of Mental Magic - Mental Healing
    39. Patriotic Pencils - Chief Great Blackstar
    40. Six women competed at the Central States Magicians Convention
    41. Vents - G. McAthy
      1. "I" "SY" for "HY" Speed - Charlie Roe
      2. Vents Dialogue - The Evolution of "It" - Dan C. Bay
      3. The Senator and the Congressman - Herb Rungie
    42. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
      1. Jap Box Tricks - Glenn G. Gravatt
      2. You'd Be Surprised - R. H. Parrish
      3. My Best Trix - Sr. William (William M. Garrison)
      4. The Trix Club Presents: Vest-Pocket and Impromptu Magic - Wayne F. Van Zandt
      5. Cigar Manipulations, J. C. Cigar Magic - Jack Chanin
      6. Kandle Magik - Joseph Ovette
      7. The Wicked Uncle - Rex, the Ace Magician
      8. Hyler's Stunt Bulletin, Number T1o - Oscar Hyler
      9. More Magic For You - Leeds Inner Magic Circle
      10. The Jinx, No. 36, September, 1937 - Theo. Annemann
      11. Cutting the Corners on the Contemporaries
        • The Imp, August
        • The Linking Ring, August
        • Dragon, August
        • The Genii, September
        • The Conjurers Chronicle, June
        • X-Jargon - Wallace Lee
        • Fakerithmetic
        • Wizard Pack of Cards - Ellis Stanyon
        • Tricks with the Self-Forcing Pack - Ellis Stanyon
        • The Indian Magician
        • Magie, September
        • Davenport's Demon Telegraph
        • Donald Holmes - sheets of specials
        • Continental Lithograph Corporation of Cleveland - color chart
    43. Classified - ads

    1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 11 - November 1937 - 44 pages
    2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
    3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
    4. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
      • Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks - Keith Clark
      • Questions and Answers
    5. Mickey and Minnie - J. M. Whitburn (Chung Toy Sun)
    6. Libraries vs Collections - Carl W. Jones
    7. A Rising Card Climax - Mel Stover
    8. Midwest Conclave - letter from Charles M. Thorn
    9. Military Magic - Bert Douglas
    10. Capitol Magic Club
    11. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
      • The Frost is on the Pumpkin
      • There's Magic in the Air
    12. Back to Kenton - Magic Party
    13. C.O.D.
      • letter from Ned Asbury
      • letter from Dr. Truman J. Seller
      • letter from Charles E. Smith
    14. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
      • A Collector's Elysium
    15. Slick Tricks Series - Gerber, the Magician
      • The Pocket-Picking Trick
    16. Vents - G. McAthy
      1. Dialogue - Ed Reese
      2. Twenty Laughs in Fifteen Minutes - John Gambling
    17. A Magic Marathon - Mariano Palhinha
    18. News From Chicago - Joe Berg
    19. Paper Trix Contest
    20. Digging 'Em Up - Harvey E. Bair
    21. "It's A Pip" Contest
    22. Watch For Next Month's "Tops"
    23. The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
      • Thee Thousand Years of Mental Magic - Philosophic Mysticism
    24. cartoon - The Old Timer Sez - by Doug Anderson
    25. In Regard to Change of Address
    26. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
      1. Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks - Keith Clark
      2. The Psychic World - Hareward Carrington
      3. Tricks, Toys, and Tim - Kreigh Collins
      4. The Oriental Temple of Magic - Wu-Fang-Sing
      5. The Jinx, No. 37, October, 1937 - Ted Annemann
      6. Kasual Komment Koncerning Kontemporaries
        • Genii, October
        • The Linking Ring, September
        • L. L. Ireland Catalog No. 8
        • Davenport's Telegram, August-September
        • The Imp, September
        • Dragon, September
        • Magie, October
        • Max Spohr lists
        • National Magic Company lists
        • U. F. Grant lists
        • Thayer's Ballygram No. 61
        • Donald Holmes sheets
        • Nelson Enterprises Catalog 17
        • Hellstromism - Nelson Enterprises
    27. There's Many a Magician - quips - Alvin Richard Plough
    28. Classified - ads

    1. The "Tops" - Volume 2, Number 12 - December 1937 - 64 pages
    2. Index - Contents (including advertisers)
    3. Editorial - Percy Abbott
    4. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
      • The Great Purse - trick - Al Baker
      • Seeing's Believing - book
      • Questions and Answers
    5. The Goofus
    6. Voodoo - Eddie Clever
    7. Patter for the Rice Bowls - Stewart Judah
    8. Lloyd E. Jones becomes proprietor of the Loma Vista Pharmacy (Oakland)
    9. Cotton Weaving - Joseph Bukus
    10. Beer - fake recipe
    11. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
      • "How'd Ja Do That?"
    12. Have One On Me - Greg Rouleau
    13. Jean Hugard Speaks
    14. A Shaving Problem - Bert Douglas
    15. Capitol Magic Club
    16. Indianapolis News
    17. Levante in England
    18. The Duke Experiments
    19. Wizard's Show at Chicago
    20. Psychic Selection - R. H. Parrish
    21. Allen Shaw reported to be in poor health
    22. A Bit of Hocus Pocus - Eddie Clever
      • Tricks at Yuletide
    23. Ball-and-Tube Variations - Charles A. Leedy
    24. Sympathetic Cards - Wayne Huff
    25. carton - Bill Yerdbol - by Doug Anderson
    26. Peoria News - C. M. Thorn
    27. "It's A Pip" Contest
      1. Deuces Wild - Stephen G. Simpson
      2. It's A Pip - Alvin R. Plough
      3. Pip Sucker Gag - Edward (Marko) Malkowski
    28. Escaped Convict's Dexterity
    29. Watch the Youngsters
    30. Exposing, Exposers, and Exposed - R. S. Glover
    31. Paper Trix Contest
      1. The Silhouette Artiste - Ed Burchell
      2. The Sucker Torn Paper and Ribbon Trick - W. Van Zandt
        • Yours With a Bang!
      3. Drawing Lots for Heaven - Joy
      4. A Paper Tree - Garold Gilbert
    32. W. W. Larsen Recovers
    33. Magic Marathon - Wayne F. Van Zandt
      • The Charity Coin Gag
      • The Color-Changing Thimble Sleight
    34. letter to Mariano Palhinha from VeeZee
    35. Vents - G. McAthy
      1. The Three Bears - Herb Rungie
      2. Vent Contest Awards
    36. Continuous Vanish and Production - Len James
    37. The Psychic Circle - conducted by [Ormond] McGill
      • Thee Thousand Years of Mental Magic - Cosmic Consciousness
    38. Triple Card Mystery - Edward Novack
    39. Knick-Knacks from the Garrett - Teral Garrett
    40. The Feud [professional vs Amateur] Goes On
    41. Classified - ads

    word count: 356528 which is equivalent to 1426 standard pages of text

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