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Tops Volume 21 (1956)
by Percy Abbott

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Tops Volume 21 (1956) by Percy Abbott
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January 1956 - December 1956
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

389 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 1 - January 1956 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. Bank Night Supreme - Roxy
  5. Aero Silks - Bert Douglas
  6. Another Thumb Tie
    • Patter and Presentation
  7. Canary Asrah - George Jo0hnstone
  8. re: feather flower cleaning
  9. A Rising Card Climax - Bert Douglas
  10. Cards, Nuts and Bill
  11. Rapid Flight Cards - Karson
  12. A Tip, Magi and Hypnotists
  13. Bitzemall Egg Bag - Roxy
  14. Blindfold Magic
  15. All Do As I Do
  16. re: Mrs. Audrey Guido blindfold drive
  17. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 1 - Knots
      • G. W. Hunter's Puzzle Knot
      • The One Hand Knot
      • The Flip Knot
      • The Lightning Knot
      • Two At a Time
      • Guarding the Line
      • The Knot of Enchantment
      • Any Number of Knots
  18. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • reviews
      • The Riddle of Chung Ling Soo - Will Dexter
      • Abbott's Crazy Card
      • Sorcar - publicity
      • Red Tape - Irv Weiner
    • list of publications
      • Abracadabra
      • Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine
      • The Gen
      • Hugard's Magic Monthly
      • The Modern Magi
      • The Magic Wand
      • The Magic Magazine
      • The Magical Digest
      • The Pentagram
      • The New Phoenix
      • The Linking Ring
      • M-U-M
      • Tops
      • The Wizard
      • The Magnet
      • Hughes News
    • Club Papers and Dealer's Journals
      • Mental-Wise
      • Allen's Attic
      • Lines from Lawton
      • The Silent Messenger
      • Magic Makers
      • Houdini-Gram
      • The Barnstormer
      • Backstage with Magigals
      • Sorcery
      • The Oracle
  19. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
    • Roba Collins Ill
  20. Visitors at Abbott's - re: Les and Juliet Hunt
  21. re: The Amazing Maurice
  22. So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
    • Ventrivia
      • Acting
  23. Sorcar in Paris
  24. re: Reg Duxbury (Rev. W. R. Duxbury)
  25. re: Chu Thielman & Chuman Magic Club (Curacao)
  26. New York Magi-Chat - Frank Garcia
  27. Hocus Pocus Club Banquet [Minneapolis]
  28. Chicago Magigals - Sylvia Smith
  29. It's Magic in California - Aldini
  30. With Magicians in England - Wilford Hutchinson
    • Magic Circle Annual Supper
    • Nottingham Guild Show
  31. Lu Brant Says, "Taint So" - re: Jean Foley's claims in November issue
  32. ["Hen"] Fetsch in Chicago Jan. 20 - 21-22
  33. In the Spectator's Hand
  34. Pick a Star - James
  35. A Note to Contributors
  36. The Final Curtain
    • Mrs. Edna G. Bennett
    • Jack Kinson

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 2 - February 1956 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Percy Abbott
  3. Contents
  4. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 1 - Knots - continued
      • Adolph Ferber's Spectre Tie
      • The Vanishing Square Knot
      • Ralph Hull's Famous Vanishing Knot
      • The Captive Knot
      • Chefalo's Vanishing Knot
      • The Magic Shoe Laces
      • John Braun Combination Knot
      • Wholesale Knot Removal
      • Gone Again
      • Visibly
      • C. T. Jordan's Mystifying Knot Trick
    • Chapter 2 - Penetrations (Using Two Ropes)
      • Ropes Through the Neck
      • Venable's Improved Ropes Through Neck
      • The Ropes and Rings Mystery
      • S. Collins' New Ropes and Rings Release
      • Relue's Ropes and Cups
      • The 3-in-1 Ropes
      • Oriental or Simplicity Rope Release
      • Walking Through Ropes
      • Adolph Ferber's Mini-Cords
    • Chapter 3 - Penetrations (Using One Rope)
      • The Leg Tie
      • Nevil Maskelyne's Leg Tie
      • Tenkai Rope Trick Through Neck
      • Loop the Loop
      • New Rope Through Neck
  5. Modern Liquid Pour - Theodor Stein
  6. Chameleon Sticks - Clettis V. Musson
  7. New Style Card Color Change - Roxy
  8. A Routine with Two Egg Vases - Jim Bailey
  9. Magic in Brazil - Jose A. Guerra (Roxy)
  10. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers - mixed in with the reviews
      • Sorcar - publicity
      • Edward Drane's Mystery Paddle
      • Allen's Attic No. 4
      • Teenage Trixter
      • IBIDEM
      • Hugard's Magic Monthly, July thru November
      • Ken Kline - book list
      • Pentagram
      • Lines from Lawton
      • Mental-Wise
      • Top Hat Topics
      • Abbott Excell Dove Production
      • The Magic Wand, June & October
      • The Silent Messenger, October & November
      • Magic Makers
      • Barnstormer
      • Houdini-Gram
      • The Magnet
      • Abracadabra, Nos. 505-515
  11. re: Clem Thomas Magrum
  12. So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
    • More Comedy of Yesteryear
    • Ventrivia
      • Automobiles
  13. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  14. Magi-Fest at Columbus, Feb. 2-4
  15. New Chairman for IBM Conclave - re: Sidney S. Bergson
  16. New York Magi-Chat - Frank Garcia
  17. A Minister and His Magic - Rev. Don Bodley
    • ten effects from Colin Malcolm
  18. With Magicians in England - Wilford Hutchinson
  19. Wizard Club of Chicago - Clettis V. Musson
  20. re: Virgil

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 3 - March 1956 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. It Must Be ... Mindreading! - Roxy
  5. Canary Cats Presentation - Edwin
  6. No Time Lost - John Crafaik, Jr.
  7. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 3 - Penetrations (Using One Rope) - continued
      • The Handkerchief Release
      • Jay-Bee's Undisturbed Knot
      • The Vest-Turning Trick
      • Ring On the Rope
      • Ring Knotted On the Rope
      • Puzzling Ring On the Rope
      • New Ring On Rope
      • Slater's Ring On the Rope
      • Borrowed Ring On Rope
      • "Cheeky" Rope and Ring Trick
      • Edward Smith's Rope and Ring Trick
      • The Dropping Ring
      • Wholesale Ring Removal
      • Charles Leedy's Rope Rings
      • Eddie Joseph's Ringed
      • Graham Adams' Rope and Ring
      • Jordan's Psychic Ring Routine
      • The Rope Through the Stick
      • Grant's Witch's Broom
      • Cutting a Woman in Half
    • Chapter 4 - Cut-Restored Cord
      • The Famous Kellar String Trick
  8. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • A Special Notice to All Canadian Magicians
    • Questions and Answers - mixed in with the reviews
      • TV-Magic and You - Jay Marshall
      • Pips - periodical by The Magical Youth International
      • The Wizard, May and October thru December
      • Sorcar - clippings and notes
      • Edgar Heyl - book list
      • Ireland's Newsletter
      • The New Phoenix, Nos. 331-334
      • Ibidem
      • The Modern Magi, November thru February
  9. Assistant Wanted - re: Lee Grabel
  10. re: George Marquis
  11. So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
    • Laughs Pay Off in Millions
    • More M. C. Quiz Prizes
  12. Wizard Club of Chicago - Clettis V. Musson
  13. Chicago Magigals - Sylvia Smith
  14. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  15. re: C. G. McDowell, Jr. (Carlos and Vivian)
  16. New York Magi-Chat - Frank Garcia
  17. A Minister and His Magic - Rev. Don Bodley
  18. It's Magic in California - Aldini
  19. Hindu, Yarn, and a Miracle - Roxy
  20. Collins R. Pentz Dies
  21. re: death of Fred Shadley

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 4 - April 1956 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. The Head in the Web - Clettis V. Musson
  5. Dime and Penny - El Ray
  6. New Card Cut and Shift - Roxy
  7. It All adds Up - Henry Holava
  8. "Easy-Made" Peek Deck - Henry Durkin
  9. A Wrinkle on Card Wizardry - Roxy
  10. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 4 - Cut-Restored Cord - continued
      • Karl Germaine's String Restoration
      • Berg's Japanese Paper String Restoration
      • "Figure 8" Restoration
      • Simple String Restoration
      • Twyno
      • Impromptu String Restoration
      • Eddie Joseph's Restored String
      • Ovette's Supreme String Mystery
      • Louis Christainer's Pet String Trick
      • The Master Cut and Restored String
      • S. B. Blodgett's Double Restoration
      • L. W. Package Cord Mystery
      • Le Roy's Hindu Yarn Mystery
      • Ellis Stanyon's String Restoration
      • T. Page Wright's Variation
      • Rupert Slater's Variation
      • Baffling String Restoration
      • Wisenheimer String Restoration
      • Joseph Kolar's Straw and String Trick
  11. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers - mixed in with the reviews
      • The Best in Magic - Bruce Elliott
      • Genii, November thru February
      • Sorcar - clippings
      • Panorama of Prestidigitators - Milbourne Christopher
      • M-U-M, November thru February
      • Barnstormer
      • Be Prepared - Ventriloquist script - Bob Brethen
      • Practical Information for the Master of Ceremonies - Bob Brethen
      • Golden Gate Magic Co. - catalogue
      • Lines from Lawton
      • Mental-Wise
      • Magic Makers
      • Houdini-Gram
      • Borts - advertising
      • Magical Digest
      • Sid Lorraine's Patter
  12. re: Vin Carey
  13. So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
    • Pantomime to Records
  14. re: Neil Foster and wife
  15. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  16. New York Magi-Chat - Frank Garcia
  17. Wizard Club of Chicago - Clettis V. Musson
  18. Chicago Magigals - Sylvia Smith
  19. It's Magic in California - Aldini
  20. IGP Installation Banquet - re: International Guild of Prestidigitators
  21. re: "Fantastic" - Alex Moorehead
  22. re: Ormond McGill
  23. re: Karrell Fox

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 5 - May 1956 - 34 pages
  2. Get-Together insert
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. Your Card is the ... - Roxy
  6. "Z" Vanish - Henry Durkin
  7. A Rice Bowl Idea - Tom Bryant
  8. Ima Frade - Anthony Dunn
  9. The Crazy Candle - Bill Mack
  10. re: Svensk Magisk Cirkel
  11. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 4 - Cut-Restored Cord - continued
      • Nelson Hahne's Version
      • George Wright's Version
      • Floyd Thayer's Wizzo
      • L. W. Restoring the String
    • Chapter 5 - Cut and Restored Rope (Impromptu)
      • "Figure 8" Rope Restoration
      • The "Hindu" Rope Restoration
      • Bluey-Bluey's Method
      • Eric Impey's Impromptu Method
      • Dr. Ervin's Rope Restoration
      • H. Sterling's Short-Long Rope Mystery
      • R. W. Hull's Stretching Rope
      • S. H. Sharpe's A Rope Repaired
  12. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers - mixed in with the reviews
      • Sorcar - clippings
      • 64 Ways to Make magic Pay - Tommy Windsor - new release
      • Abracadabra, Nos. 516-529
      • Hugard's Magic Monthly, four issues
      • The Gen, November to February
      • Pentagram, November, December & January
      • Magic Wand, December
  13. So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
    • More on Record Pantomime
  14. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  15. re: Jim Reneaux
  16. re: John W. Frye
  17. re: Rajah Raboid, The Amazing Dr. Maurice, Myrus the Mentalist, Jay Clarke & Jimmy Grippo
  18. New York Magi-Chat - Frank Garcia
  19. It's Magic in California - Aldini
  20. re: Houdini Club of Wisconsin convention
  21. re: Jim Hanning & Jim Crum
  22. re: Aska, the Magician (J. J. Musselman)
  23. Merchandising Magic - Tommy Windsor
  24. Magic News from England - Wilford Hutchinson
  25. re: James C. Wilson & the Mystics (San Lorenzo, CA)

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 6 - June 1956 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. Milk - Jim Morley
  5. Zombino - Jeffrey Ruday
  6. Plenty of Money - Roxy
  7. Mah Jong Magic - Henry Durkin
  8. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 5 - Cut and Restored Rope (Impromptu) - continued
      • John Goodrum's Sleight of Hand Method
      • Fernand Verheyden's Method
      • Tarbell's "Many-Cut" Rope Mystery
      • Wright-Larsen Zenith Rope Restoration
      • Graham Adams' Cut and Restored Rope
      • U. F. Grant's 1933 Rope Trick
      • Carl Brema's Knotted Rope
      • Grant's Sleight-of-Hand Rope Trick
      • Heisey's Hindu Rope Trick
    • Chapter 6 - Cut and Restored Rope (Unprepared Rope)
      • L. W. Tug O' War
  9. Wizard Club of Chicago - Clettis V. Musson
  10. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers - mixed in with the reviews
      • Nelson Enterprises Catalog No. 25
      • Prestidigitator's Giant Printing & Publicity Portfolio - Tommy Windsor
      • The Missing Link, March, April & May
      • Sorcar - publicity
      • Mike Kanter - publicity
      • IBIDEM, fifth issue
  11. So It's Laughs You Want! - Bob Brethen
    • Hodge-Podge of Humor
  12. re: Wayne Rohlf
  13. re: Chang
  14. Merchandising Magic - Tommy Windsor
  15. re: Davenport (Iowa) IBM Ring
  16. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  17. re: Al La Verne
  18. New York Magi-Chat - Frank Garcia
  19. Chicago Magigals - Sylvia Smith
  20. International Guild of Prestidigitators - Betty Jean Wallace
  21. Tops Subscribers Please Note
  22. Magic in England - Wilford Hutchinson
  23. re: J. L. C. Beaman
  24. re: Byron Lynn
  25. re: Ed Lester

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 7 - July 1956 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. Rothoppi's Flash - Robert Pitlak
  5. Atomic Fingers - Henry Durkin
  6. Watch on the Rope - Lu Brent
  7. A Neat Coin Change - Harry Roydon
  8. Catching Thimbles - Jeffrey Ruday
  9. X-Ray Color Divination - Roxy
  10. Canary Carts Rhymed Patter - R. H. Ward
  11. re: Lee Grable
  12. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 6 - Cut and Restored Rope (Unprepared Rope) - continued
      • L. W. Simplicity Rope Restoration
      • L. W. Gloved Deception
      • L. W. Viniculum
      • L. W. Restoring the Rope
      • Bert Douglas' Magic Skipping Rope
      • Ringing the Bull
      • R. M. Jamison's Severed Ropes
      • Baffleso!
      • Grant's Stage Rope Restoration
      • Scotty Lang's Sucker Rope Trick
      • The L. W. Lost Chord
      • Will Brema's Convincing Rope Trick
  13. Twin Thoughts - Henry Durkin
  14. re: Lee Allen Estes
  15. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers - mixed in with the reviews
    • reviews
      • prop cigar - Harold Beaumont
      • More Mohammed Bey Routines With The Okito Coin Box
      • The Five O' Fetsch - "Hen" Fetsch
      • The Invisible Murderer - fiction - Carter Dickson
  16. A Minister and His Magic - Rev. Don Bodley
  17. New York Magi-Chat - Frank Garcia
  18. Visitors at Abbott's - re: Jim Reneaux, Verne Grimsley, Bill Tresslar & Paul Bobe
  19. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  20. Chicago Magigals - Sylvia Smith
  21. Merchandising Magic - Tommy Windsor
  22. It's Magic in California - Palhinha
  23. Spring Magicale in Boston - Abe Pransky
  24. Magic Notes from England - Wilford Jonson & Wilford Hutchinson
  25. Wizards' Banquet Huge Success - Clettis V. Musson
  26. Dr. Charles Miller Dies

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 8 - August 1956 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. Mirror of Fate - A Card Selection - Henry Durkin
  5. "New Look" Dyeing Silks - Roxy
  6. Advantage Milk Vanish - Henry Durkin
  7. One-Hand Card Fan Production - Roxy
  8. Clip Chain - Patrick Williams
  9. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 6 - Cut and Restored Rope (Unprepared Rope) - continued
      • Winston Freer's Aladdin Oriental Gimmick
      • K. W. Liddle's Phenomenal Rope
      • L. W. Chased
    • Chapter 7 - Cut and Restored Rope (With Prepared Rope)
      • L. W. Marking the Center
      • Hull's Marked Rope and the Thumb Tack
      • U. F. Grant's Super Rope Trick
      • Waldo Clarke's Little Rhody Rope Trick
      • The Tarbell Rope Mystery
  10. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers - mixed in with the reviews
      • The Modern Magi, April thru July
      • Master Routine No. 2 - More Mohammed Bey Routines With The Okito Coin Box
      • Sorcar - publicity
      • Magical Digest, February thru May
      • The Five O' Fetsch - "Hen" Fetsch
      • Magic-Makers
  11. Merchandising Magic - Tommy Windsor
  12. A Minister and His Magic - Rev. Don Bodley
  13. Merchandising Magic - Tommy Windsor
  14. New York Magi-Chat - Corrao
  15. Magic News from England - Wilford Hutchinson
  16. It's Magic in California - Palhinha
  17. Will Fleet, England, Dies

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 9 - September 1956 - 32 pages - All Trick Issue
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 7 - Cut and Restored Rope (With Prepared Rope) - continued
      • The Tarbell Rope Mystery - continued
      • Captain Jones' Rope Trick
      • Minocher Nowroji's Restoration
      • Ball Them Up
      • Eldon Nichol's Nu-Cut Rope Trick
      • Doc Nixon's Rope Mystery
      • The Encore Rope Trick
      • Encore Rope Methods By Bert Douglas
      • Ned Asbury's Variation
      • Dr. Clyde Cairy's Follow Me Rope Routine
      • Winston Freer's Suggestion
      • S. Reilly's Rope trick
      • Eddie Clever's Triple-Cut Rope Routine
      • F. H. Jeudevine's Rope Routine
      • The Baker Takes a Cut
  5. Visitors at Abbott's - re: Wally Matz, Jim Hanning, Jack Bridewell, Dick Barnett and wife (Harry and Anne Merdrake) & Bill Hackman and family
  6. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers - mixed in with the reviews
      • Epicoin Tray - "Hen" Fetsch
      • Genii, March to June
      • M-U-M, March to June
      • Lines from Lawton
      • first of a series of patter-and-trick manuscripts - Don Lawton
      • Magic Bookplates - Don Lawton
      • Presto Press Book - Tommy Windsor
      • La Wain's House of Magic - list
      • The Magnet
      • Mental-Wise
      • Houdini-Gram
      • Missing Link
      • Allen's Attic, No. 6
      • Backstage with Magigals
      • The Barnstormer
  7. Tuned Minds - Roxy
  8. re: Virgil
  9. re: Tony Kardyro
  10. The Great Lester Dies

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 10 - October 1956 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. photos from the Get-Together
  5. Abbott's Magic Get-Together fro 1956 - Percy Abbott
  6. Beach Beauties - Clettis V. Musson
  7. A Twist on the 25th Century Poker Chip Trick - Roxy
  8. You Signed It! - Kobold
  9. Fore! - Lu Brant
  10. Magician Makes "Snow"? - re: Key-Oh [Moscow]
  11. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 7 - Cut and Restored Rope (With Prepared Rope) - continued
      • The L. W. Great Divide
      • The Gessing-Gordon Rope Trick
      • Bjorklund's Slow-Motion Restoration
      • Marvel Cut and Restored Rope
      • The "J.M." Rope Trick
      • Hull's "Miracle" Rope Restoration
  12. Supreme Multiplying Thimbles - Henry Durkin
  13. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • The Get-Together
    • Questions and Answers - mixed in with the reviews
      • Get-Together Souvenir Program
      • trick collection: Canary Cats, Devil Card Case, Magic Flavors, Whiz Ding, Slick Vanish, Ali Baba Mystic Fortune Teller, Snake Eyes & Hindu Needle Feat
      • Invisible Dying and Blowing Silks - Abbott's
      • Routined Manipulations, Parts 1 and 2 - Lewis Ganson - Tannen editions
      • Abracadabra, Nos. 530-550
      • Sealed Vision - Will Dexter
      • Pasteboard Parade - Jim Merlini
      • Nelson Enterprises Catalogue No. 25
      • Pentagram, February to June
      • The Gen, March to August
      • The Great Challenge Handcuff Act - Larry Weeks
      • list of Handcuff Patents - Larry Weeks
  14. Axel P. Johnson Heads PCAM
  15. Merchandising Magic - Tommy Windsor
  16. Asks for Get-Together Pix - re: Dick De Young
  17. New York Magi-Chat - Corrao
  18. It's Magic in California - Mariano Palhinha
  19. Magic in Brazil - Jose A. Guerra (Roxy)
  20. re: Nevin and Helen Hoefert
  21. Magic News from England - Wilford Hutchinson
  22. re: C. Thomas Magrum
  23. Final Curtain
    • Ernest B. Marx
    • William Parkinson
    • Datas (W. J. Bottell)

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 11 - November 1956 - 32 pages
  2. With the Editor - Mel
  3. Contents
  4. Wine and Water Patter - Monte Sweigard
  5. The Immaterial Cigarette - Two Neat Vanishing Sleights - Roxy
  6. Hot Stuff - Kobold
  7. Plenty of Money Again - Roxy
    • Method Two
    • Method Three
  8. Flower Hank - Kobold
  9. Tips for Cigarette Manipulation - Roxy
  10. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 7 - Cut and Restored Rope (With Prepared Rope) - continued
      • "Cut Yourself a Piece of Rope"
      • L. W. Double Restoration
      • L. W. Zenith Rope Restoration
      • "Maxam" Triple-Cut Rope Trick
    • Chapter 8 - Miscellaneous Rope Tricks
      • Stabbing the Loop
      • The Bachelor's Needle
      • Same Ring - Same Finger
      • Seymour Davis' "Sinbad's Rope"
      • H. Berson's Miracle Rope Growth
      • Winston Freer's Alagen Rope
      • Freer's Master Muscle
      • Freer's "Tug-of-War" Rope
      • The Hypnotized Rope
      • Grant-Maillow "Ropes of Bengal"
  11. A Wrinkle on the Ball Shell - Roxy
  12. Rabbit Vanish Fooled Him - re: Fred Brandt
  13. re: The Emcee Handbook - Robert Orben
  14. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • ad sheets and club papers
      • Barnstormer
      • George Armstrong - book lists
      • Missing Link
      • Backstage with Magigals
      • Magic Makers
      • Sorcar - publicity
      • Corsair No. 84
      • C. B. Yobe - list
      • The Flash Paper
      • Mental-Wise, June, July & August
    • magazines, books and tricks
      • IBIDEM
      • Mindreading Supreme - Orville Meyer
      • Astro-Question-Chart - Gerald Kosky
      • Hugard's Magic Monthly
      • The Magic Wand, March
      • The Emcee's Handbook - Robert Orben
      • The Wizard, January & February
  15. Merchandising Magic - Tommy Windsor
  16. It's Magic in California - Mariano Palhinha
  17. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  18. New York Magi-Chat - Tony Corrao
  19. Magic News from England - Wilford Hutchinson
  20. [Dick] De Young Heads Houdini Club
  21. re: Olaf Gylleck
  22. Hoosier Houdinis Picnic
  23. re: Wayne H. Rohlf (Le Wayne)

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 21, Number 12 - December 1956 - 34 pages
  2. With the Editor - Percy Abbott
  3. Contents
  4. E-Z Coins from Handkerchief - Roxy
  5. Ja-Cards - Robert Jacobs, Jr.
  6. Houdini's Card Trick - Lu Brent
  7. Using the Walsh Rubber Top Hat (Some Suggested Ideas) - Russ Walsh
  8. Magna Wands - Diablo
  9. The Perfect Card Color Change - Roxy
  10. Escape or Hang, Sherriff's Son Told - re: Charles Carey (Dr. Weirdo)
  11. Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks - Abbott
    • Chapter 8 - Miscellaneous Rope Tricks - continued
      • Herman Manson's Climax Rope trick
      • Percy Abbott's "Easy-Do" Rope Trick
      • Grant's Amazing Rope Trick
    • Chapter 9 - The Hindu Rope Trick
      • Rupert Slater's Moth and Rope
      • The Pocket Hindu Rope Trick
      • The Vanishing Boy
      • Dunninger's East Indian Rope Trick
      • Svengali's Rope climbing Trick of India
      • J. K. Wright's Indian Rope Trick
      • David Devant's Hindu Rope Trick
  12. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • magazines, books, etc.
      • Genii, July to October
      • Magical Digest, June, July & August
      • The New Phoenix, Nos. 335-339
      • English Convention Program
      • The Wife of Four Hobbies - Ruth E. Reuther
      • M-U-M, July to October
      • What's New in Magic - Walter B. Gibson
      • Reilly's D-Lite - Syl Reilly
  13. re: Bob Lynn
  14. re: plans for 1957 IBM Convention (Houston)
  15. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  16. Hamilton Conrad Dies
  17. Mazda Mystics (Oak Park, IL) Elect Officers
  18. re: price increases
  19. It's Magic in California - Mariano Palhinha
  20. Magic Circle's Magic Festival - Wilford Hutchinson
    • Other English Magic News
  21. Merchandising Magic - Tommy Windsor
  22. Fan-Ta-See - Henry Durkin
  23. re: Construction at Abbott's & Monk Watson
  24. Royden's Hypnotic insert

word count: 252709 which is equivalent to 1010 standard pages of text
