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Tops Volume 7 (1942)
by Percy Abbott


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Tops Volume 7 (1942) by Percy Abbott
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January 1942 - December 1942
Abbott's Magic Novelty Company
Percy Abbott, Publisher and Editor
Howard Melson "Mel", Editor

413 pages

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 1 - January 1942 - 36 pages
  2. Cover - Sid Lorraine
  3. With the Editor
  4. Contents
  5. The Facts of Life in the case of Sid Lorraine
  6. Land and Water Trick
  7. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • The Figure Fiend - book - R. A. Burley
    • Mother Goose Mystery - trick - Martin Gardner
    • Questions and Answers
  8. Color Prediction - Joseph Brandi
  9. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  10. Super-X Scores in Show
  11. Magical Crossword Puzzle - Dracstein
  12. Tips on Tricks - Old Tricks Made New - Bert Douglas
    • Card in a Jam
    • Rising Cards from Hat
    • The Pause That Refreshes
  13. Fifty Magi Meet at Kenton
  14. photo of Al Baker
  15. Tops Presents "Fooling The Public"
  16. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  17. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part One
    • The Audience
    • Association of Ideas
    • The Dollar Bill and Lemon Trick
    • Half Dollar in Orange
    • Faulty Perception
    • The Spirit Slates Revelation
    • Another Use of the Flap Principle
  18. The Lady Looks Around - Dell O'Dell
  19. Murder of a Hank
  20. Magic for Crippled Kiddies
  21. re: Wong Toy Sun (Claude Guest)
  22. Magic Keeps Bob Case Busy
  23. N. J. Magician's Society - Al Minder
  24. Serves San Francisco Area - re: San Francisco Studio of Magic
  25. For Vents Only - George McAthy
    • They Told Me There Would Be Days Like This
  26. Columbus Magic Club - Evan Lloyd
  27. Around New York - Max Holden
  28. Seattle Magi Entertain Soldiers - R. E> (Dick) Swanson
  29. Wizard Club of Chicago - Zito
  30. Wade Drake in the Navy
  31. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  32. re: Magic Outdoors - L. E. Robe Collins
  33. Magicians Guild of America - Demon Rembrandt
  34. re: The Great Levante
  35. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
    • Al Baker's Ways and Means
    • Miracle Methods [Stripper Deck] - Jean Hugard & Fred Braue
    • Jinx, No. 150
    • Genii, Christmas issue
    • The Dragon
    • Hungarian Amateur Magic Circle News, September & October issues
    • Ireland - lists
    • Unique Magic Studio - lits
    • What I Like about ...
      • Abbott's Devil Pins
      • Change-A-Five
      • Ribbon Buster
      • Fresh Vegetables
      • The Plucked Chicken
      • Hummer's Poker Chip Mystery
      • Karson's Vision Tester
      • Martin Gardner's Book of Mother Goose Rhymes
      • Abbott's Crystal Bowls
  36. Floyd Thayer on the Mend

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 2 - February 1942 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Theodore Annemann
  3. With the Editor
  4. Contents
  5. Theodore Annemann
  6. Columbus Magic Club - Evan Lloyd
  7. New Orleans Magi Form Club
  8. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • To Those Who Said They Liked The New Tops - rhyme
    • Miracle Methods [Stripper Deck] - book - Hugard & Braue
    • Questions and Answers
  9. Magicians Guild Meets at Colon - Demon Rembrandt
  10. re: Joan Brandon
  11. re: Billy Pitts
  12. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  13. Match It - Tom Osborne
  14. re: Don Rogers
  15. Tips on Tricks - Old Tricks Made New - Bert Douglas
    • A New Handkerchief-Lemon Trick
    • Card and Balloon Trick
    • A Wand Tip
  16. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
    • Felicien Trewey - Fantaisiste Extraordinary
  17. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  18. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part Two
    • A Non-Flap Method
    • The Number Force
    • Another Number Force
    • Timidity and Propriety
  19. The Lady Looks Around - Dell O'Dell
  20. Conjuring Potpourri - John Braun
    • How It Began
    • Lyceums Provide Talent
    • Chautauqua Artists
    • Famous Names
  21. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  22. Magical Crossword Puzzle Solution [to last month's puzzle] - Dracstein
  23. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  24. Production of Silks - William Mack, Jr.
  25. For Vents Only - George McAthy
  26. Around New York - Max Holden
  27. New Jersey Magicians' Society - Al Minder
  28. Wizards [Club of Chicago] to Stage Annual Show
  29. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
    • Tarbell Course, Volume 1
    • First Aid for Ventriloquists - Paul Stadelman
    • Jinx, No. 151
    • Hungarian Amateur Magic Circle News
    • Dragon
    • What I Like about ...
      • Super-X Levitation
      • Guess Work
      • OOM
      • Invisible Bovine
      • Trouble-Wit
      • Change-A-Five
  30. Springtime - A. Kroeger

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 3 - March 1942 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - "Monk" Watson
  3. With the Editor
  4. Contents
  5. "Monk" Watson - His Story
  6. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Patriotic Magic - manuscript - Solomon Stein
    • The Linking Ring, February
    • The Dilemma of the Hat Check Girl - gag - Roger Montandon
    • The Tabell Course, Book 1
    • Questions and Answers
  7. photo Of John Oakes
  8. Strickler Heads Magi Guild - Demon Rembrandt
  9. Tips on Tricks - Old Tricks Made New - Bert Douglas
    • The Moth and the Card
    • Card in Medicine Bottle
    • Ferdinand the Bull
    • New Twists on Troublewit
    • Wrapped in Cellophane
    • Coffee and Doughnuts
  10. re: The Great Ballantine
  11. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  12. For Vents Only - George McAthy
    • Dialog Deliria
  13. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part Three
    • The Three-Card Bluff
    • And After the Show
    • The Cut and Restored Rope Trick (First Version)
    • Second Version
    • Cut and Restored Effect With Shoe Laces
  14. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  15. Feature Story of the Month - re: Duke Montague
  16. re: H. Adrian Smith
  17. Pop-Up Rising Card - William Mack, Jr.
  18. Wizard's 10th Annual Show - A Wizard
  19. Christopher's Cardometer - Milbourne Christopher
  20. re: Tom Osborne's Math It & Lu Brent
  21. Conjuring Potpourri - John Braun
    • The Game of Thimbles
  22. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  23. re: Mardoni and Louise
  24. The Lady Looks Around - Dell O'Dell
  25. Columbus Club Stages Magi-Fest - Evan Lloyd
  26. Dates for Magicians
  27. Puppeteers - Herbert Antes
  28. A Hydrostatic Gag - "Maury" Kains
  29. Mohawk Magicians Club
  30. re: Ovette the Great, Harry Miller & William M. Baldwin
  31. Around New York - Max Holden
  32. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  33. New Jersey Magicians Society - Al Minder
  34. I.B.M. Set for Fort Worth
  35. Elmer P. Ransom Dies
  36. Harry Rouclere Dies

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 4 - April 1942 - 36 pages
  2. Cover - Howard Strickler
  3. With the Editor
  4. Contents
  5. Something About Howard Strickler
  6. "Double-Sock" Giant Card Comedy - Allan Lambie
  7. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers
  8. Birch a Hit in Southwest
  9. It's a Gal at Osborne's
  10. Tips on Tricks - Old Tricks Made New - Bert Douglas
    • Repeat "Clippo" Routine
    • The "Card Album" Trick
    • Comedy Magic Table
  11. Mohawk Magicians Club - Charles Beausoliel
  12. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  13. Battle Creek Magic Club
  14. re: Robert Warner
  15. photo of Mardoni and Louise
  16. Around New York - Max Holden
  17. Magicians Guild of America - Demon Rembrandt
  18. Wizard Club of Chicago - Zito
  19. New Jersey Magicians' Society
  20. Columbus Magic Club - Syl Reilly
  21. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part Four
    • Forgetfulness
    • Self-Defense
    • The Performer
    • Personality
    • Prestige
    • Misdirection
    • Technical Knowledge
    • Variables
    • Showmanship
    • Program Building
    • The Opening
    • The Wishing Bag
    • The Finale
    • The Ribbon Banner
  22. Match It, Again - Lu Brent
  23. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  24. re: Del Cordia
  25. Magic Town - rhyme - Demon Rembrandt
  26. Conjuring Potpourri - John Braun
    • The Game of Thimbles - continued
    • Guarding Your Speech
  27. Ada (Mom) Miller Dies
  28. John Snyder's Father Dies
  29. Double-Reverso - Ed Wolff
  30. Columnist Relates Snake Episode
  31. [Mysterious] Lawrence Joins Bryant Showboat
  32. re: The Great Levante
  33. re: Mr. & Mrs. D. J. Weir
  34. Hitler's Passport [trick] Next Month!
  35. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  36. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  37. For Vents Only - George McAthy
    • Dialog - Trent Bessent
  38. A Billiard Ball and Silk Routine
  39. re: Plato and Jewell
  40. re: Bob Sharpe

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 5 - May 1942 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Loring Campbell
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. Loring Campbell
  6. Done With Mirrors - Norman The Wizard
  7. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Things I've learned since last month ...
    • Tricks with Watches - book - Sam Berland
    • Questions and Answers
  8. photo of George Farron
  9. Percy [Abbott] will be at Fort Worth
  10. Gene and Jo [Eisenbarth] Playing Army Camps
  11. Card on the Ceiling - Joe Ovette
  12. Magi Perform at Great Lakes
  13. re: Warrant Officer Harry A. Tunks
  14. Hitler's Passport - Lu Brent
  15. Houdini Show in Minneapolis
  16. Tip for Milk Pitcher Users
  17. Magicians Guild at Colon - Demon Rembrandt
  18. Magic in Seattle - R. E. (Dick) Swanson
  19. Wizard Club of Chicago - Zito
  20. Magic Rodeo at Fort Worth
  21. Dell O'Dell in Spot
  22. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part Five
    • Presentation
    • The Sucker Paper Tear
    • Pantomime and Patter
    • Musical Accompaniment Helps
  23. Conjuring Potpourri - John Braun
  24. A Timely Gag
  25. First Call for Get-Together
  26. Ray Cox Takes a Bride
  27. Defense Poster Scores
  28. [Golden Gate Assembly] To Celebrate Silver Anniversary
  29. re: Abbott's Catalog No. 7 to be ready in 1943
  30. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  31. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  32. For Vents Only - George McAthy
  33. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  34. New Jersey Magicians' Society - Al Minder
  35. Coin Catching - Norman the Wizard
  36. Around New York - Max Holden
  37. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  38. Puppeteers - Herbert Antes
  39. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
    • Tricks with Watches - Samuel Berland
    • Patriotic Magic - Solomon Stein
    • Merrie Chatter - Don Rogers
    • Playing Truant - Don Rogers
    • Mischievious [sic] Little Brother - Don Rogers
    • Paul Fleming Book Reviews
  40. Talk About Philadelphia - Tom Osborne

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 6 - June 1942 - 36 pages
  2. Cover - Al Robbins
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. Al Robbins - But No Rabbits
  6. Abbott's Plans High Jinks for Annual Get-Together
  7. Correction - May Issue - page 11 - Tip for Milk Pitcher Users
  8. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Floating Light Bulb Idea - Eugene Nielson
    • Four-Ace Routine
    • Questions and Answers
  9. photo of Price Zogi
  10. Tip on the Poster Effect
  11. re: Cleveland Magicians & "Mysteries of 1942"
  12. Tips on Tricks - Old Tricks Made New - Bert Douglas
    • Mortimer the Magician
    • The Twenty-Dollar Mystery
    • A New Magic Whistle
    • Life Savers on String
  13. Conjuring Potpourri - John Braun
  14. Merlini At It Again
  15. Daylight Screen an Exclusive - letter from Al Munroe & Al Zink
  16. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part Six
    • Music for Atmosphere
    • Spoken Word Supreme
  17. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  18. Thornton Undergoes Leg Operation
  19. Poster Patter in Rhyme - Donald E. Lea
  20. Knights of Magic Annual Show - Lew Dick
  21. re: Bill Stiles
  22. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  23. New Jersey Magicians' Society - Al Minder
  24. Vanishing Knot and Rope Penetration - Allan Lambie
  25. re: Skippy LaMore
  26. re: Larry Pratt
  27. re: Dell O'Dell
  28. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  29. Talk About Philadelphia - Tom Osborne
  30. Tip for Magi Doing Flag Tricks
  31. Around New York - Max Holden
  32. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  33. What The=! - Companion effect for Double-Reverso - Ed Wolff
  34. M.G.A. Meets in Kalamazoo - Demon Rembrandt
  35. Three-Fold Screen - Joe Ovette
  36. A Tip on Afghan Bands - Joe Ovette
  37. re: P. T. (Pete) Littlke
  38. re: Pvt. Thomas Magrum
  39. Magic Books of Another Day - H. Adrian Smith
    • A Bibliography of Shadowgraphy
  40. Bjorklund, "Minute Man Magician"
  41. re: Mysterious Lawrence
  42. Twin City Magic Revue Best Yet - C. A. George Newmann
  43. re: C. H. Harvey Rhodes

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 7 - July 1942 - 40 pages
  2. Cover - Lloyd E. Jones
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. The Name is Jones - Lloyd E.
  6. Magic from the West Coast
    1. A. E. - R. S. Glover
    2. Russell Anderson - Sugarcoating the Sugar
    3. Telepa-Fone Mystery - Russell Anderson
    4. photo 0f members of the Val-Nap Magic Circle
    5. Conrad Zerbe - Boats vs. Magic
    6. Quicker Than The Eye - Conrad Zerbe
    7. Bert Handsome - His Gadgets Gets 'Em
    8. Patrick, The 'Nth - Bert Handsome
    9. A. N. Onymous - Initiative Unrestrained
    10. Card Monte Trick - A. N. Onymous
    11. Craude Burpe - Bunko Baiter
    12. Flying Spots - Craude Burpe
    13. Bob Nicholson - His Clock Runs Too Fast
    14. Spelling With Cards - Bob Nicholson
    15. Everett Samuels - A Letter Full of Hunches
    16. Earl Wheeler - Inventor, Performer, Idealist
    17. Vaporized Water - Earl Wheeler
    18. Golden Gate Anniversary Show
    19. Palhinha Reports from Camp
    20. P.C.A.M. Convention at Oakland, California, July 14th-16th - Lloyd E. Jones
  7. re: The Great Zogi
  8. Campbells Back in California
  9. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Out of This World - Paul Curry
    • Questions and Answers
  10. Abbott's Ninth Annual Magic Get-Together
  11. Cut and Restored Rope - Norman, the Wizard
  12. On The Care of Doves
  13. re: George Marquis
  14. Simplex Cig. Gimmick - Allan Lambie
  15. A Tip For Flag Users
  16. Demons to Picnic - Demon's Club of Baltimore
  17. Helps Sell Defense Stamps - re: George Weisensel
  18. M.G.A. Greets Thornton - Demon Rembrandt
  19. Wizard Club's Ladies' Night - Stan Abrams
  20. A four-page insert about the Tenth Annual Convention of the P.C.A.M.
  21. New Jersey Magicians' Society - Al Minder
  22. Knights of Magic - Lew Dick
  23. For Australians The Boomerang
  24. re: Frangee
  25. Wine Into Water - Flateau Allen
  26. The Duke's "9" Speller - Duke Stern
  27. Counting Off Card Trick - Mariano Palhinha
  28. re: humor
  29. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  30. [Russell] Swann Argues for P. R. [Priority Rating]
  31. Good Night - Clarence T. Little
  32. It's Major [Harry A.] Tunks Now
  33. "Girl Vanish" A Hit
  34. Mystic Jewels of India (Jewels of Chen Lee) - Patter by Verne Chesbro

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 8 - August 1942 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Bill Williston
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. There's Only One Williston
  6. re: Gilbert Daniels
  7. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Griffon - newsletter
    • Amazing Tricks with Paper Cups - book - Sam Berland
    • Miracle Methods No. 2 - Miracle Shuffles and Tricks - book - Hugard & Braue
    • Questions and Answers
  8. "No Coffin for the Corpse"
  9. Tips on Tricks - Old Tricks Made New - Bert Douglas
    • The Backward Magician
    • Alternate Trick
    • AN Abbreviated Beer
  10. Burlington (Iowa) Magicians Organize
  11. re: Lester Lake & Miss Mickey O'Brien
  12. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  13. re: Victor C. Dunham
  14. Colon Getting Set For Abbott's Get-Together
  15. re: John Calvert & Prof. Rodini
  16. re: Mr. & Mrs. Roy Shrimplin
  17. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part Seven
    • The Trick
    • Positive Illusion
    • The Instant Mind-Reading Test
    • Negative Illusion
    • The Rising Card Pack
    • The Spectator's 4-Ace Routine
  18. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  19. For Vents Only - George McAthy
  20. Fair Route of Marquis Show
  21. Around New York - Max Holden
  22. The Mystic Box - Rosario Painchaud
  23. Ovette's Table - Joe Ovette
  24. No Assistant Rising Card - Norman, the Wizard
  25. Talk About Philadelphia - Tom Osborne
  26. New Jersey Magicians' Society - Al Minder
  27. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  28. Puppeteers - Herbert Antes
  29. Flash! - P.C.A.M. Convention a "humdinger"
  30. [Russell] Swann's Comedy Clicks
  31. [Corp. Frederick A. (Ted)] Collins in a News Reel
  32. Baby Rice Sends a Letter
  33. re: Bill Neff

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 9 - September 1942 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Jesse Thornton
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. Jesse D. Thornton - A Wizard He IS!
  6. 20th Century Silks - Patter by Eddie Marlo
  7. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • rope trick by Corporal Ted Collins to be marketed by Roger Montandon
    • Questions and Answers
  8. Repeat Dollar Bill - Patter by W. L. Miller
  9. re: Bill Neff
  10. re: Kirkpatrick
  11. Tips on Tricks - Old Tricks Made New - Bert Douglas
    • Toasted Card Sandwich
    • Passing the Bucks(s)
  12. Abbott's All Set for Get-Together Crowd
  13. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part Eight
    • Screening
    • The Willful Knots
    • Further Classification
    • Production
    • The Shower of Sweets
    • The Bowl of Oranges
  14. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  15. Around New York - Max Holden
  16. re: Harry Cecil
  17. For Vents Only - George McAthy
  18. Windsor's Heir Raid - re: Mr. & Mrs. Thomas I. Lowry [Tommy Windsor] have a baby boy
  19. The Devil Comes Out - J. M. Harris
  20. Patter for Sid Lorraine's Sugar Short - Tom Osborne
  21. An Egg Gag - Teral Garrett
  22. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  23. Talk About Philadelphia - Tom Osborne
  24. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  25. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  26. K. O. Gravity Glasses - Patter by Mariano Palhinha
  27. Comedy Egg Bit - Joe Ovette
  28. Wizard Club of Chicago - Stan Abrams

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 10 - October 1942 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Plato and Jewell
  3. Harry Houdini Memorial Page - Mrs. Harry Houdini
  4. With the Editor - Mel
  5. Contents
  6. Plato and Jewell - Tops in Class!
  7. A Hat Loading Stunt - Richard Mathison
  8. Nearly 400 Magicians Assemble at Colon for Abbott's Get-Together - Demon Rembrandt
  9. photo montage of some of Some of the Performers
  10. Get-Together Photographs
  11. Sidelights on the Get-Together
  12. Baker's Rice Bowls - patter by G. B. Anderson
  13. re: Duke Stern
  14. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • The Corsair - periodical
    • Questions and Answers
  15. Guild o Meet at Colon
  16. K. C. Magicians Organize
  17. re: Dr. Martin F. Buell
  18. Magic in Canada
  19. re: Myron E. Scott
  20. re: Paul E. Goss
  21. re: Carolyn Trask
  22. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part Nine
    • Disappearance
    • Exchange
    • The Utility Glass
    • Divination
    • The Color Touch
  23. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  24. For Vents Only - George McAthy
  25. re: Adrian Smith
  26. The Cat and the Canary - Norman the Wizard
  27. Expiration Notice by Mail
  28. Abbott's in Salt Lake City
  29. re: Cardini imposter
  30. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  31. Talk About Philadelphia - Tom Osborne
  32. Around New York - Max Holden
  33. [William] Schreiber on Bond Drive Show
  34. re: Ben Badley
  35. re: Howard and Teddy Strickler
  36. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  37. Bank Nite - patter by Bob Ryerson
  38. re: Corp. Clifford Bennett
  39. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  40. The Perfect Card Force - Richard Williams
  41. Blackstone Averts Panic - re: fire in Decatur
  42. re: Gordon W. Mattice
  43. re: Harry Baker
  44. Wizard Club of Chicago - Stan Abrams
  45. New Jersey Magicians Society - Al Minder
  46. Ted Banks [Edward William Coppin] Dies
  47. re: Jack Gwynne

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 11 - November 1942 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Carl Ballantine
  3. With the Editor - Mel
  4. Contents
  5. Ballantine - The Facetious Fakir
  6. Tip on Palming Coin - Gene Kirk
  7. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Questions and Answers
  8. A Chinese Wedding - Mortimer the Magician (M. J. Ruger)
  9. Eastern States Convention
  10. N. J. Magicians' Society - Al Minder
  11. Knights of Magic - Lew Dick
  12. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  13. Tip on Milk Pitcher Effect
  14. Entertain Blackstone
  15. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part Ten
    • Levitation
    • Spirit Manifestation
    • The New Rapping Spirit
    • Solid Through Solid
    • The Glass Through Hat Trick
    • Hoop on the Rope
  16. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  17. Wizard Club of Chicago - Stan Abrams
  18. [Magician's Club of New Orleans] Club Entertains Soldiers
  19. [Henry] Anderson Finds an Out
  20. re: Harry Cecil
  21. For Vents Only - George McAthy
  22. A Novel Coin Fold - Allan Lambie
  23. The Triple Card Mystery - Pfc. Edward Novack
  24. The Serpent Silk - patter by Dan Waldron
  25. Triumph of Old Glory - Norman the Wizard
  26. Around New York - Max Holden
  27. Talk About Philadelphia - Tom Osborne
  28. Saal Entertains M.G.A. - Demon Rembrandt
  29. "Chuck" Elliott Dies
  30. Max Malini Dead
  31. re: William F. Becker died
  32. Magi in Minneapolis
  33. re: Bob Acuff
  34. Dialogs for Vents
  35. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  36. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  37. re: Bill Heisel
  38. re: Russell Swann
  39. re: Neo and Niman
  40. re: The Great Camagini

  1. The "Tops" - Volume 7, Number 12 - December 1942 - 40 pages
  2. Cover - Merry Christmas
  3. With the Editor - Percy Abbott
  4. Contents
  5. Sid Lorraine's Chatter
    • Claudio's Mysteries - manuscript - R. C. Buff
    • Questions and Answers
  6. Production From hat - Robert E. Haynes
  7. Magic in Montreal
  8. M.G.A. Banquet Meeting - Demon Rembrandt
  9. Another Plato [Bob Piatt]
  10. Color Changing Fan Ideas - "Hen" Fetsch
  11. re: Magician's Club of New Orleans
  12. New Jersey Magicians' Society - Al Minder
  13. On the Use of the Flag
  14. Canary Vanish Idea - Ovette
  15. Where Was I? - "Monk" Watson
  16. re: Subscriptions
  17. "Mechanical Magic" to Follow "Fooling" Series
  18. Wizard Club of Chicago - Stan Abrams
  19. Fooling the Public - Robert E. Bernard & Ormond McGill - Part Eleven
    • Types: Modus Operandi
    • Sleight-of-Hand
    • Secret Devices
    • The Ribbon and Match Box Trick
    • Special Apparatus
    • Faked Apparatus
    • Peculiarities of Materials
    • The Silk Flame
    • Electricity
    • Chemistry
    • Wine and Water Trick
    • The Penetrating Smoke
    • The Pipe Trick
    • Types: Place of Performance
    • Types: Articles Used
    • The Brain Vision
    • Conclusion
  20. Four-Page advertising Insert (16A to 16D)
  21. The Fir Tree and The Ladder - patter by Lane Breidenstein
  22. The Campbell Caravan - Loring and Kathryne Campbell
  23. Cig-Egg-Silkski - Joe Ovette
  24. re: C. H. Harvey Rhodes
  25. For Vents Only - George McAthy
    • A Dummy in the Army
  26. A Gravity Glass Idea - Richard Mathison
  27. re: William Morton [Mortoni]
  28. Meet The Books - A Review of Magical Literature - Lloyd E. Jones
    • The Tarbell Course, Volume 2
    • Funny Talk - Nelmar
    • Berland's Amazing Tricks with Paper Cups - Samuel Berland
    • Blue Ribbon Card Tricks - Samuel Berland
    • Ireland's Year Book for 1942
    • Travelling Ghost - Gordon Howatt
    • Greater Card Tricks - Eddie Joseph
  29. Magic Outdoors - L. E. Roba Collins
  30. Liquid Appear-Milk Vanish Idea - "Hen" Fetsch
  31. The Magic Rat Trap - Norman the Wizard
  32. [Harry] Cecil "Still Perking" He Says
  33. Uses Overseas Cap for Egg Bag - re: Pvt. Allen Klassen
  34. re: Jacqueline James [Joanna Joy]
  35. Magigal-ly Yours - Carolyn Trask
  36. re: Pfc. C. Thomas Magrum
  37. re: Plate and Jewell
  38. Around New York - Max Holden
  39. Talk About Philadelphia - Tom Osborne
  40. re: Don Sweet & Louise

word count: 268254 which is equivalent to 1073 standard pages of text
