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Transcendental Book Test
by Stanley Collins


(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Transcendental Book Test by Stanley Collins

Effect: The book of love poems may be given for examination, opened at any page by a spectator, and whatever the number of the page is selected, spectator counts the words of this number and remembers same. Performer then picks up a paper and pencil, and predicts the word selected. This can be repeated with a different word.

Note: You will receive the force book (Anthology of Love Poems by S. Wynne Burne) as PDF. The easiest way to use it is to load it onto a phone, tablet or eReader and present it that way in electronic form to the spectators. Alternatively you can print and bind it at a print shop. Book is formatted in A5 (5.1 x 8.27 in.).

1st edition 1929

Reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 04 June, 2019

Old, but still exceptionally good, book test. This is worth a few times more than a tenner. Buy it, download it, and you don't even need to print it out in book form. Keep it as a PDF on your phone. (There is nothing unusual about having books on phones any more.) And this is not an app but a regular PDF file with the dirty work built in. It takes about a paragraph to explain the method, which is great and quite deceptive. You will love this and use it in impromptu situations. I know that I will.