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Treasure Valley Twist
by Scott F. Guinn

#3 Comedy Magic author
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Treasure Valley Twist by Scott F. Guinn

4 cards turn face up one at a time, then all at once, and then magically... each of the four cards has a different back!

This is a powerful, professional routine that builds to a mind-blowing climax. Written in Scott's crystal clear, conversational style, this is a 12-page manuscript with 15 photos.

Level: Easy

"Because I live and perform in the same market as Scott, I have a rule not to perform his material. With 'Treasure Valley Twist', I break that rule! It's that good!" - Darrin Cook (Raymonde Crow)

1st edition 2009; 12 pages.
word count: 1929 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text