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Unlocked Books
by Robert D. LaRue, Jr.

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Unlocked Books by Robert D. LaRue, Jr.

Discover and process natural force books.

In his "Autome" book test video, Max Maven demos a book test and a forcing method. What he does not do is explain how to find and process books other than the one he demos. That's what this manuscript does. My process, including all the required worksheets, teaches how to use almost any 300+ page popular novel, in any language, as natural force books.

The Effect: The mentalist introduces three popular paperback books and hands them out to the audience. As the books are examined, the mentalist has members of the audience record several random numbers. The mentalist discusses the huge number of pages and words in these common novels. The books are collected and one is selected to be the target book. A participant looks at the list of random numbers and remembers one. She then turns to that page in the book and silently reads the first three to five lines to herself, not letting anyone else see the words. The mentalist now directs her to select one especially strong word she can visualize. She concentrates on the word and the mentalist proceeds to draw the image she is visualizing. The participant reads the lines aloud, to confirm that the mentalist has, indeed, captured her thoughts.

It is highly recommended, even essential, that you are familiar with the methods in Max Maven's Video Mind set of DVDs.

1st edition 2016, PDF 52 pages.
word count: 7841 which is equivalent to 31 standard pages of text