$9.95(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★
Are you performing in or thinking about entering the fun and profitable field of entertaining with magic at family restaurants? Whether you are a skilled beginner or an experienced magician, this ebook will help you enhance your restaurant income. The focus here is on improving your ability to generate tips. The 85+ ideas inside come from the combined experience of more than a dozen performers. You will learn how understanding the insight that, "Magic routines are intricately crafted emotion machines," can endear you to your audiences, who respond with tips and bookings.
"Robert LaRue is a name that you may not be familiar with, but behind that name is a ton of years of experience. I've known Bob for nearly 20 years and can tell you that every word of this manuscript is backed up by real-world experience. Bob has been in the trenches where the real work happens and he knows what he's talking about. If you currently work restaurants, or you would like to, and you want to increase your bottom line from the experience be sure to absorb every word of this manuscript and put it to work. While there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to making more money in a table hopping environment, what Bob lays out for you here is a gigantic step in the right direction no matter what your situation may be. This work is unique in the literature of the table hopping restaurant performer, and it belongs on every working magician's bookshelf." - Mark Strivings
"LaRue really keeps the needs of the servers, management and venue in mind!" - Kerry Abdow (restaurant manager)
1st edition 2016, PDF 65 pages.
word count: 14774 which is equivalent to 59 standard pages of text