Full title is: Original Creation for Magicians Hitherto Kept "Up His Sleeve". Waller was a highly creative magician.
- Publisher's Note
- Introduction
- Perverse Magic
- "The Cantankerous Handkerchief"
- "The Golliwog Ball"
- "The Impish Card"
- "The Secret Tube"
- The Nest of Boxes
- The Rising Cards
- The Mountain of Flags
- "A Four Ace Climax"
- The "Turn Over" Force
- The "Rainbow" Force
- Full or Empty
- The Big Production
- A Basket of Flowers
- The Big Bowl
- "The Fourth Dimension"
- Charlie Chaplin and "Spooky Ookum"
- The Utility Fans
- The Candle That Was
- "In the Garden of Long Ago"
- An April Shower
- The Leaky Bag
- The Floating Ball of Paper
- A Japanese Idyll
- The Bookworm
- A Patriot's Dovecote
- The Crystal Dyeing Tube
- A Bottle and Orange Mystery
- The Turnstile
- Silk Stockings
- The Screen of Life
1st edition 1920, 86 pages; PDF 60 pages.
word count: 19631 which is equivalent to 78 standard pages of text