Virtual Color Separation is an unusual and incredible effect of hands-off card magic, manageable even remotely, through a video chat, such as Zoom, Skype or Google Meet, but especially possible to perform by phone, with a spectator who has a common deck of 52 playing cards, that the magician will never have the opportunity to see but will still be able to control inexplicably, coming at the end to separate the red-suited cards from the black ones, without the spectator any wiser.
A lady chosen as a spectator, after having separated the red-suited cards from the black ones, will choose the preferred color among the two and will distribute most of those cards in three packs. She will turn one of the three packs face-up, at will, then add some cards of the opposite suit color and reassembles that deck. Continuing to deal the cards among various piles, which she will collect in the preferred order and having the possibility to flip each one over entirely or not, she will begin to create havoc between face-up and face-down cards of both colors...
Despite all this chaos, in the end, the magician will be able to let the spectator find in her own hands, all the red cards inexplicably separated from the black ones, having arranged all cards of the same color face-up and all the others face-down.
Key Points:
- Fully "contactless": the performer never needs to see the cards.
- Everything takes place in the hands of the spectator, followed by the magician at a distance, or, if present, with his back turned for the entire duration of the effect...
- Simple and ideal to perform in any situation, including simple phone call or remote video call, e.g., with Zoom, Google Meet, Skype etc.
- Only spectators are required to have any deck of 52 poker cards available, even if incomplete (at most, 18 cards per color will suffice).
- The effect always works 100%, despite the large number of free choices left to viewers.
The effect is totally impromptu and self-working: no preparation is required, the spectator will simply have to follow the various instructions that the performer will give her, following very carefully the progress of each distribution, any reversals (which will not be visible nor communicated to the illusionist) and reassembly of the various packs of cards...
A video tutorial with an alternative and unpublished introduction to prevent any attempt to reconstruct the effect is also now available that in less than 10 minutes will teach you everything you need to know to be able to perform this effect with your audience, whether they are on the phone, remotely connected, or in attendance.
1st edition 2021, PDF 11 pages.
word count: 2790 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text