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Write You Are: A totally unexpected card revelation
by John Gelasi

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Write You Are: A totally unexpected card revelation by John Gelasi
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A card is selected from the deck, say the 8 of Clubs. Four Jokers with red backs are introduced. The performer claims that the jokers will reveal what card the spectator selected. One of the jokers is placed with the deck. The other three now have bold words printed on their backs: the three cards together read “Eight of Clubs”! The remaining face down joker is seen to have transformed into the selection! The magician then claims that the jokers did more than just reveal the selection, but they also revealed the mates of the selection: the three cards that have words on their backs are now shown to have printed with the faces of the 8 of spades, 8 of diamonds, and 8 of hearts. All of the cards may now be examined.

Includes a variation by Cameron Francis.

1st edition 2011; 6 pages.
word count: 1448 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text

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