Eye candy at its best.
Magicians always do card tricks. Why not do something more than just a card trick that will blow everyone's mind? For example, take any two playing cards from the deck, and fold them into 2 little supports. Take the ordinary card box and place it on top of them. This may not seem impressive yet...until you remove one of the structures leaving an impossible image in your spectators mind!
Or perhaps take a pencil and place it onto an ordinary pop can, and on the end of the pencil place the card box leaving a totally impossible image that just can't be explained. All this and more can be done with X-Suspense.
No threads, wires or magnets.
The effect is wonderfully visual and the method is straight forward and practical. As a bonus you will receive an interesting idea to suspend a deck from your fingers. The gimmick - if one can call it that - can be prepared in a matter of seconds.
1st edition 2009; 15 pages.
word count: 2497 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text