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3 Miracles
by Bob Cassidy

#3 Mentalism & Spiritism author

(1 review, 8 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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3 Miracles by Bob Cassidy

The title is apt. This ebook contains three completely inexplicable mental effects: "Quarterforce", "Boxed Thought", and "The Impossible Switch".

In Quarterforce a pack of cards is fanned out before a spectator. There are no duplicates or specially printed cards. The spectator simply thinks of one and the mentalist names it. That's it and it's that clean. Mentalism doesn't get any bolder or more powerful than this.

Boxed Thought is a completely routined demonstration of telepathy and clairvoyance and The Impossible Switch is just that - a billet move so clean and simple it is never detected.

1st edition 2003; 24 pages; 2 MPG video clips.

Reviewed by Carlos La Borde
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 02 December, 2009

This is easily the best purchase I have ever paid $25 for.

Impossible Switch is like something that I came up with, and has Unlimited mind reading potential, but Quarterforce takes the prize for the value of the book.

Absolutely fantastic card mind reading with the least amount of pumping out of any of the magic decks I have ever bought/made.

Highly recommended.