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4x4 Rings: F.U.N. Ring Series
by Ken Muller

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4x4 Rings: F.U.N. Ring Series by Ken Muller

A short routine using four metal rings based on unique methods and sleights from the Primal Rings ebook.

Learn Four Choice, Double Out, Twice Removed, Slack Switch all with reverse ring framing and Web Ring subtlety, but without the development logic. This module uses a standard 4-ring set of metal 4-6" rings with several recommended modifications.

A dangled chain of four metal rings is gathered into a fan display from which a single, spectator chosen ring is extracted. Then the other three rings are removed one-by-one, leading to a series of link-unlink demonstrations in the hands of a spectator. Finally, these rings are impossibly returned into a complete chain.

Yes, you can add your favorite two-ring linking effect appropriate to time and setting. This prelude based routine is designed for parlor, walk-around and table-hopping settings with a lot of audience engagement. Some linkings occur in the hands of spectators!

Dust off your set of rings and jump through a portal to awesome magic. An inexpensive set works just fine, or use your Ninja, Melero, Messado or Linking Hearts (is that a song??). This does require experience with traditional linking rings, and live presentation skills including volunteer management.

1st edition 2022, PDF 55 pages.
word count: 24670 which is equivalent to 98 standard pages of text