Are you afraid of being caught when using a stacked deck of cards? Then you must know George Blake's system! No more fear of spreading the deck face up, if you know it.
You know seven-eighths of it, if you use or know of either of these set-ups. Learn the other Eighth and be able to fearlessly spread a set-up DECK FACE UP!
I first conceived this idea way back in 1933, when I passed the secret on to a corresponding friend in Sheffield and he wrote back almost in ecstasy about it. As I had asked him to keep it to himself, I felt he and I had an exclusive and so I refrained from publishing it. Please don't run away with the idea that there is a lot to learn; indeed, when you've read this you'll grasp the idea in ten minutes and, with a deck so set-up, you will be amazed how easy it is to still locate a chosen card from a deck that you know is a set-up and yet, when spread out face up, will have no semblance of any continuity in values or SUITS.
AND IN THAT VERY LAST WORD YOU HAVE THE SNAG I REFERRED TO ABOVE, THE FACT THAT IN THE OLD SET-UP IT WOULD HAVE BEEN OBVIOUS THAT THE SUITS RECURRED IN REGULAR ORDER. Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts, Spades ad lib or, if one used "chased", Clubs, Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, the more noticeable red, black, red, black, red, black from end to end of the spread. THAT IS THE SNAG I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN REMOVING...