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Aldo on Trost Volume 3
by Aldo Colombini

#2 DVD (download+stream) author

(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Aldo on Trost Volume 3 by Aldo Colombini

This is the third volume in Aldo's Nick Trost tribute series. All the tricks are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • A TRIPLE TRANSPORTATION: Cards are following ‘indicators’ with a stunning triple change/transposition.
  • JAZZ 1-2-3-4 REVISITED: The A-2-3-4 of Spades and four other cards are shown. The A-2-3-4 are placed between the other cards and they vanish one after the other to assemble in one packet.
  • DOUBLE WHAMMY PREDICTION: You remove two predictions. A spectator selects two cards and these are shown to be mates.
  • THE MAGNETIC ACES: Two freely selected cards are used to find the four Aces.
  • SORCERER’S SEVENS: Using only the low cards, a spectator selects four cards; surprisingly these turn out to be all Sevens. He then inserts two of the Sevens face up in the middle of the packet. The face-down cards above and below each seven are shown to total seven. No other adjacent cards total seven.
  • FIFTEEN CARD MYSTERY: A card is chosen and three packets of 5 cards each are dealt. The selection moves from one packet to another, disappears and reappears face up in the middle of the packet.
  • CARDS OF COINCIDENCE: A startling matching effect. Four selected cards match your predictions and then you reveal the four Aces.
  • ANOTHER OIL AND QUEENS: Four Kings and four Queens are alternated. Two Kings and two Queens are placed on the table. The in-hand packet changes to four Queens, while the tabled packet changes to four Aces. Then the four Queens change to Kings.
  • FOUR OF A KIND: A spectator selects a card (say a red King) and then another one: The other red King. One of the Kings is inserted into the deck and finds the two black Kings.
  • COURT CARD CONCLAVE: The deck is shuffled and the face cards removed. They are shown in pairs and each pair is mixed in color and value. Magically, all are now matching pairs.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)