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Ask Pythagoras
by Robin Gillett


(1 review, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Ask Pythagoras by Robin Gillett

The performer selects a participant from the audience (no stooges, no pre-show) who is asked to think of a significant date in his/her life (nothing is written down nor told to anyone).

The participant divides three numbers into the thought of date and the performer interprets the results as Pythagoras (the Father of Numerology) would have to reveal aspects of the participant's past, present, and future. Then, he surprises every one by revealing the thought of date!

This is one of several presentations described in this e-book, including one contributed by the Unknown Mentalist. The method is a sophisticated mathematical principle that is thousands of years old, yet unknown to any but graduate level mathematicians. It requires nothing but simple addition and subtraction to perform.

1st edition 2016, 51 pages.
word count: 10278 which is equivalent to 41 standard pages of text

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 10 July, 2016

This is a great effect and Robin Gillett is another nice mentalist that I consider a friend.

This might scare some of you at the beginning because of the mathematical equations are shown. The mathematical equations just show you how this mathematical puzzle started. It even has a crib sheet so you can literally read the reading to the spectator.

But don't be afraid...This is Great!

If you can add and subtract YOU can do this.

Plus THE UNKNOWN MENTALIST has a routine that I know a lot of us will be doing also.

I now have four different effects I can do with the illusion of numerology and all really boggle spectators.

I definitely give this a 5+ star rating

David W. Burmeister

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Magic & Mentalism / Science & Math Tricks

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading