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Bad Influence: Before Computers Series 2
by Bob Farmer

#1 Mentalism & Spiritism author
#2 Magic & Conjuring author
#3 Cards author

(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Bad Influence: Before Computers Series 2 by Bob Farmer

Before the proliferation of multi-card, back-changing face transforming packet tricks, Bob Farmer created a template known to only a few, here revealed for the very first time for the many is the secret.

Effect: A small packet of Jokers changes color from red to blue to green to yellow to all different colors. The faces then change to kings. No special cards are required. No thick blocks of cards are used. All changes are instantaneous.

  • Introduction
  • Effect
  • The Count
  • Bad Influence 1977
1st edition 2018, 10 pages.
word count: 2728 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Dave Campbell (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 17 August, 2018

This is a nice packet trick in the theme of Dazzle all that followed. It's fun that the original is as it was in all it's 1970's glory. Ahead of the original there is material including screenshots elaborating on one of the moves used. I was able to quickly make up packets for this from my various open decks, and after a couple tries, it moves quite nicely. Definitely worth the price!