Arguably the most convincing - and simple - means of performing a sealed billet reading act.
There has always been a consistent demand for a good billet reading routine that can be presented under practically any circumstance, yet has sufficient effectiveness to accomplish its purpose. This method, we feel, meets these requirements most effectively. The means of presentation are varied and elastic. For instance, unprepared envelopes and slips of paper are passed to spectators to write their questions and name thereon. These are folded by any spectator and sealed within the envelopes. The envelopes are collected in a clear glass bowl and placed on a table in front of the performer, whose eyes are covered by a heavy blindfold. Individual sealed envelopes are placed to the forehead of the performer, at which time he calls the name of the writer and answers their questions. This is continued until all questions are answered.
- The twice-folded question slips need not be sealed.
- No special gimmicked apparatus is required.
- No chemicals.
- No impression methods.
- Can be used with a single assistant, or may be presented as a one man feature without blindfold.
- Study, practice or skill unnecessary. You are ready to work any time.
- Can be presented almost immediately.
- The actual question slips and envelopes may be returned to the spectators immediately after the presentation.
- No two-person code.
- No special pens, paper, or window envelopes.
- Black envelopes can be used, if desired (or no envelopes at all).
- No electronics.
- This method has been fooling the public for several years, and now in its improved form is even greater and more sensational.
Used extensively by mediums, mentalists and theatre, club and platform performers.
Full routine, with latest and up-to-date improvements, and lecture. Includes additional content available only in this digital edition. Highly recommended.
Are you a Nelson collector? This manuscript was listed as No. 44 in the Nelson Enterprises catalog.
"This technique was responsible for lining more than one medium's pocket with dollars." - Upton Sinclair, author of The Psychic Mafia
1939 edition; PDF 26 pages.
word count: 7834 which is equivalent to 31 standard pages of text