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Bobby Bernard

Bobby Bernard

(London, England: 19th March 1931 - 10th November 2014)

Stage name of Bernard Samuel Lerner since 1946, aka "Bernard Vincent" for mental act (1948 only). Learned magic in 1936 visiting Davenport's, later lessons from Edward Victor and Graham Adams. Stage and film actor (since 1947) and teacher of stagecraft. Also pro performer and teacher of magi, specializing in close-up, mentalism, plus a costume act as "Isaac Fawkes". Magic collector. 1969 British Ring Conventioneers Trophy.

Invented Magic Mirror (1954) and Bernard Coin Box (1961).

Coauthors: Lewis Ganson

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Bestselling Products for Bobby Bernard


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Bobby Bernard
Magic in Miniature by Bobby Bernard

A lecture in the art of close-up magic.

Excerpt from the introduction by Val Andrews:

One of the most interesting "characters" in the London Magic Scene, as well as being one of the most good-natured men I've ever met.... that's Bobby. A great magical enthusiast, a great talker, the centre of every gathering he attends (though not of his own choosing).... that's Bobby.

Always he has retained this keeness for what he calls "Magic in Miniature" and this has been the one anchor of an otherwise erratic young man.

His great enthusiasm, for practically everything, and his willingness to perform his...

★★★★ $15
Bobby Bernard
Bobby Bernard's Magic Clinic by Bobby Bernard

This is not a lecture - it is a clinic.

This is one of the first magic videos Martin Breese released. It was produced by Duncan Trillo and features Bobby Bernard teaching a number of great close-up moves and effects. Compared to today's slick videos this is a minimalistic low budget production. Occasionally you can even hear cars and traffic noises in the background. But what it lacks in slickness it has in spades in terms of teaching value for the magician. Bobby Bernard was a legendary magician and as this video demonstrates also a great teacher. I could watch him all day.

  • Introduction by Bobby Bernard ...
★★★★★ $12
Bobby Bernard
Tricks, Memories and Advice by Bobby Bernard

Tricks, memories, advice from this fast-talking genius of magic. The most perfect example of misdirection by John Ramsay is described in detail.

This was the very first Martin Breese Magicassette ever produced. It was among the best selling tapes Martin published over many years. And it is now available as immediate and convenient MP3 download.

Whether you are a relative beginner or consider yourself an experienced performer, Bobby Bernard's critical experience and teaching ability will offer you a great deal. For the absolute beginner in magic this is the perfect recording. It tells...

★★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson & Bobby Bernard
Bernard's Lesson on Dice Stacking Teach-In by Lewis Ganson & Bobby Bernard

Bobby Bernard teaches you how to stack dice featuring Bobby's presentation of School for Croupiers. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

If you prefer video instructions over photos and explanatory text we recommend Learn the Basics and for sophisticated tricks Mr. Dice Stacking and Friends.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1979; original 23 pages; PDF 27 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. The Materials Needed for Dice Stacking
  5. - THE DICE
  6. - THE CUP OR...
★★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson & Bobby Bernard
Bernard's Lesson on Coin Magic Teach-In by Lewis Ganson & Bobby Bernard

Bobby Bernard teaches palming, sleights, stratagems, and T. Nelson Downs' Coin Star. Photographed and written by Lewis Ganson. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1978 by Supreme; original 35 pages; PDF 43 pages.

  1. Introduction
  2. The Coins
  3. The Hands
  4. Palming A Coin
  5. Thumb Grip
  6. Stretch Palm
  7. Crease Palm
  8. After Ramsay
  9. Production In The Air
  10. Double Production
  11. The Miser's Misers Dream
  12. The Spellbound Move
  13. The Hummer...
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