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Bongo's Bazaar: an evening of pongolian rubbish
by Ali Bongo


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Bongo's Bazaar: an evening of pongolian rubbish by Ali Bongo

These are lecture notes that provide a quick summary of effects that were presented at the lecture. While the descriptions are brief, most provide enough details for the average magician to get the idea.

  1. Blendo Bag
  2. The Blooming Bush
  3. Flower Production One
  4. Flower ProdUCTION TWO
  5. Bongoloon
  6. Balloon Valve
  7. Card Fantastick
  8. Ring Rope And Hat
  9. Ring Off Rope
  10. Wedding Bowls
  11. Witch Switch
  12. The Mouse In The Bag
  13. Holy Hanky
  14. Chain Of Office
  15. The Blooming Stooge
  16. Fortune In The Flames
  17. Button Bag & Blackboard
  18. Clarence
  19. Coins Across For Children
  20. Coins Across - Impromptu
  21. Coins Across With Bongotray
  22. Three And Sympathy
  23. Magic Paint Book
  24. Pongolian Farewell

1st edition ~1975; PDF 12 pages.
word count: 2922 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text


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